
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

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Hey, did I ever tell you that my hips have felt GREAT ever since I got that free massage after the Chobot 15k on my birthday!? It's amazing!

Saturday- 10 neighborhood miles. It was hot and I took a two a/c breaks. But I got 'er done! I also tried a new tip from Erica @ Erica Finds. I put a wet headband in my freezer and switched it out during my a/c breaks. It felt so good on my forehead!

Sunday- Lifting @ Planet Fitness. I wrote a post about the exercises I've been doing lately.

Monday- 6 scorching miles. I went out early, but DANG it was hot! Then I went to Zumba later that night. I accidentally went to a "muscle madness" class and the instructor warned us there would be a ton of squats. UH OH! I can't do squats unless I want my ITB to feel like it's on fire. Luckily, the instructor told us that instead of squats, we could lift our knees to our stomach and do a knee tuck. I did loooooots of knee tucks.

Tuesday- 6 more miles. I'm not sore from Zumba, which is kind of crazy.

Wednesday- 8 afternoon miles. I was trying to decide whether to run before my piano lessons or after. I decided to go after so I could take my time and run longer if I felt good. It was really hot, so I took one a/c break.

Thursday- 6 hometown miles. Paul and I spent the day in my hometown of Millersburg. The day started with Paul hiking at the Ned Smith Center and me going for a run. I ran the rail trail into town and then looped down to the river.

 Swinging Bridge

Millersburg Ferry

Friday- THREE deck of card workouts at Planet Fitness. It was epic. This is what I did:

Workout #1

Hearts- jump rope rotations x10
Spades- donkey kicks
Clubs- push ups
Diamonds- bicycle crunches x2

Workout #2

Hearts- burpees
Spades- inverted row
Clubs- mountain climbers

Diamonds- bicycle crunches x2

Workout #3

Hearts- 5 burpees
Spades- 50 jump rope rotations
Clubs- mountain climbers

Diamonds- donkey kicks

So total, I did:

push ups- 99
inverted row- 99
donkey kicks- 198
mountain climbers- 198
burpees- 169
jump rope rotations- 1690
bicycle crunches- 396

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Wow, girl...great workouts! And that deck of cards workout...there are no words! Awesome job, my friend. Of course my week was 3 days of running & walking, 2 days of cycling and 2 days of swimming! 4 weight training sessions. I am really boring because most weeks this is what my training looks like!
