
Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday 5: Happier

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Hey all! It's rare I give you a podcast recommendation because most of the ones I listen to are about current events or true crime. But I finally have a podcast that I think many of my readers would enjoy! It was recommended to me by my friend Cat. I'm so glad she told me about...

Happier with Gretchen Rubin.

From what I have gathered, Gretchen and her sister, Elizabeth, do two podcasts a week. One is about 35-45 minutes long and the other is a short one, less than 5 minutes. I have not listened to the mini podcasts, only the long ones.

Each episode, Gretchen and Elizabeth talk about a strategy you can try to be happier. They call it a Happiness Hack. One of Gretchen's main mantras is "Outer order, inner calm." As in... if everything outside you is in order, it brings you calmness on the inside. THIS MANTRA SPEAKS TO ME. This is like, exactly how I operate! 

So far, my favorite Happiness Hack from a Happier podcast is "Question your limiting beliefs." Meaning, do you have a belief about your life that you think is true, but in actuality, it is not? Or maybe it's not? Would you be happier if you let go of this limiting belief?

For a long time, I thought I would never fly. I was scared to fly and flying was expensive. So I would just be one of those people who didn't fly anywhere. It was a limiting belief of mine.

Then for some reason I thought... well, what if I just FLEW? Then what???? Would I be happier?

Well, if you have been reading my blog for the past couple years, you know that the answer is YES. Letting go of my limiting belief that I couldn't fly has enabled us to travel to so many BEAUTIFUL places, and thus, I am happier for it.

If I never flew, I would not have been able to run at Mt. Tamalpais in California!

I'm still afraid to fly, but I do it.

I can't wait to listen to more of Gretchen's podcasts! I think I found a good one!
Give me a podcast rec!
Do you have any limiting beliefs?
Do you subscribe to the belief of "Outer order, inner calm"?


  1. I love Gretchen Rubin! I've gotten away from podcasts recently as I've started listening to the Harry Potter books, but I'll be back. One of her happiness hacks that I've been implementing lately is to say 'Thank you for X' instead of 'I'm sorry for Y'. For example, "Thank you for doing so much around the house while I've been working overtime" instead of "I'm sorry I've been working so late lately." It's a small thing but it helps me remember to acknowledge other people's contributions and also stops me from over-apologizing for things, which I tend to do.

    I've listened to a few episodes of Other People's Problems, where you get to listen in on therapy sessions. It's interesting!

    1. That happiness hack is awesome! Thank you for sharing it. I'm going to use that at home and at work. Other People's Problems sounds interesting. Is it dramatic, funny, both? Have a great weekend, Laura!

  2. I like Laura's suggestion! Always good to put a positive spin on things!

  3. I almost never listen to podcasts. I'm not a multitasker that often, so most of the time I just don't have 45 minutes to listen to something (and I run without music).

    Well, I definitely believed I couldn't run for the majority of my life. :)

    1. I'm glad you questioned that limiting belief!

  4. I love podcasts and listen to them all the time.

    Usually I listen to running ones. But thanks for the recommendation.

    1. You're welcome! Ironically, I never listen to running podcasts!

  5. I have heard her speak on other podcasts and I love her message but I can't listen to her voice. Ugh, that makes me sound so mean, huh?

    1. I hate it when that happens. Many podcast that sound amazing, I have quit because of that.

    2. That is funny because I REALLY like Gretchen's voice! But I totally get why someone would NOT like it. It's definitely not a neutral sounding voice... And yes I too have had to quit podcasts or barely even start them because I can't stand the person's voice.

  6. Ok, I need to listen to this podcast because I have been looking for something like this. And this mantra you mentioned about order-- so me! I have to remember that one! Glad to have found your blog!

    1. I hope you listen and end up liking it! There are so many in the archives. I put like 15 on my phone but slowly going through them. I have so many podcasts I like!

  7. I don't currently listen to podcasts but I keep meaning to start! Thanks for the recommendation :)

    1. No prob! I think if this was interests you it would be a good one to start with. There's lots of small segments so you don't have to listen to it straight through.

  8. I'm not a podcaster. I've tried, but my mind just wanders. I'd rather read. I did read Gretchen's first book, The Happiness Project. It was interesting!

    1. That's good to know! I have not looked for her books at the library yet but perhaps I should!

  9. I am not really a podcast person but I kind of aspire to be. I've not heard of Gretchen but I like the idea of this. Thanks for the rec!

    1. No prob! If you try it, let me know what you think.

  10. This sounds like a great podcast! All the podcasts I listen to are running related so this sounds like a nice change!

  11. I have not gotten into podcasts. I like to have music if I'm alone (on a run), but otherwise I'm chattering away with whomever will chatter back LOL

  12. Outer order, inner calm. This is exactly why I haven't been calm lately. We are prepping for the beach and everything is in chaos and I am out of control of a lot of things. This podcast sounds really great! I need to listen to them in the car but I still can't figure out how to connect my phone to my car speakers...

    1. Oh you need a cord! I know, you were looking for a less vague answer lol. I'm sure you can google it. Have fun at the beach! I hope you can get organized and feel in control.
