
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Paul is home!!!!

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Paul is home! He was gone for a bit to visit our friends Bob and Rachel in Vermont. I dropped him off at the Harrisburg Airport before work...

... and by lunchtime, he was in Bobby's big 'ol truck! 

I was very happy Paul got to take a trip, but of course I wish I could have gone too! However, there are lots of things I can do here when Paul is away....

Things I can do when Paul is away:

1. Go to the bathroom with the door open.
2. Listen to my Big Brother spoiler podcasts without headphones.
3. Be SUPER loud when I get up at the ass crack of dawn and get ready for work!

Paul had a great time as well. Not only did he get to hang out with our friends, but he visited good restaurants, breweries, hiked, explored some towns, and cuddled with Pierre. (Their cat!)

Hopefully next time I can go along too.

I missed Pal and I'm glad he's home, but I will be honest, the thing I will miss the most about being by myself is being able to be loud in the morning!
Do you have to be quiet in the morning?
What do you like to do when you're on your own for a few days?

If you live alone, what do you think you'd miss the most if you lived with someone else?


  1. Welcome back Paul!

    I have to be quiet in the morning, I used to hate it, because I want to start my morning listening to NPR, but I'm used to it now.

    I don't know what I would do if I was on my own for a few days... go for really long runs... ? Maybe?

  2. On the rare occasion that I'm alone for a few hours, I like to be lazy! I feel like I should be a good role model when the kids are around, so I keep pretty busy. I would just sit around and read magazines and waste time on my computer I think! :) Or heck, take a nap!! I used to watch the show Super Nanny all of the time, and I think about the commentary she would have when playing back the "spy camera" footage of the parents. I hope she would not look at me and say things like "this Mom bosses her kids around and won't even get up and put her own stuff away!" LOL!!

    1. Oh my gosh! I remember Super Nanny! She made it look so easy! I need Super Teacher. I mean, I know how to deal with most kids, but once kids figure out there is NOTHING I can do to MAKE them do what they are supposed to.... then it's really hard.

  3. Looks like Paul had a fun trip! I actually don't mind when I have the house to myself. I enjoy the quiet time.

  4. Glad Paul is back home.... but I think it can be fun sometimes to have the house to yourself :)
