
Friday, May 18, 2018

15 Years of Running (Friday 5)

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

For today's Friday 5, I have a short, less than 5 minute blog for your to read.

I've been running regularly for 15 years. During my race on Saturday, I was alone in the woods with my thoughts for several hours. As I was running, I felt very thankful for the many years of running I have experienced. 

Running is an activity that I love and it has enhanced my life in so many ways. Running makes me stronger mentally and physically. Running has given me great friendships. Running has led me to interesting and beautiful places. Basically, running is an activity that has made my life so full.

Having 15 years of running in the bank has helped my actual running performance in a myriad of ways. But the skill I am most thankful for is the ability to know my body, the wisdom to listen to it, and the strength to make adjustments when needed. 

Being in tune with my body makes me able to know what feels right and what feels wrong. I know when I can push myself and when I need to hold back. I think in the past couple years I have become more of a cautious runner (aka, not running through aches and pains and erring on the side of rest) but that's okay with me. I want to run forever, and I have to take care of my body if I want to do that.

As much as I love running, running doesn't define me. Yes, I am a RUNNER, but I am so many other things as well. I'm a teacher, wife, cat mom, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, puzzler, lifter, helper, performer, musician, singer... the list goes on. I don't need to be known as "the runner". In fact, when people think of me, I hope the fact that I'm a runner isn't the first thing that comes to mind. I hope that when they think of me, they think of me as a nice person, a helper, a friend, and a teacher.

I guess this post was all over the place today!
How has running enhanced your life?
What skills have you gained from your running experience?
What other things are you besides a runner?


  1. Great thoughts!I've had similar ones over the past few months. I know I don't spend as much time running as you do, but it still takes up a lot of my time and lately I've been thinking about other passions of mine I'd like to spend more time on. I feel as perhaps I've already gotten what I needed out of running and now it's time to move on and accomplish other goals in life but running is hard to give up!

    1. Well it can be an ebb and flow, right? You don't need to give up running if you enjoy it, but adjusting how much time you put into different hobbies is something we can do throughout our lives. Things become more or less important just depending on where we are. But that's the great thing about having a lot of interests. And running will always be there. The road will always be there. :)

  2. Lovely Insight! I have learned to listen to injuries and give myself rest when needed!

    1. I hate to say it but I think that wisdom comes with getting older!

  3. I've been a runner forever (over 25 years) and running has enhanced my life in more ways than I can count. The benefits spill over into my life as a mom, a wife, a nurse practitioner, and a friend.

    1. You are such a strong runner and have so much experience, Wendy! I also know you're very well rounded too with your lifting. :)

  4. Yes it's amazing how running can change and influence our lives in so many ways. Congrats of 15 years of enjoying it!

    1. Thanks! I have definitely enjoyed it more than I have hated it. :)

  5. I have been running for about 30 years now. When I did the mental calculation to type that, I almost couldn't believe I did the math right! Running doesn't define me, but it's part of who I am. I think running has made me a better wife, mother, friend, teacher, sister, aunt, etc. It changes us (mostly) for the better by giving us confidence and leasing us to adventure. Can't imagine a better way to spend a weekend day than running through the woods! :)

    1. Oh my gosh, me neither! I think trail running/hiking really gives such a sense of adventure. When I first tried trail running, I hated it, but now I love it!

  6. I definitely think running makes us better... people. In all our roles- spouses, children, workers, friends, family members, etc. I've been following your blog for a few years and it's fun to see your running evolve into what it is; I know you've run everything from marathons and Boston to trail races and it's neat that you're still running and finding new ways to enjoy it.

    1. Thanks, Amy! My running had definitely been an ebb and flow. I'll go from road races to trail races, to saying I'll never do road again and then I do it again... I guess I have learned with running also is to never say never. The terrain, distance, speed, how hard I train just ebbs and flows with what I'm feeling.

  7. 15 years is so amazing!! I am so glad that I found your blog and have gotten to meet you! If I never started running, I wouldn't have met you, and so many other great people!

    1. I'm glad I found your blog too and got to meet you! So many of my "running" friend turned into just "normal" friends!

  8. Love this post! I think the biggest thing running has taught me is to be patient and trust the process. Understand it doesn't always make sense and to listen to my body! I consider myself a tri-athlete but I guess more than that, an athlete--I run, I walk, I swim, I bike, I row, I hike, I yoga, I lift. Next year I want to try x-country skiing (used to downhill ski when I was younger). I am learning that moving my body, getting fresh air is THE MOST important part of my workout. So, if not running, then I find another way. As long as I can be in nature! I am a wife, a friend, a program manager, a baker, a sports fanatic and an avid movie goer!

    1. I love that running gets me out in nature too! If I ever had to stop running I would drag my weights outside!

  9. I think running gives us confidence that spills over into every aspect of our lives. Congrats on 15 years!

  10. I've probably be running for about 15 years as well- although my running has changed so much over the years! I think the longer Ive done it the more Ive gotten out of it.

    1. Mine has changed a lot too! For everything there is a season...
