
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Something I didn't tell you.

Remember that crazy half marathon I ran a couple weeks ago? The one that was up power lines, through unmarked fields, and past a crazy guy's house who came out with a gun and shot at runners?

Well, technically I won that race. But it's not something I'm proud of. Six people dropped out for various reasons... including that there was a crazy man with a gun! (If you didn't read my race recap you are probably confused.) Honestly, the fact that we all made it out alive means we're ALL winners. Seriously.

Still, Paul was proud of me for winning, and the other night he wanted me to show him where my name was listed on the website. The last time I checked, the website just said "M. Michael" for my name and listed my time. But when Paul and I looked at the site recently, this is what it said:


This RD is crazy!

I also find it funny that it says, "Bored with regular events? Try this one!"

You can't make this stuff up...


  1. "Bored"?? Yup, this race will keep you on your toes for sure. Even though you're not exactly proud of winning the race, it's bragging rights! How many other people can say they won the entire race? .hehe

    1. Well at least my mom is still proud of me! :)

    2. Your mom would be proud if you even if you came in last! ❤

  2. Congratulations on the win!! But it feels like you won, just by getting out alive! do you get a price?

    1. Nope, no prize. Just bragging rights for being alive!

  3. He should change the description to say "narrow paths, trails, roads and the potential to be shot at with a gun by someone who doesn't like runners near his house."

    Honestly I hope the RD changes the course. Imagine if someone actually got hurt by the shooter. I'm pretty sure he would have some liability in that case even if it was just neglect.

    So crazy!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I still don't understand the RD. I really think he sent us past that house on purpose.

  4. Wow...just wow. Are you kidding me?! That RD is almost as much of a piece of crap as the guy shooting at you. Did you beat the first guy? You are always a winner in my book!

    1. The first guy must have dropped out. I would have dropped out had I known about the shooting!

  5. I will never be back. The RD is horrible.

  6. I agree it is awesome you won, and IMHO, you should be proud. Not that I blame those who dropped out, though.

    I think some ultra RDs are real sadists. We have one around here who is. I understand a trail or ultra event being tough- many are meant to challenge runners both physically and mentally. A lot of people do want that (especially someone like you who has been running for years and years and road racing can kinda lose its luster). But never at the cost of safety... the race you ran was unsafe and unacceptable.

    1. Totally agree Amy. I'm not really looking for anything dangerous. If I was, I would go run a tough mudder or climb everest or something!

  7. The real question is..are you going to do this one next year?

  8. Ha! Congratulations! I mean, at least you have a story to tell your kids!

    1. Or my cats! :) Naw, my parents were proud haha!
