
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Weekly Workouts

The week started with a race and the rest of the week was just taking it easy on the running to rest up!

Saturday- Ultra Race of Champions 25k (actually 17 miles.) The race was gorgeous. I felt amazing until a huge climb from miles 9-11. Then it was a struggle-fest. Race recap here. I had a lot of fun, which was the main goal.

Sunday- Rest/lots of walking. Paul and I walked around the UVA campus in the morning, then did a lot of walking around the grounds of Monticello later that day. It felt good to move my body but I was very sore from my race and had no interest in going for a run.

Monday- Lifting upper body. Due to being sick and then being away for the weekend, I hadn't lifted in over a week! Chrissy hijacked my towel, as usual. My legs were still sore from the race but not nearly as bad.

Tuesday- 6 neighborhood miles. It's been awhile since I clocked 6 in my hood! It was a very enjoyable, slow run. Most of my soreness was gone. My right achilles was a little tight later on, which annoyed me because I stretch my calves daily to prevent achilles problems as well as plantar fasciitis.

I saw one of our neighborhood white squirrels on my run!

Wednesday- 2 deck of cards workouts. I wanted to do something that would rest my achilles more than running would. This workout was perfect. I didn't feel my achilles at all but did some calf stretches and foam rolling just to stay on top of things.

Thursday- 5 neighborhood miles + mini deck of cards. My run felt great, albeit slow. My achilles was fine but I stopped at 5 miles because I didn't want to press my luck. I'd rather stop when I feel good than when something starts to ache. Since I had a little extra time left, I did a mini deck of cards, which means I took out all the hearts (which would be either burpees or jump rope rotations) and left in diamonds, clubs, and spades. So I did donkey kicks, bicycle crunches, and mountain climbers. Wow, it is hard to do mountain climbers after a 45 minute run!

Friday- Lifting Upper Body at home. Nothing to write home about. Still lifting light due to my shoulder being weird.

How were your workouts this week?
Have you ever seen a white squirrel?


  1. O wow, I have never seen a white squirrel. When we were younger my dad would always callous over the the window when there was a BLACK squirrel out in the yard because he said they were rare. My sister and I laugh about it now because we see black squirrels there quite often. (Or perhaps it's been the same one all these years...haha).

    1. That's funny! I don't think I have ever seen a black squirrel. I never saw white squirrels until I came to this neighborhood and this is the only place I have ever seen them.

  2. Interesting that you ran with a bear bell at your race! But good idea :) We have been having bear discussions lately with our upcoming Yellowstone trip. I guess we are buying bear spray, and talked about bells too. I think I have something that would be a bear bell. Wonder if just cowbells would be the same? I have a ton of those! We don't have white squirrels around here, just grey ones and an occasional black one.

    1. I think having four people together will be key in staving off bear attacks. They would prefer not to have a fight. Plus, you will be talking and making noise because you will be all together, so that will warn them you are coming and you will retreat. I feel like the bear bell is helpful when there's just one person not talking and making noise. The bear bell hooks to you and jingles as you move, whereas you would have to actively hit a cowbell, which could be annoying. My bear bell was only $3.99!
