
Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday 5: Things I did on our Snow Day!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

So far this school year, we have had two snow days, at least 5 two hour delays, and a couple early dismissals due to bad weather. CRAZY!

(Yes, we have to make up days we miss due to weather. We do not have to make up late starts or early dismissals.)

Our latest snow day was this past Wednesday. 
Here are 5 things I did on my snow day!

1. Caught up on internetting.  Blogging, emails, my calendar, the news... It's exhausting keeping up with everything! Luckily coffee got me through!

2. Puzzles. I started this new 1000 piece puzzle. Do you like the little towers I make when I sort the pieces?

3. Practiced for Godspell. I spent at least two hours going over the entire show... blocking, singing, dancing... There is so much to remember and my memory is SHIT. Christmas loves when I sing up high so he joined me on the piano bench for those parts.

4. Lifted. In my pajamas. Yup.

5. Organized the fridge and pantry. A snow day is not complete unless a closet or something is organized, right?

We have a whole drawer in our fridge dedicated to cheese and butter!

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you like to do when you're snowed in?


  1. Great snow day fun!!and productive

  2. I would love to have as large of a pantry as yours! I thought about organizing a closet but thought I better not get into something so deep for only having one day off...haha. I finished reading a book I started earlier in the week!

    1. It's actually not that big but I guess it is tall!

  3. I work in healthcare and we never get snowed in! My boys are both home today, tho.

  4. I used to love snow days (both as a kid and as a parent with small kids). Now, they stress me out a tad, because I still have to get to work LOL That said, I do love just being stuck in side guilt for doing "inside" stuff (blogging, knitting, snoozing on the couch, etc.).

    1. I am sooooo thankful I don't have to drive in bad weather because it scares me so much. I would have to save all my personal days and use them for when I'm scared to drive to work!

  5. Wow! You sure got a lot done. And I can often be found working out in pjs. :)

  6. I caught up on Big Brother this morning. My kids are off school too. I'm waiting to hear your opinion on the show! I don't quite understand how it all works yet, but I like celebrity part of the show because I know so many people. Your school doesn't allow a certain number of inclement weather days, or do you have to make up all closings?

    1. I will do a big brother update, it is definitely on my list of posts to write. If you ever want to watch a "normal" season you could subscribe to CBS all access for $9.99 a month and just binge a season for a month. I could let you know what is a good season to start with. There are some REALLY GOOD SEASONS with awesome gameplay. I think if you like Survivor you would like this.

      Nope, no number of bad weather days. If we close, we make it up. SOMETIMES they don't make the kids make it up but they always make the teachers because, well, we get paid and it's in our contract to work a certain number of days.

  7. I've lifted or done Pure Barre in my PJs. Those lazy mornings are the best.

    1. They sure are! And... I got right back in my pjs. :)

  8. You had a very productive day!!

    I had big plans for my day off, like sleeping and being lazy. But I found lice on my kid, and the entire day was spent cleaning everything in the apartment... everything, everything, everything!!

  9. We had a few snow days here... I realize anyone up north would laugh at the 6.5 inches we got but it was crazy. I did a good bit of cleaning and organizing myself! Also caught up with Netflix.

    1. 6.5 inches is a lot!!! What are you watching on Netflix these days?

  10. I’ve tried lifting inmy PJ’s before but I just can’t do it. Even though I feel like my workout clothes are practically PJs there is something about feeling workout material on my legs that feels *right* and soft pajamas feels *wrong* and it messes with my mind.

    Unless I’m filming or we’re deadlifting outside A works out in just his underwear LOL! He’s like “enjoy the show” hahahhaha

    1. I totally understand. It is weird lifting and getting your cotton underwear sweaty! In fact, it is gross. I don't know why I do it sometimes.

      Why doesn't Adam just workout in gym shorts!?

    2. Lol idk he likes being in his underwear. At home he never wears pants ����I guess that’s how he feels most comfortable!

  11. Well I was in the mood. On Sunday we were snowed in too and guess what I did ALL DAY? A puzzle!

  12. We never snow in... LOL

    But if we did, I would probably knit, read, and internet (is this a verb now?) all day long :)

    1. Is it because you don't get snow or is it because it does snow but people aren't afraid to drive in it?

      Yes, internet is a verb! I've been internetting for the past two hours. (Can't sleep.)

  13. Schools here were closed on Wednesday due to ice. I worked from home but it was nice because I felt like I had so much extra time without a commute! Usually on real snow days I am pretty lazy.

    1. It's awesome you had the option to work from home!
