
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

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Hey all! 

I had a good week overall. I slept really well and looked forward to my workouts. I did not have much of an appetite, which was strange...

Here are my workouts:

Saturday- Rest. Big run tomorrow! I did finish this bad boy...

Sunday- 16 miles on the Appalachian Trail with Kristen and Ashleigh. We ran from 325 to Swatara State Park and it was beautiful... though a bit cold and rainy! Recap here.

Monday- Lifting chest @ home. Here are the workout details that I am usually too lazy to share. I am still doing some of my lifts lighter due to my shoulder. Sleeping makes it feel weird.

Chest press- 5x10x20lb
Push Ups- 10x10
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Stability ball sit ups- 5x20x15lb
Stability ball pull ins- 5x15
Bicycle crunches- 5x40
Donkey kicks- 5x20
Hydrants- 5x20
Plank- 5x60 seconds

Tuesday- Lifting back @ home. Here are the deets:

Chair asst. pull ups (neutral grip)- 5x10
Chair asst. pull ups (wide grip)- 5x15
Row- 5x10x20lb
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb

Donkey Kicks- 5x20

Hydrants- 5x20

Stability ball pull ins- 5x15
Stability ball sit ups- 5x20x15lb
Bicycle crunches- 5x40
Plank- 5x60 seconds 

Wednesday- 6 neighborhood miles. It's not dark anymore at 6am! YAY! I WONT GET RAPED! But seriously, I feel safer.

Thursday- Carport deck of cards workout. Man, it's been awhile since I worked out in my carport. I don't usually do it in the winter, but when we get a hint of summer, I'm there. I did two rounds which included a combo of jump rope, bicycle crunches, donkey kicks, mountain climbers, stability ball pull ins, burpees, sit ups, jumping jacks, and push ups. It took me nearly an hour and I felt like a noodle when I was done. And I wanted to throw up. Basically, the second workout I created was way too hard and I couldn't finish it. I'm going to write more about this tomorrow....

Also, this was my chorus concert day where I had a concert in the afternoon at the school assembly and then a concert in the evening for the parents. I walked 11 miles on this day! It was insane!

Friday- Rest. I was so tired from the concerts the day before and so sore from my workout! I decided to take a much needed rest day!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Glad your workouts went well and you're sleeping well again- that is a BIG help with workouts and how you feel overall. Looks like you had fun running on Sunday too!

    1. Thanks Amy! I don't know why I am sleeping well these days. Last week I will be honest, I took some sleeping pills. But this week, I didn't!

  2. I love that it's sunny in the morning again too! I put a little workout routine together this week (and my goal is to try to stick with it for 30 days). One thing I am doing are stability ball push ups. What are stability ball pull ins?

    1. Stability ball pull ins are when you have your hands in a push up position on the floor and your feet on the ball. Then you do a knee tuck rolling the ball and bring your knees to your belly. Good full body exercise.
