
Saturday, September 8, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

Well if you visited my blog earlier this morning you would see that I didn't have this post finished. I came back and fixed it.

Saturday- Zumba and 3 treadmill miles. On a whim, I decided to go to Zumba on Saturday morning. ZumbawithCat does a class at Fountainblu Skating rink at 9am. It's only $5. First class with her is FREE in case you want to try it out. Cat is my favorite Zumba instructor. If you want a high intensity workout and fun dance moves, check her out. She also provides modifications for certain moves. For instance, I don't do squats, so she demonstrates I can do a knee tuck instead.

The treadmill seems to keep my body feeling good during and after my runs, so I am trying it out. Yes, it is boring. But another pro of the treadmill is that it is cooler in the gym so I can run nearly a minute faster per mile than I can outside.

Sunday- 3 miles and an epic deck of cards workout. My back and lower body felt fine during my run. Maybe my stretching is working. I even did it outside because I just did not feel like going to the gym. Here is my doc workout... it took me nearly 31 min!

Spades- jump rope x10 (4 of spades = 40 rotations)
Hearts- burpees
Diamonds- 10 bicycle crunches and 6 push ups (no matter what the number on the card was)
Clubs- mountain climbers + donkey kicks (so 3 of spades is 3 mtn climbers AND 3 donkey kicks

Monday- 3 EXTREMELY HOT AND HUMID MILES and a less intense deck of card workout. Back felt fine. Guys, I can't put into words how bad the weather was at only 10am. The sweat was just pouring off of me. I was soaked. Here is and ugly picture I took while I was stretching after I was done...

Tuesday- 2 deck of card workouts and 20 minutes of stretching, foam rolling. My back didn't hurt at all, even after standing/walking around all day at work. But, I took Kristina's advice and wore sneakers at work! So I wonder if my back is feeling better due to my stretching or due to the sneakers? 

Wednesday- 5 miles. Did not feel good.

Thursday- Lifting at the gym.

Friday- 2 miles and a deck of cards workout.

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Did you decide to run your race today?

    1. I drove an hour to the rest, lined up in my corral, then with one minute left before the start, I walked back to my car. Shittiest morning ever.

    2. Oh no!! Megan -- I'm sorry girl.

  2. I actually did Zumba for the first time this week. There were several instructors and one I could easily follow but the others I did not care for. I'm not sure Zumba is for me.

    1. It's not for everyone. Instructors are very different, it was cool you got to try out a couple at least. It probably gives you a better idea that it's not your thing.
