
Monday, November 6, 2017

MGR's Weekend Wrap Up


Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Here's what we were up to...

My day started with a lifting session, then off to work. I took the 3rd graders to see the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra. The concert was awesome, but the bus ride... We got stuck in congestion so it took 45 minutes to get there! It was terrible. On the way home, the trip was short and the kids were quiet. They were so hungry that they didn't have any energy left.

But, we made it...

After work, I ran some errands, including picking up two new puzzles at Good Will and a new top. It's Ann Taylor and only $3.97. You can't beat that!


Wysocki and Heremin puzzles are my FAVORITE!
The one on the left is 1000 pieces and I am tackling it this weekend.

This top looks long and loose, but it is actually very form fitting and I love it! 

For dinner, Paul made us fish and I warmed up corn. We ate and watched Colbert. I went to bed quite soon after that!

Do I have enough corn?

My morning was perfect. I got up at 4:30, drank tons of coffee, then met Anne and Kristen at the top of Peter's Mountain for a 10 miler on the AT. It was cold and rocky but GORGEOUS. Running + good friends + good convo = the perfect fall morning!

It was dark for the first 20 minutes. Anne used her flashlight and Kristen and I used our cell phone flashlights!

Paul and I went to the movies that afternoon. We went to see Happy Death Day! We both liked it a lot. It is sort of like Groundhog Day. A girl wakes up on her birthday and at the end of each day, she is murdered. But when she dies, she wakes up again on her birthday and relives the day over and over again. So she tries to find out who her killer is.

I hate gore, but this movie was NOT gory at all. The movie was really funny too! If you see it, let me know what you think.

After the movie, we reluctantly went to Aldi for some grocery shopping. It seemed like most people in there hadn't taken a shower in quite a long time because I walked by so many people that smelled. Even though I ate lunch, I was getting really hungry, to the point where I thought I was going to throw up. I NEEDED FOOD REALLY BAD.

You would not mess with this face, would you?

Luckily, when I got home, Ana had dropped off Mexican bread! OMG IT WAS SO GOOD! Honestly, it tasted more like cookies than bread! These are the remnants we had left the next morning. I assure you, the rest will be gone by tomorrow...

Ana, is the top one supposed to be shaped like a pig?

Paul was a hero and made us chili for dinner. Since I was still high horsey about running ten miles, I put the chili on top of tortilla chips with melted cheese.

Then I worked on a puzzle and went to bed super early!
It was a dreary, rainy day, but that didn't stop me from getting SO. MUCH. STUFF. DONE.

Here's what I did...

1. Cleaned out every closet, drawer, cupboard, you name it, in the entire house.

2. Laid out all of my clothes for the week.

I'm going to wear these shoes to work today.
Do you think I'm crazy?

This week is going to be the debut of the FLORAL LEGGINGS!

3. Went to Michael's, then came home and made a bunch of Christmas ornaments. I'm getting crafty!

Oh, this happened...

I promise I laughed. I did not swear!
4. Did my final organization of my closet for fall/winter and finally lugged up all my winter running gear.

Shoe box = gloves

One thing I should have done was cook. I will do that tomorrow after work. If I feel like it. BWHAHAHA!

Look at my lazy boys!

Yes, they have beds right on the dining room table. That pink towel was Chrissy's, but Jelly stole it, so I got Chrissy the maroon one. We know who runs this house...
Where is the most inappropriate place your pets sleep?

Are you crafty?

What choice swear word would you have used if you dropped all of those beads?

See any good movies lately?

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. The most inappropriate place Cecil has ever slept is on my lap while I pee'd. After we got home from vacation one time I guess he missed me so much that he followed me into the bathroom and as soon as I sat down on the toilet he jumped into my lap and laid down LOL! I think people would also find it inappropriate that he sleeps on the dining table, on the kitchen counters, on my pillow (while pushing my head off the pillow)... like your cats, Cecil does what he wants! They're cats not kids so we don't have to worry about them turning into spoiled assholes because that's exactly what they're supposed to be :).

    I really want to start putting out christmas decorations now. Adam said let's wait until after Thanksgiving, but then we only get a month! I feel like November 15th is a good compromise!

    1. I'm glad my cats are supposed to be spoiled assholes! I think Nov. 15 is a good compromise. I have a 3 day weekend coming up and it's supposed to be 50 degrees the one day, so I was thinking that may be good for putting up my outdoor decorations.

  2. You had such a productive Sunday! And that trail run sounds great. I am not crafty at all and just don't have the patience for stuff like that!

    1. I do lose my patience during crafts sometimes! Especially when I spilled all of those beads...

  3. Hmm, I think Baylee likes to be just as comfy as humans so I haven't really caught her sleeping in odd places. She's definitely a bed and couch dog!
    Do you switch out all your clothes for each season? If so, where do you put the clothes you aren't currently wearing? I keep all mine in my closet at the same time. I guess I'm too lazy to pack them up...haha.
    I love those boots! Why would you think you would be crazy to wear them? I haven't broke my boots out yet this year. I'm still trying to wear all my dresses and light weight clothes while it's still in the 60's!

    1. I do switch my clothes out because my closet is very small. I just don't have room for everything. We have a cedar closet in our basement so that's where I put stuff when it's not in season. I either hang it (like my nice clothes) or throw it in a big trash bag (like my running clothes!) I actually said to Paul yesterday, "I wish I had a walk in closet!" I think it is crazy to wear these boots because of the heel and I walk around all day! We are dancing in 4th grade today so I will take them off. :) This weekend I made the decision that it is TIME to start wearing fall stuff. I can't wait to wear my floral leggings ton Wed!!!

  4. Yes, it's supposed to be a big! It's called a Piggie bread, with a gingery molasses taste. It is so delicious!! The ballup one is called different things in different states, in my state we call it Beso (Kiss) and in Mexico city, the call it Chilindrina (triffle?).

    The Chilli looks so good!! It makes me want to have chilli for dinner!

    oooh, Floral leggings!!! day You look so good in leggings, because of your really long legs!

    1. I didn't realize it was a pig until the next day! My favorite was the kind that had two sides to it but they were all very good. :)

      Thanks! I don't think my legs are long but they're not short either.

  5. Wow, that was a really productive Sunday! We saw the new Thor movie on Friday and really enjoyed it :) I also just read your post about the cats and their new feeding regimen. We do something similar and just feed them once in the morning and once in the evening and that's it. They got used to it. But we also close the bedroom door at night so we can ignore attempts to try to wake us up for more food.

    1. It sounds like you are the boss of the cats in your house but in our house, the cats are the boss of us!!! :( It's our own fault hahaha. I heard a lot of people saw Thor! Glad you liked it!

  6. Wow, what a productive day you had on Sunday! That was what my day was supposed to be, but then I told my friend I would join her on a shopping trip to Athleta, which turned into an all afternoon affair. I had no idea my friend was such a shopper!! It was nice girl time, but I really wanted to be home getting my stuff done and seeing my kids. Mom fail for sure.

    1. I would not have liked something taking much longer than I anticipated. I am such a control freak. Next time drive yourself so you can baiL!

  7. OMG, so productive on Sunday! That is great. The chili looks amazing, too. We went to Denver for dinner/comedy show on Friday which was fabulous! Other than that we did some shopping, I did some cooking and baking and there was a ton of relaxing going on, too. Lot's of football which we weren't mad about.

    1. Paul makes a really goof chili! What did you cook and bake? Anything good?

  8. I was basically a slug yesterday. I finished my grocery shopping, but the only other thing I did was cook dinner. Most of the day was spent snuggling with Allie while I either watched the NYC marathon, napped, or finished the Netflix disc I have of Friends.

    1. That sounds like a very relaxing Sunday! I will probably need that next weekend.

  9. I didn't think it was too scary and I was glad it wasn't gory. I think I need to see Bad Moms!

  10. Both Bandit and Lola like to knock down the throw pillow on the couch and sleep on top of it (which they are not supposed to do).

    I have been going through my drawers, but obviously I have much more stuff because one day isn't long enough. But I was very productive on Sunday, made soup, some cranberry bars, bagged up some more stuff to donate.

    That top looks really cute!

    1. I'm glad you had a productive Sunday. I love soup. We did a good clean out like two years ago and did another organization at the beginning of summer, so that's why it didn't take too long this time.

  11. What a productive weekend. I am very crafty and I love that you made ornaments. Where are the pictures?
