
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My running rut.

I feel like I have been in a bit of a running rut for a year and a half. But for the past couple weeks, I've REALLY felt like I'm in a rut.

What does my rut feel like? It feels like I'm just going through the motions of my runs. I don't feel particularly good or excited about running. My morning 6 milers feel like I am slogging along.

I don't want to NOT run because I do feel good afterwards. But I am just not feeling the joy with it right now. I want to feel the joy... believe me!

However, two weeks ago when running trail with my dad, I had an epiphany. We were on our last mile and I realized I felt great! We clocked in 8 miles but I could've done two more! Why did this 8 miler feel so good but my 6 milers are just yucky in the morning?

It's because my morning runs feel like they are part of my to do list... Wake up, drink coffee, go for a run, go to work. There is nothing particularly exciting about them. It's dark, my routes are boring, and it's all on asphalt.

But running trail on a beautiful fall dad with my dad... THAT was exciting! That made me feel ALIVE. I mentioned my rut to my dad and how I think I need to change things up more. He agreed.

The next weekend I ran 10 miles on the trail with Anne and Kristen. Again, I felt GREAT. A million times better than my morning runs.

So, I guess it's on me now. I can either make a change in my running and see if that works, or I can wallow in my rut. I love running in the morning and having some "me" time, but if I ran in the afternoon, I'd be able to run with friends or maybe even on trail.

If I run five days a week, two of those days could be Saturday and Sunday because it's easy to be creative on weekends. I Then maybe once during the week I could run in the afternoon. I know there are some local running clubs and I do have friends that run, so maybe I could meet up with a person or a group. That leaves me with two mornings during the week where I could just run in the dark around my neighborhood. But since it's only twice a week, maybe it wouldn't seem so bad...

I'm going to keep thinking! 
Any suggestions on how I could change things up on my runs?


  1. I think you're on to something there! I don't run in the morning before work because I KNOW I would not enjoy that and yes, it would feel like "a to do list". I love running in the afternoons. Now that the weather is cooler, it's been nice running in the afternoons now! I think changing up your routine will do you some good (at least for a little while).

    1. Yes, I think I need to get out of my comfort zone a bit. It may help for a little bit!

  2. Luckily I don't work and I can (mostly) run when I want to, although I've also got to get the dogs walked and in the summer, that means they need walking before I run.

    Anyhoo . . . meeting up with a group is ALWAYS a good idea. I like to run trails for a change of pace, but I actually find them so much harder than running on the roads! Once we get one good snow, though, they're pretty much impassable. :(

    And don't forget trying to go in the opposite direction of the way you do your normal route. You'd be surprised how that can shake things up!

    1. Trail is harder in some aspects (you gotta pay attention!) but I think the soft surface is actually better for my body!

  3. I love that you run with your dad and that you're running more trails now. I remember when I started reading and you mostly did roads and I feel like you are happier on the trails. Sometimes I am too- my last half was a trail one and I enjoyed it so much because there's not a ton of pressure on time and pace.

    If you can meet with a group that would be an awesome idea! I don't know how you run in the mornings when it's dark and cold but sometimes just having someone else with you makes it more fun and gives more of a reason to show up.

    1. Before I started my blog, I was running trail a lot. I went through some phases. First I was road, then I ran trail and did a bunch of ultras, then it was back to the road.

      Normally I enjoy my alone time in the mornings but clearly I need something new!

  4. How would your routine change if you run in the afternoons, instead of mornings? I remember you saying that running in the morning was part of your routine.

    For me, it feels like on weekdays are more like going through the motions, especially in the winter and fall.

    You are welcome to come run with me, We'll talk.

    1. It is part of my routine, and I wake up really early naturally. So I'm not sure. I'd love to run with you! Do you have a day of the week that works well? Hell I'll text you. :)

  5. Oh damn, yes, I need to switch things up every once in while or it feels like just going throug the motions.

  6. This makes sense! I feel like I have much better runs on the weekends when I can run in different places and its not dark. Yesterday I had a great run because I was off from work and could run in the daylight in an area that I don't like running in the dark. Its tough to run day after day early in the morning, especially when its dark out.

  7. I always feel like I have better runs on the weekends because I'm not as pressed for time.

    1. Yes, it's so nice to take your time waking up, drink coffee, have bfast, and then go out when you feel like it.
