
Thursday, October 12, 2017

What a crappy week.

I have not been having a good week. It started Saturday, when I was feeling sick. Even though I don't feel as sick as I did over the weekend, I still have some lingering sinus issues and fatigue. 

I also have the blues. I'm not excited to go to work or really do anything except lay on the couch. I have a feeling this is mostly because I'm so tired, but it's bumming me out. I don't feel like myself.

Hopefully I feel 100% physically and mentally very soon because this is no fun.

I have nothing else to say, so here is my baby cuddling with me on the couch. Pets are the best.


  1. I'm sorry you are feeling the blues. Has it been rainy there? Maybe the weather has something to do with it.

    1. Yes, it has been raining, and now again today. I agree, the weather probably isn't helping. My music room is even gloomy because the sun is not shining into the room.

  2. Aw I'm glad your walk boosted your mood. Endorphins for the win! We are not in a heat wave, but it is humid. But it has been rainy since Sunday.

  3. Ugh...sorry girl. I woke up yesterday with a slight sore throat but still did my spin bike and weights. By the end of the day I knew I had a full blown cold. For once in my life I am going to not workout until I feel better. I always work out when I am sick and I honestly think it just makes it last longer. I am hoping you get better soon. Being sick and then being tired just sucks!!

    1. I think it does sometimes make it last longer! I was a little mad at myself this week because there were two days where I felt worse after my run, so I realized I shouldn't have worked out. Today I lifted and felt fine. I think I'm on the up swing!

  4. Ugh! There must be something in the air... the mood around here has been on the dumps. Somebody had to go out and buy a cake to help everybody feel better last week.

    I hope your cold and fatigue go away soon! Cuddling with fur babies is the best cure!

    1. Mmmm cake! I'm sure that helped for a minute. :)

  5. I haven't been down in the dumps, but I felt really lethargic Sunday afternoon. All I wanted to do was sleep, and that's not normal. I think something's going around, and I keep thinking I'm getting a cold.

  6. It's amazing how much petting a cat will improve the mood. I swear mine know when I'm sad. Sorry about how you're feeling. Hopefully resting will knock it out and you'll be back to feeling good again!

    1. Thanks Lisa! Yes kitties are very helpful and calming.

  7. Im sorry you've been having a crappy week! I feel like this week the weather has been so gloomy compared to all the sunshine we had the past few months. Especially today was just blah. I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks girl! This is definitely a bad weather week.
