
Wednesday, April 11, 2018


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During a race, do you ever know you're going to be sore the next day? That's where my head was at around mile ten of the Buck Ridge Burn. My quads were so fatigued and I knew I was going to be hurting! 

Today I'm going to talk about my recovery.

Immediately after the race, I had a pounding headache. I was pretty sure I drank enough water, but maybe not? On the way home I drank a can of seltzer water. My headache went away. When I got home, I stretched, foam rolled my glutes, and had a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, crackers, and extra cheese. It was divine!

I just laid around for the rest of the night and had a hearty dinner!

The next day I was sore, but not as sore as I thought I would be. I did notice my body was very tired. I lifted upper body and did my glute/core exercises. That workout was an effort. Perhaps I should have just gone for a walk or something. As the day went on, I was excited to see that while I felt sore, I didn't feel injured!

After one day of rest, I was in the mood to run! I did a very slow six miler around my hood. It was still sore- perhaps a bit more sore than the day before, but it felt good to work the muscles and get out the kinks.

I'm doing a long run on the trail this coming weekend so I'm going to keep it really easy the rest of the week!

What are your recovery tricks?


  1. I have very recently learned that I do not like seltzer water! I bought a case of La Croix over the weekend, because I like some flavored waters every once in a while and everyone raves about La Croix. Apparently fizzy water isn't my thing - I wish I could send the case to you. Adam doesn't like it either so I'm not sure what we're going to do with it. I guess keep it and make guests drink it haha!

    That's great that you recovered so fast. I am always impressed with what the body can do. After pulling my pec muscle and being in pain on Sunday night I was surprised to wake up on Monday and feel 90% better. Yesterday I hardly remembered I had even pulled the muscle until I went to reach for something and it spasmed. The body is amazing!

    1. Yes, I was just going to suggest save it for guests. I don't know if you make cocktails, but you could use it for that too. I just get the generic seltzer. It's $2.50 for a 12-pack at Aldi! We do lemon, lime, and grapefruit. Fizzy water stops me from drinking soda.

      I'm glad your pec is feeling a lot better!

  2. Did your headache go away?

    I always have to have a bag of chips right after a half marathon, my body wants all the salts, and if I don't get them, I get a headache later. But most of all, I love having fried food after a race!!

    1. It did go away, thank goodness! Mmmmmm fried food and salt sound like a great way to replenish those electrolytes.

  3. I did 6 miles on Saturday, and I took an epsom salt soak later that day. I like doing that to try to minimize being sore, and it also helps if I'm tired after a run.

    1. Do you have a nice big tub for that? I don't think I have ever taken a bath in our tub because it's just like a standard one.

  4. I noticed that after long runs, I often feel a little hot for the rest of the day... I think it's just the body coping with recovery and cool-down.
    I try to get some extra electrolytes in right away and a decent recovery meal (really into oatmeal with fruit and nut butter right now).
