
Friday, July 27, 2018

5 Favorite Zumba / Cardio Dance Videos

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

I went to a couple Zumba classes this summer. I freaking love Zumba! But sometimes I feel like dancing when there isn't a class available for me to attend

That's where Youtube comes in!

These past couple days, I have been trying out some fun Zumba and cardio dance videos. Some are just "eh" and I won't do them again, but others are super fun and I save them to do again.

Today, I'll share 5 Zumba / cardio dance videos I found so far that I really, really like!

~ Que Si, Que No ~

Zumba with Kristine has a ton of videos on Youtube. I really like her style and the intensity of her routines so I am going to find more of her's that I like! In this video, I particularly like the dance combination during the chorus!

~ Born This Way ~

I like this video for two reasons. First of all, I love the song. Second, I feel very sassy when I do the routine. I do alter some of the dance moves during the chorus and the interlude to make it a little more high intensity.

~ Jump Jive and Wail ~

This routine is SO. FREAKING. INTENSE. No modifications to increase the intensity needed.

~ Mamma Mia ~

Who doesn't love some 70s style dancing? I found this routine tricky to catch onto on my first try. I will have to do it a couple more times before I can do it perfectly.

~ Waka Waka ~

The reason I like this video so much is because it is one of the very first Zumba routines I did when I started doing Zumba several years ago at the YMCA. Ah, memories!

If you have a favorite workout video on Youtube, drop the link in the comments! They don't have to be dance related!


  1. I'm not a fan of Zumba, but I love finding workouts on YouTube! Lately I've just been using it for yoga classes, but in the past Ive done spinning and strength training workouts too!

    1. Oh yes I remember recommending our favorite spin video for you. :)

  2. I've never done zumba but I'll check out these videos.

  3. Zumba with Kristine... where is her cameraman/woman standing? You can see the camera move a couple times and the zoom at the beginning but you can't see anyone in the mirror! Conspiracy theory: the person working her camera is a vampire.

    I like Carly Rowena's workouts:

    You'll have to scroll past her most recent videos to get to them. Since she got pregnant she hasn't done a lot of workout videos but her videos from 6+ months ago are good!

    1. That is not even something I thought about! You should know the answer to that, right!?

      Thanks for that rec! I only watched one video so far and I saw something interesting: back burpees lol and something COOL: walking squats! Thanks for the rec girl.

    2. Maybe the camera person is hiding in the balls lol.

  4. I used to do Zumba all the time a few years ago. These videos make me miss it :( I need to get back to doing these classes again.

    1. I hope you get to do that! The vids are fun but not as fun as an actual class.

  5. I went to a Zumba class with my mom once and it was not a good workout for me because I couldn't get the hang of any of the moves! My body does not understand dancing. I retaliated by convincing her to take a Pilates class with me. I only use Youtube for yoga videos - other workouts I prefer to do at my own pace rather than following along with someone.

    1. I have taken Zumba classes that weren't good workouts because the instructor just didn't have routines that were high enough energy. And I can totally see how if you are struggling with steps it would't be fun OR a good workout. I am relatively good at picking up the routines so usually I can just zone out and feel the burn.

  6. I don't think I'm coordinated enough for Zumba. Instead I'll put on my headphones, close the curtains, and just dance.

  7. Oh, it must be so fun to dance to Mama Mia!

    1. Oh yes. I love ABBA! I can't wait to go see the movie. I know it will be ridiculous and fun.

  8. So back in the day when I did step aerobics, I had a dancy step video (VHS and all). It took me FOREVER to learn the routine. I swear the thing had me in tears. So as much as I love the idea of Zumba, dance will never be a part of my cardio.

    1. Aw! It sounds like you worked really hard at it though! I will tell you the part of Zumba I can never get are the body rolls and certain parts where you have to shake your upper body. I am just NOT sexy and can't do that.

  9. I enjoy the Zumba music and the routines look so fun....but my three left feet (at least it feels like there's an extra foot getting tangled up in there LOL) just will not allow me to do the moves. I am painfully uncoordinated and ever so klutzy. UGH. That's why I run long distances...just let me move in one (straight forward) direction LOL

  10. have never done Zumba but it sure looks fun.

  11. My sister used to be a certified Zumba instructor, and she let me borrow one of her ZIN DVDs, my son loved it so she let us keep it. We LOVE that DVD, and we dance it on snow days.

    1. Aw what a great idea! I wonder if your neighbors care? I put the cats in the bedroom when I did it inside, but now I do it in the carport.
