
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Tuesday: A much better day!

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Guys, today was a much better day! It started off with a very rainy run, but it was still enjoyable. 

I was worried about my back hurting on the road (it seems to do better on the trail) but obviously I can't run trail in the dark morning hours. However, there's a big athletic field beside a middle school near my house and I would have loved to run the perimeter of that (it's a half mile) but in the dark, I just didn't feel comfortable. What a bummer. It sucks to be scared to run certain places in the dark!

Lately, I have been hungry for non breakfast food for breakfast, so I made these little cucumber bites. It's German rye bread, mayo, cucumbers, and paprika. 

I was so excited to eat them, however, as I backed out of the driveway, I totally dropped them ALL OVER ME. There was mayo and cucumbers all over my cute outfit! I ate the three squares that fell on me but had to ditch the squares that fell on the floor of my car. I also had to go inside and scrub the mayo and paprika off me. There was no time to change!

Random: I was glad to get an alert on my phone to inform me Bill Cosby was sentenced to 3-10 years and state prison. He deserves to be punished for the many women he victimized throughout his life.

My students were mostly very well behaved today, which made it a very fun, relaxing day... as relaxing as teaching elementary school can be, that is!

Then I had piano lessons after school. I only have 5 students right now but I really love teaching all of them. I love connecting with my piano students one on one. I hope when they grow up, they remember me as a crazy, funny, piano teacher.

Well, now that my piano lessons are over and I wrote this post, I can pour a glass of pinot grigio and watch Jack Tapper. I love Jake Tapper!
Did you ever have cucumber squares like these?

Do you like Jake Tapper? What about Anderson? Wolf Blitzer cracks me up... on his show, he acts like everything is BREAKING NEWS!!!!

How was your Tuesday?


  1. I've never had a cucumber sandwich/squates like that. Are those cucumbers from your garden?

    Glad your day went better. Isn't it crazy to think about how our students will see us /think about us when they become adults? WE are going to be the old ladies in their eyes like our teachers were to us..haha.

    1. I wish they were from my garden! I did not get a single cuke this year. :( It was too hot and rainy, according to my mother.

      YES we will be the old ladies! I already feel like an old lady with these back problems hahaha.

  2. Ugh...I hate when I spill food on myself! Out of the three you mention, Anderson is probably my favorite! I love The Ridiculist so much!

    1. Wait, is The Ridiculist AC segment? These days he starts everything with "keeping them honest". I love him. He is hot, except when he giggles hahaha.

  3. Eh, I'm not really a cucumber person but sometimes I want non-breakfast foods in the morning too. It stinks to dump your food on you which is why I hate eating in front of the TV or in a car. Also, I don't want the food to get on my couch or on my car seats.

    1. Well there is now dried mayo in my car I did not clean up yet because it is between my seats and it's going to be a BITCH!!!!

      I think you could make these with tomatoes instead of cukes if that makes them sound appetizing?

  4. I can eat breakfast any time of the day. I also rarely eat while driving because I know I would make a mess.

    1. I'm normally so good at eating/driving. Today, I was humbled.

  5. German rye bread is the BEST and it keeps you full. Don't tell me that whole grains are bad for me, they're not LOL

    1. I agree! It was savory and filling and delish! I think I will have it for dinner. :)
