
Monday, April 16, 2018

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Here's what we were up to...

At some point on my six miler that morning, I realized it was FRIDAY THE 13TH! Luckily, I am not superstitious and my day was just fine! It was so warm that I even got to wear shorts on my run!

Work was just fine and dandy. My chorus rehearsed on the stage for our concert next week. They look and sound so good. I can't wait for their families to come see them!

Look what a kindergarten student made me...

After work, Bob and Rachel came over for game night. They are MOVING TO VERMONT. I know, it is so terrible. I mean, it is good for them, but they are our best friends and we'll miss them. This freaking sucks.

Goodbye Uncle Bobby and Auntie Ray-chow!

I woke up pretty early and got a lot of work done on a puzzle one of my co-workers lent me. I ended up finishing it later in the day...

Later that morning, I attended a mass casualty incident drill that was put on by the school district I work for and the township. Basically, they pretended there was a bus accident and emergency personnel and school district employees went through the process of what would be done in such an incident. 

Teachers were not required to attend, but we were offered a half "trade day" for our in-service day coming up this Friday. So basically, because I attended the drill, I get to go home at lunch on Friday and not come back! It was worth it to me!

That afternoon, Paul and I did a lot of yard work. Our front door is ready with our spring wreath, now we just need the flowers and the leaves to grow back on the trees. It was 85 degrees! It felt so good to work out in the yard and sweat.

I was quite motivated for spring, so I switched out all my fall/winter clothes for spring/summer clothes. Look at all the colors!

That morning, I met my friend Kristen and my new friend Ashleigh for a run on the Appalachian Trail. I ran a new to me section (325 to Swatara State Park) and it was beautiful. It was cold and rainy, but we got it done. More on that fun run tomorrow!

When I got home, all I did was just chill out. Puzzles, murders, and blogging was accomplished.

Oddly, I wasn't very hungry today. I had a PB&J before my run. After my run I had a couple squares of chocolate, grilled cheese sandwich, and a small cup of pasta salad with ground turkey in it. When dinner rolled around several hours later, I wasn't hungry at all. So I had apple pie and went to bed super duper early.

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. Aww that stinks that Bob and Rachel are moving. Just from reading your blog I can tell how good of friends you all are. Is it for a job?

    That is cool that you get a trade day for attending that drill. I would think one would want to attend that anyway and am surprised they didn't do it during the week and make it mandatory. That is stuff that would be good to know.

    That is an awesome travel puzzle.

    1. Yeah a combo of Bob getting a better job and also just loving VT so being willing to move. I am sad just thinking about it. :( But we are going to VT this summer so we will see them.

      I think they didn't make it during a normal contractual school day because they didn't want ALL the kids to be involved. And they couldn't make it mandatory on a Saturday morning because they can't contractually make us do that. BUT they can entice us by offering a half trade day! That was enough of a deal for me!

      The travel puzzle was SO FREAKING FUN!

  2. That looks like a fun weekend. Bummer about Bob & Rachel -- it's always tough to see good friends move away! But now you can plan to go and visit Vermont! I was in Estes for a girls' weekend away. It was nice (I know you know exactly what I am talking about).

    1. Well we do have a vacation planned to VT in June :)

      Yes I DO know what you are talking about! Estes is soooo beautiful. I wouldn't mind going back there.

  3. I'm sorry that your friends are moving! Will you visit them in the summer?

    The sight of a bus on the ground like that is terrifying! But drills like this are very important.

    Do you have fun plans for your half day off?

    1. Yes, when we go to VT for my race we will see them.

      I have zero plans for my half day! Hopefully it will be nice out, in which case we could hike or something,

  4. I love that first puzzle, so cool.

    And guess what? The puzzle I told you about that I did a couple of weeks ago... it ALMOST looks like the one that you showed towards the bottom! It's the same artist, I am sure.

    1. Charles Wysocki??? I FREAKING LOVE HIS PUZZLES and I have so many of them! If you lived closer I would let you borrow them all.

    2. Yes! This one:

      They're awesome. I am going to hunt some down at the thrift store! :)

    3. I have that one! I just bought it about 2 weeks ago when I went crazy and bought 6 off Amazon. I swear I normally get them at thrift stores.
