
Friday, May 11, 2018

5 Memories of Teachers

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

The Friday 5 format has changed a bit. We can still list "5 Things" on a certain topic, or we can write a short blog post that takes 5 minutes or less to read.

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, I am sharing 5 memories of my teachers.

(I also sprinkled in some unrelated funnies!)

1. I remember my high school gym teacher, Mrs. Baker, teaching us how to get rid of a side stitch when running. She told us to take long, deep breaths in through our nose and out through our mouths. I still do this when I get a side stitch during a race and I always think of Mrs. Baker!

2. I remember when I played the clarinet in a youth band at my friend's church. Mrs. Oyler was our teacher. She was rehearsing music with me and another girl named April. We both played the clarinet. For some reason, me and April were trying to play louder than each other. (Can you think of a worse sound than two clarinetists trying to play the loudest!?) Mrs. Oyler stopped us and said, "You two are having your own little contest to see who can play the loudest, and you are winning." She pointed to me when she said "you". HAHA! I was winning!

3. To this day, I still remember what my third grade teacher, Mrs. Miller, wore on the first day of school: yellow canvas flats, a long white cotton skirt, and a blue and white striped short sleeved shirt with a boat on it. Why I have stored this in my memory, I have no idea...

4. When I was in high school, we had to buy lunch tickets in homeroom. My homeroom teacher, Mrs. Miller, (a different Mrs. Miller) sold the tickets. Whenever hot dogs was on the menu she would say, "It's lips and butts for lunch!"

5. My last memory is a bad memory from college. My voice teacher, Dr. Dietz, told me that if he talked the way I talked, he would never talk again until he learned how to talk correctly. This is all because of how I said the word "on". Sometimes I would say it the correct way, like "ahn", but sometimes I would say it more like someone from Long Island, NY would say it. It's just the way the word was said where I grew up! What Dr. Dietz said really hurt my feelings because I can't help how I talk!

Tell me a memory (good or bad!) from one of your teachers.


  1. Oh my, I can't believe dr. Dietz had enough nerve to say that to you. Also I can't believe Mrs. Miller would say that about hot dogs. That's just gross! I'd really have to dig deep for some school memories. I just don't remember much.Oh, the one I shared from kindergarten sticks out in my mind, when I purposely colored the witch face green and got a bad grade with a note saying I could do better!

    1. Oh Mrs. Miller was HILARIOUS and it was just her personality to be silly like that. She was my favorite teacher in HS because of her humor. She taught me math for a couple years, and even though I didn't like math AT ALL, I liked her class because she made it fun. But yeah, makes you second guess eating a hot dog, doesn't it!? I don't care... sometimes I am in the mood for a disgusting hot dog and I don't care what is in it. :)

      Was your kindergarten teacher mad that you chose the color green or that your coloring wasn't just that great? I was always jealous of other people's coloring. I could stay in the lines, but for some reason, my friend Jaci's coloring still just looked so much better than mine. I asked her for tips in 2nd grade (I remember this!) and she said I had to make sure everything was colored in the WHOLE way. I would leave tiny little white areas. I was never good at art and I have terrible handwriting! Luckily, I teach music and I think music teachers are expected to have bad handwriting. :)

  2. Isn't is so funny the random memories we have of some teachers? Its so weird now to think back on how old I thought my teachers were, and they were all probably younger than I am now!

    1. Right!? I know for a fact I am older than some of the teachers I had. It's crazy.

  3. I remember my creative writing teacher from high school - Mrs. Giamati. She allowed us the freedom to wander the halls and find something interesting to write about. She gave thoughtful, succinct advice on our writing and she offered constructive criticism in the nicest way. The funny thing is, I was not a good English student or writer at all. I spent most of my day in the art room, and I wound up teaching chemistry for more than 30 years. Now I wonder what memories my students have of me!

    1. You know you have a good teacher when it is a subject you're not particularly good at, yet you enjoy the teacher and come away feeling good about the subject area! That is how I feel about gym class. I was soooo lazy in HS and hated getting sweaty. But my gym teacher never made me feel like I couldn't do something and she never gave me a negative attitude toward sports/working out.

      I teach elem. music now and I would love to know what my past students who are now adults think of me!

  4. I was thinking about this topic this week. My all time favorite teacher was my 4th grade teacher, Mrs Considine. She was really interesting. She lived in the country and had goats and would bring their milk to class for us to drink (imagine that happening today!!). She was a wonderful teacher and her dedication sticks in my mind to this day!

    1. She must have been special for you to remember her so fondly! Goat milk!? Yeah, these days there would prob have to be no less than 3 waivers signed by parents for that to happen! :) I don't think I've ever had goat milk. Thanks for sharing, Wendy! Have a great weekend and a great Mother's Day!

  5. Oh you have such fun memories of your teachers growing up. I am not sure I really had a favorite teacher growing up. I have to think about it! Happy Friday

  6. So interesting about your 3rd grade teacher's outfit! Now that you mention it, I can remember how teachers dressed, but I don't have a distinct memory of that outfit. Boo on your speech prof. Accents make things more interesting. ;-)

    1. Haha exactly! And I mean I understand when you sing, you don't want to have those dialects in there, but he was specifically commenting on how I talk, not how I sang a certain word in a song.

  7. In 3rd grade Sister Mary Jean, known for being the meanest sister in the school, made me do extra homework for reading comprehension. This made me so mad because I thought I was quite good at reading comprehension. I assumed Sister making me do this was her way of putting me down since she often made people feel badly.

    Later in 8th grade as part of some standardized test I achieved a perfect score on the reading comprehension section and I said a little thank you/SEE I CAN DO IT message to her in my mind! haha

    Was homeroom Mrs. Miller a vegan? Or just really grossed out by hot dogs? lol!

    1. That sucks that Sister Mary Jean was so mean. :(

      I do not think Mrs. Miller was vegan I just think she had a silly sense of humor!

  8. My gym teacher Mr. Gavin, told me the same thing about getting a cramp in my side. I still do it as well today and always think of him.

  9. I loved my 5th grade teacher. He really encouraged my love of history, and 5th grade was an awesome year. We were his last class before he retired, after 31 years.

  10. Hope you are feeling all better and will do well at that race tomorrow! Good luck!

  11. Ha, good memories!
    I remember my drama teacher used to tell us "I'll replace you in a New York minute" whenever we were misbehaving or not listening. I thought it was funny, and used to ask her how long that was. LOL!

    1. I remember the little sayings my teachers had too! They all have their quirks and things they say. I wonder what my students will remember of me.

  12. #5 teacher sounds like a jerk!!

    My favorite High School teacher was my piano teacher, she was so patient with me, and I learned to much from her!

    I also had a psychology teacher in High School who was a total jerk, and to this day I am convinced she was racist.
