
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Catching up.

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Hello everyone! I feel disconnected from the world. A stomach bug took me out of the game for several days. I was in my bed for two days straight.

Thank goodness I had my kitties to keep me company. It's hard to describe how comforting it is to have a pet next to you when you're feeling crappy. If you have pets, I'm sure you understand. Feeling Jelly at my feet, hearing Chrissy snoring (yes, he snores really loud!) and just the presence of life around me felt so comforting.

When I was feeling the worst, I didn't care about anything. But as I started to feel better and could eat and drink little amounts, I was motivated to try to get hydrated and strong as fast as possible so I can have a successful race on Saturday at the Ultra Race of Champions in the Blue Mountains of Virginia. (My definition of success is completing the 25k trail race strong and happy. No time goal.)

I did absolutely nothing from Sunday-Wednesday. On Tuesday, I focused on drinking small amounts of water regularly and eating enough food. I even went for a short walk in the afternoon to wake up my muscles. (I laid in bed for 2 days straight so I didn't want to go from zero to running without something in between!)

So between resting my hammy and getting the stomach bug, I have pretty much been on a super taper for two weeks before the race. I ran, but very little. It doesn't worry me because I have had such a good running base for so long. Running 15 miles on the trail "for fun" on Saturday should be no problem. 

(Ummmmm okay, I just looked up the course map and it says the 25k is 17.5 miles. I thought 15.5 miles was 25k? Allllrighty then...)

I mostly just hope I am able to eat and drink enough in the days leading up to the race to have the energy to have a good time. That's the only part I am worried about. Because as I type this on Wednesday afternoon, I still haven't eaten much at all. My stomach is hungry- believe me, it's making noises and eating itself from the inside out- but nothing sounds appetizing.

In the meantime, I am happy to be in the land of living again! I'm not out there full force yet, but I made it through one work day. Just barely...


  1. I hope your body benefited from these rest days and that it gets you through race day on Saturday.

    I understand the thing about the pets for sure!

    1. Thanks Meranda! Yes I know you know how comforting it is to have our fur babies for company.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling a little better! I feel like it can take weeks to fully "recover" from a stomach virus. Even once I'm eating again and better stomach-wise, my workouts and runs still feel a little off for at least a week. Just enjoy the run for what it is and take care of you!

    1. Thanks Amy! I think as long as I have fuel and water the run should be a good time. Thankfully I didn't have any big goals!

  3. Pets always know when you're not feeling well. Allie loves to snuggle, and she's a chest/stomach snuggler. I can't have that when my stomach's hurting, but I accommodate her as much as I can because I want the snuggles too. If I'm in bed, she's at my feet, which is where she is when I fall asleep.

    1. Awww I love the chest/stomach snuggling. Jelly does that from time to time. Doesn't it feel good having them on your feet?

  4. How true that our pets provide us so much comfort. After my surgeries last year Cecil was glued to my side which was especially nice the first couple nights when I couldn't climb the stairs to sleep in the bed - at least he was on the couch with me!

    Do you bring any fuel on-the-run with you during races like this when you're only running for fun?

    1. I'm so glad Cecil was comforting to you! He loves his mommy. :)

      Good question about the food. They have lots of aid stations stocked with food so I am just bringing water and some sports beans for electrolytes due to the fact that it's supposed to be 97! :( If I was RACING maybe I would stick a pbj in my pocket just so I wouldn't have to stop.

  5. I am so sorry you had such a rough time with that stomach virus. And yes, I know what you mean about having our pets around when we are sick (or sad, even). They are so in tune to us! When I had a fracture in my foot this past winter I started to get the blues as the weeks lingered on and the weather was so cold and dreary. Both Rick and I noticed Macy went into a funk too. Isn't that crazy? Go have fun at your trail run!

    1. Wow that is crazy that Macy had the blues with you too. She wants her mommy to be happy. :)

    2. This "When I was feeling the worst, I didn't care about anything" is my exact feeling when I'm sick... nothing really matters when I feel sick.

      I hope you are feeling better!
