
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sunday Funnies

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Do they still have the Sunday Funnies? I guess they're called the comics, but my grandpa always called them "The Funnies".

Today, I just have some funny memes for you. I'm feeling lighthearted this weekend. I hope when if these can make you spit out your coffee this morning!

Perhaps I should explain this one. PA just really relaxed their fireworks laws.
Which means, it sounds like a war zone in our neighborhood every single night.

Okay, how about some inspiring memes now?

And perhaps the most important image you will see...

If you are not registered to vote and you don't live in PA, now is a good time to get online and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Have a great Sunday!

Are you registered to vote?


  1. I love the crown meme.

    Oh and about the 7 year olds using the iphone, when I was at Disney there was a baby next to us at a restraunt we were at. He was in a stroller and I made. Comme t to my sister how content he was. Here he was playing a game on an iphone!!!!! Seriously, he could not have eve. Been 2 years old!

  2. I LOVE that spell, too. Tumblr textposts are my favorite!

    1. The funny political stuff I like is from reddit. :) /politicalhumor

  3. LOL this was great and gave me a good laugh. Thanks for posting!

  4. Megan - My mom calls them "the funnies" too! I love it! and i love that 1st crown meme too! I also like that faculty meeting one too. that could apply to our staff meetings as well ! YES! i am and always will be registered to vote. Kristen

    1. I love the crown one too! Reminds me to be a better person.
