
Friday, September 7, 2018

Things I Love About My Colleagues (Friday 5)

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, I'm going to tell you 5 Things I Love About My Colleagues!

(In case you are a new reader, some background: I teach elementary music at a medium sized public school in Central Pennsylvania!)

1. They are FUNNY! Humor is a great way to make it through a stressful school day or to just simply connect with people. I work with a group of people who love to joke around and have fun.

2. They have your back. Whether you need help in your work life or your personal life, the faculty at my school comes together in tough times. I can't tell you how many times they have truly touched my heart with their caring for me and Paul.

3. They care about the students and our school. This probably goes without saying. But truly, when your child is in our school, they are in the best of hands with caring adults.

4. They give good advice. I learn so much every day from my colleagues! Whether they have been teaching for 30 years or they are a first year teacher, everyone brings a unique perspective and brings something different to the table. Our school is stronger for it!

5. They are forgiving. We all have bad days. We all mess up. But we also forgive each other and move forward, because that's what FAMILIES do!

Me with some of my colleagues this summer. "The Basement Bunch"!

I'm so lucky I work with such a fun and caring group of people! We truly are a FAMILY!

What do you love about your colleagues?


  1. Wow, it's awesome to have such great colleagues! It really can make all the difference.

  2. You are so lucky! for the most part, I like my colleagues too!

  3. Co-workers can make or break one's work experience. I have a great bunch of peeps at my job, too...totally makes "getting to the office" less of a chore when you look forward to hanging with (mostly) fun people all day ;-)

  4. Co workers definitely make coming to work enjoyable. I know after being with students for so many hours I definitely welcome adult Interaction!

  5. The thing I love best about my colleagues is that they are all good at what they do and pull their own weight. I've worked with people before that are lazy or in a position they weren't a good fit for (to put it kindly) and that has made my job 10X harder. We also all share basically the same political beliefs so it's nice to talk through current issues with them!

  6. My colleagues and I are going through a rough patch at work with management wanting a restructure, and not knowing what they want with the change. It's good to know I'm not the only one stressing out about it.

  7. I am so thankful for my colleagues! I have formed so many wonderful friendships in my 22 years at HPE! I don't think I would be doing this job without all of them.

  8. you are really lucky to have such a great group of friends at work. I love this!

  9. I get along well with my coworkers too. That makes for an enjoyable day! I like them because they understand geeky tech talk ;)

  10. Sounds like you have a great group of coworkers -- and that helps take the work out of work!

  11. Aw, what a wonderful post! I'm so glad you get along with your colleagues. It's so important to have that kind of support at work.

  12. Sounds like you have a great group of colleagues! I mostly like mine, but I work from home, so we only communicate online.
