
Friday, June 1, 2018

5 Things I Won't Miss About This School Year

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today is the last day of school for our students! In honor of that, I have 5 things I will not miss about the school year!

1. I will not miss... being interrupted! 

2. I will not miss... getting up at 5:30 every morning! Or putting on make up every day. Maybe next year I will stop wearing makeup to school. What do you think?

3. I will not miss... having to be "on" all day. (Teachers, you know what I am talking about!!!!)

4. I will not miss... waking up at 2am and not being able to fall back asleep because I'm thinking about work. (I'm sure I'll still have sleepless nights during the summer but at least I won't have to get up for work the next day.)

5. I will not miss... THE FLOSS. Guys, I am SO SICK of seeing that stupid dance. It just annoys me

Now of course, I have to include something about the school year that I WILL miss. And it's a BIG something!

#1 Thing I WILL MISS... Seeing the smiling faces and the kindness of the children at our school. The kids at our school are nice, kind, GOOD kids. I will miss seeing them every day and trying to be a positive person in their life.

But now it's time to relax and rejuvenate so I have the energy to do all this again next school year!
When you are on vacation, what do you NOT miss about your job? Is there something you DO miss?

Do you wear make up to work? Why or why not?


  1. Yay for summer! You've earned it and I know you and Paul really take advantage and enjoy all the time you have off! I actually really love my job but I don't miss being in meetings (even though they are not bad). I love the people I work with -- we are spread out worldwide but you get to know people over email, phone, IM and you form great bonds and friendships! I always wear make up unless I am working out or sleeping. I work from home 90% of the time and still get up, dress for work and put on make-up. I just like how I look better when both my hair and make up are done!

    1. Yes we really do take advantage for the most part! Ugh meetings. I think most people who like their jobs never enjoy meetings! That's so interesting that you have been able to create friendships and bonds with people you don't actually physically work with. But then again, we are friends long distance, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised! I am impressed you get dressed it fix yourself nice even when working from home. I have a feeling I would be in my jammies all day.

    2. I am NEVER in jammies all day. I actually can't stand it. But I know a ton of people that love it. I dress at home how I dress when I go into the office (OK, maybe sometimes I wear cut offs and a Pink Floyd yesterday. LOL)

    3. That's awesome! Even if I do wear my jammies all day, I still get a shower and put on CLEAN jammies.

  2. Do you enjoy wearing make up? The kids are so out of control with the floss, it's hilarious!

    I hope you enjoy your summer vacation! You deserve it!

    I don't wear make up, only on special holidays. And i will not miss homework and packing lunches.

    1. I bet you are so excited to not have to deal with homework and lunches!

      I like that make up covers my bad skin and makes me look a little prettier but... I'm just at an elem school. Does it really matter what I look like? I'm contemplating buying better make up but only wearing it on special occasions...

  3. I think some of our first graders were doing the Floss the other day. Where did that come from? I'm glad I haven't been seeing it at the middle school.

    Enjoy your summer!

    1. I had to google it. Katy Perry sang on SNL (I don't know what song) and a kid called The Backpack Kid did the floss during the song. So stupid! Now it's part of the Fortnite dance which is an EXTREMELY inappropriate video game.

    2. Oh our Middle School kids are ALL ABOUT Fortnite. They talk about it all the time. They are banned from playing it on their ipads (all video games are banned) but they will sit and watch Youtube videos of other people playing it (youtube is not banned). But we have to stop that too. I have no idea what Fortnite even is. I assumed it was inappropriate though.

  4. Woohoo for the last day of school! I have so much respect and admiration for teachers - you all deal with a lot! Enjoy your much deserved summer break!

    1. Thank you! It is a hard job and but very fulfilling. I'm glad I'm a teacher but I am also thankful for summer break!

  5. When I'm on vacation, I don't miss having to get up early. It's different if I just wake up early, but then I can take my time and I don't have to start getting ready. I can stay in my PJs and watch mindless TV.

    1. Oh yeah, it's totally different when on vacation! Even if I get up at like 6 in the summer... I can still do whatever I want!

  6. I had to share your floss comment to my kids. We all laughed! :) I'm at an age now that I like to wear makeup every day. Otherwise I look like I'm asleep! By "makeup" I just mean mascara and eyeliner, blush. If I'm going all out, I'll "put on my eyebrows" - my eyebrows are also another sad casualty of being blond, and older! Where did they go??

    1. I'm glad your kids liked my true feelings on The Floss! I have the opposite problem... my hair is dark so I try hard to get rid of my hair! I need my eyebrows and lip waxed pretty badly! I don't look good without makeup. I look ill.

  7. Hmm I don't know what the floss is -maybe it has not hit over here yet? I hope you really enjoy your summer off!

    1. Thanks Deborah! And in regards to the floss, be thankful you don't know what it is!

  8. I work from home so if I'm wearing makeup, it's only because I left the house at some point to put on makeup. Usually in the mornings I am not wearing it but I work out at lunch, then shower/clean up and put some on. I would hate to have a job where I had to look a certain way... I think if I ever do work outside of the house I'd want to work at a job that had uniforms just so I wouldn't have to worry about matching outfits each day!

    Hooray for your summer starting! You deserve some sleeping in too!

    1. I guess I wouldn't mind uniforms either as long as they were comfy! Luckily where I work I don't have to look a certain way. I mean I have to look "professional" but at an elem. school you can get away with a lot more than if you worked at a high school!

  9. I would miss my patients if I wasn't working. They are what bring to my job every day. Of course, there are a few who suck the life out of me, but isn't that what happens with everyone?

    What is the floss?

    1. Yes! Same with the students! You miss most of them except the few that are just so difficult. The floss is a STUPID dance that kids do ALL. THE. TIME. Youtube it.

  10. Thanks you for giving of your heart and sole in your classroom. I have learned it's one thing to have patience and love for one's own children, but not always easy to have it for other peoples' kids LOL

    1. Well I don't have my own kids but I try to remind myself every day that the kids I teach are someone else's WHOLE WORLD.

  11. Happy last day of school! Enjoy the long, hot summer ahead. What is it what that dang floss? Kids can't seem to stand without doing it.

    1. I know! And I hate being the grumpy music teacher that doesn't want them to dance, but there is a time and place. In line waiting to go into the hallway? No flossing, please. In line to come into music class? No flossing please. Standing on the stage at our chorus concert? NO FLOSSING. Augh I am so over it.

  12. OMG, I don't even know what the Floss is! I'm so old and out of the loop! I wear very little make up any more -- it started to irriate my eyes.

    1. The only reason I know what it is is because of the kids!

  13. #5!!! Oh my gosh, you are SO right about that one. Also--I will not miss talk about FORTNITE!!

    1. P.S. Have an AMAZING summer! You deserve it. :)

    2. Thanks Jessica! I hope you have an amazing summer too! I don't know much about Fortnite but from what I hear, my Elem school students SHOULD NOT be playing it... but many of them do. :(

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  15. I can see how it's nice to get a break from kids... they can be exhausting (but then also awesome!). I think I mentioned that my sister is an Elementary school teacher and she feels the same way.

    I do wear make-up at work, but I don't wear much to begin with so it's not a big deal. I just feel better when I put myself together in the morning... otherwise I would go unshowered and feel blah. LOL

    1. I don't think I knew your sis taught elem! It is exhausting but fulfilling. I'm thankful for the time to recharge.

      I understand about feeling put together in the morning. I wonder if I stop wearing makeup if I will have that feeling.
