
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Games people play.

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Last week, one of the parents of a piano student gave me a huge crate of Yankee Candles she didn't want anymore. Yankee Candles are my favorite! I always light candles during piano lessons because I am afraid my couch/house smells like Chrissy's pee, so getting a whole crate was awesome!

I was so excited to go through all the candles and smell them! Paul was excited too! Or at least he pretended to be.

So we played a game. We both would smell a candle, and then we would rate it- 1, 2, or 3 (3 is the highest.) Except Paul would say "mine" instead of "3" because I figured there would be less candles he liked, so if he thought it was a 3, then it should be his for his man cave.

When we said our number, we said it at the same time, sort of like Rock, Paper, Scissors. We did this for like 15 candles. I CAN'T EXPLAIN HOW MUCH FUN THIS STUPID GAME WAS!

Paul ended up with three candles for the basement and I got six for upstairs. The rest were ones we weren't huge fans of, so we figured we'd save them in case we were ever in a pinch. Besides, sometimes candles smell better once they are lit, so maybe we will end up liking them

 Paul's picks!

I can't believe I have a husband who will play fun games like this with me.
Tell me something silly you and your partner do!
What's your favorite brand of candle and/or scent?


  1. If one of us goes grocery shopping without the other, we play guess how much it costs...which is a whole lot less fun than your game, lol!

    1. Oh we have played the "how much" game as well! We do it while we're in line and before the cashier starts dinging things through. Ah, married life. :)

  2. I'm so jealous of all those candles- Yankee candles are the best! We just got some new candles when we were in Savannah and had fun picking out the scents.

    1. I would love to go to Savannah! Do you and Clay usually agree on which ones smell good?

  3. I kind of want to know which ones didn't make the cut...
    Unfortunately, the past couple of years the candles give me a headache. In the past my favs included sand and surf (smells like beach and coppertone sunblock), mistletoe, and cut grass

    1. Tangerine, Jack Frost, and Key Lime Pie were the lowest rated! I love any holiday candle, especially if it has balsam in it. Fresh cut grass would be good too!

  4. Oh my gosh that is awesome she gave you so many candles! Why didn't she want them? Or did she just have so many extra? I too am curious which candles didn't make the cut. In addition to Yankee candles, I also like Chesapeake Candle Company.

    I use to play this silly game with my college room mate. We would get a bag of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans and we would take one bean and cut it in half. We would each taste our half and than decided if we could agree on what flavor we thought it was. This was back in the day when they came in the bag and there was no flavor chart on the back!

    1. She just doesn't burn candles anymore, she says! And since I always have candles burning during piano lessons, she asked me if I wanted them. It was very generous! Some are burned a lot, some are halfway, and some are practically new. But they are the big candles so even if they are halfway burned, they still have some good life left in them.

      The Jelly Belly game sounds fun!

  5. That sounds like a fun game!! We don't have any fun games like that... we do this thing were I ask Roger how does my hair look and he tells me the weather... it's hilarious when my hair is a total mess, but I never expect a real answer.

  6. Haha, that's funny. I totally agree though: most candles (except for vanilla) can smell very differently unlit from when they're lit. Why is that? How am I ever supposed to know if I want to buy that candle?

  7. This sounds dumb AND fun hahaha! We got candles for Hanukkah last year and now I wish we'd played this game!

    1. Well you will have to play it next time you get candles. :)
