
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Oh what a day!

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Normally, I like Mondays because I don't teach piano lessons after work, which means when I'm done, I'm DONE. However, today was soooooooo busy.

I am really questioning whether I should have taken on teaching band instruments this year. I haven't even started lessons yet and all of my free time is spent contacting parents, making sure kids have instruments, printing out materials, and making sure I'm prepared to teach the lessons. (When I say "free time", I mean the time I normally spend writing lesson plans FOR MY NORMAL JOB THAT ALREADY TAKES UP ALL OF MY TIME!!!!)

I envisioned having at most 5 kids in a lesson group, but that's not the way it's working out. Now I am up to 10 trumpets, 7 flutes, and 6 saxophones. The clarinet and trombone numbers are only at 2-3.

Of course I am excited so many kids are interested in band, but I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to teach 10 beginning trumpet players during their first 20 minute lesson. That's soooooo many kids!!!!

On a brighter note, once again I got to eat with colleagues and they listened to my vent about my situation. I love my colleagues! What would we do without each other!?

This morning I tried the stair climber at the gym. I climbed over 50 flights in 10 minutes! It was a workout and I was scared I'd fall because I really jacked up the speed.

I'm currently on hold with my insurance company to make sure they cover direct access to physical therapy. Then I'm going to schedule and assessment with a physical therapist. I'm not saying I am going to go to physical therapy, but I want assessed to have some insight into what's wrong with me.

Okay, time eat dinner, pet my cat, and watch the news. How depressing. But I like to be informed.

Did you ever do the stair climber?
Do you like Mondays?


  1. Eating lunch with co-workers is crucial!! My office moved late last year and one of the things that they added was a big ol' kitchen with lots of seating, so I can usually count on a few people being in there between 12 and 1 every day. Even if I eat quickly and run back to my desk, it still makes a world of difference to sit there with friendly faces! I'm glad you were able to enjoy that when you needed it!

    1. Yes it is so helpful! That is awesome your office added a room to eat in. I think people need to get out of their work space in some way and connect with others. It helps power through the afternoon.

  2. Usually Mondays are ok as long as it isn't indoor recess (which it had been for like 3 weeks). But yesterday we had to split a class, I had a meeting first thing, student issues and then I lost my substitute for next Monday that I have a personal day scheduled. Ugh! Wish we could have lunch together!

    1. Yes we need a girls night soon! I am actually free this weekend so I am going to hit you up. :)

      Split classes enrage me and they BARELY EVEN AFFECT ME. As a classroom teacher, I would be extremely pissed they can't get a sub. I am sure you are still taking your personal day, right?

  3. I actually don't mind Mondays -- I feel like it's a fresh start to the week. Plus, in the fall/winter there's MNF! I am glad you got to eat w/ your co-workers. For the few hours that I am in the office each week, I enjoy connecting with my co-workers in person (most of my time is spent on the phone with colleagues around the US/India).

    1. Oh Paul was psyched for MNF! He didn't finish the game yet though. He fell asleep. Do you guys DVR?

  4. I dread Mondays when Sunday arrives but then I usually enjoy them once they are here. Like Susan I enjoy a fresh start to the week. It's those annoying mid-week days (Tues - Thurs) that I could do without! Imagine a work week that's just Monday and Friday! Sign me up for that!

    1. I think my least favorite days of the week are Tues and Thurs, so can I just work M, W, F???

  5. I absolutely love the stair climber. I usually put it on level 10-12 and go for an hour but it shuts off after 30 minutes so I use that to take a little water break :).

    I think it's awesome you took on the band/instruments but you have to take care of yourself too. It sounds like those lessons are BIG... 7-10 kids for a 20 minute lesson is a lot. Plus 20 minutes isn't very long when you're learning an instrument. That's long enough to really get warmed up but hardly long enough to get into the meat of a practice like going through the music line by line. I hope it works out for the kids, but you gotta take care of yourself too so you can be a good teacher.

    Here in SC you can see a PT for about a month without a doctor's referral. I think that's a great thing because it saves me from having to get a referral. If you find the right one, I don't think they'd have you coming back constantly for treatments and to watch you do exercises. The thing is, PTs are all different and have different opinions, standards, and methods. I saw your post about chiro but honestly, one of the PTs I saw was more whacked-out than any chiro I've ever talked to. I hope you find someone good in SOME profession who will help with the back pain!

    1. I think I had it around 12 or 13 and I would never be able to go for an hour that long! You go girl!

      I am really going to stress to these kids that they HAVE to practice at home. I am their guide during their lesson, but their hard work is going to happen at home. I need to really give them a pep talk and put them in that mindset. I have to also remind myself that they are there to learn but also have FUN and if I show to them I am stressed, they will NOT have any fun at all. I really just need to chillax. I am thinking of different mindsets and mantras to take on....

      PA is the same as SC as far as direct access but I just wanted to double check with my insurance company because I was afraid the PT place would ask me. I feel good about the phone consult I had with the PT I contacted. He is a runner and his partner is a runner and lifter, so hopefully it works out! Who knows. I always get HOPE when I start PT and then just end it broke it pissed off.

    2. I definitely enjoy that little water break at the 30 minute mark! Also I don't always do it for an hour, just depends on how I feel that day. Usually I start at level 10 and work my way up to 12. If I'm on it for an hour, that is the ONLY workout I do that day- no lifting or yoga or anything else!

      I hope it works out with this PT! I'm hoping the same thing since I started back. It's expensive so hopefully it will only take a few sessions and mostly at-home exercises. I feel like if the PT is nice and knows you're paying cash, they try not to keep you coming back constantly. All the good chiropractors I have ever seen have also prescribed exercises as well- some do that, if you ever choose to go that route (but a lot of them don't do that... )

  6. I dread Mondays on Sunday night but actually they've been going by pretty fast, as has life lately!

    I hope you find a solution to your band dilemma. You'd hate to turn kids away, yet you want to make sure they each "get something" from the lessons. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Sometimes, the idea of a Monday is worse than Monday itself! I know what you are saying... I do not want to turn kids away or not let them play their first instrument of choice, but I also want to make sure they have a quality lesson. I just have to relax and take it lesson by lesson. I did reach out to the middle and HS band teachers to see if they could help out with trumpets so we'll see if that leads anywhere.

  7. That is a lot of kids to teach instruments too! But, I'm sure this will be the hardest part, and it will really pay off once they get the hang of it. The first month was really rough with both of my kids, then they really improved - hopefully you will find the same success. Either way, I bet those kids are thrilled to be making any progress!

    1. You are so right Lisa. This is the hardest part. The beginning. Thank you Lisa! It's good to have the reminder.

  8. I think I've only done the stairclimber once. I need to try it again.
