
Monday, September 4, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up! (Part 1)

I hope you had a long weekend like I did.
It was so long that I decided to split my wrap up into two posts! Here's Thursday-Saturday!


Thriiiiiiday! The last day of work for the week. I started the day with a 6 miler. Then I went to work, which was super busy. But I felt accomplished by the end of the day.

After work I had a bunch of piano lessons, as I usually do on Thursdays. At 7pm I was DONE and it was time to chillax with Paul.

We watched the Big Brother episode from Wednesday. Then we planned to watch the LIVE EVICTION episode that night, but it was postponed to 1:37am due to freaking preseason football! We were pissed!

Even Paul hates preseason football...

So we subscribed to CBS All Access so we could watch a past season of Big Brother. We chose Season 12 since we had only seen it once. It's the first season with Brendan and Rachel. I remember hating Rachel when I watched this season in 2010. But rewatching it, I am entertained by her hot mess!

We made a frozen pizza. Tons of healthy food in the house but this is what we wanted...

Sleeping in was EVERYTHING! I slept until 9am. Then I transferred to the couch with coffee and Jelly...

One of the first things we did was watch the Big Brother eviction episode that had been postponed the night before.


Julie Chen is a BEAUTIFUL woman with a very nice figure and pretty much looks good in anything. But her fashion choices for the eviction episodes are mind boggling. Who is her stylist!?

Then Paul and I hit the gym. It was dead, the way we like it.

On the way home we ran a bunch of errands. At the wine store, I saw this on sale for $3.04! I got five bottles- all they had left! Honestly, I would've gotten 15 bottles if they had them! We didn't try it yet so I don't know if it is good. But it was on the same shelf as Sutter Home and I like that!

When I got home, I went on and saw my shoes were marked down to $29.99! I used $10 Kohls cash and a $10 off coupon. So with shipping to my house, the final price was only $18! Yay! 
(You may remember I had already ordered these online and did in store pick up, but they gave me one 7.5, one 8, and they were both left feet.)

The rest of the night was spent blogging, listening to podcasts, reading articles, and watching Big Brother with Paul! Feels like summer again...

I will be honest, I didn't feel too great today. I couldn't poop in the morning, which always just throws me OFF. And my stomach was weird. I ate so much pizza the night before that I wasn't really hungry today. But I ate anyway... not a ton, but some...

What a rainy, dreary day! I got up at 9am and went for a rainy run.

Then Paul and I headed over to Harrisburg for the Kipona Festival. First, we walked around City Island so we could see the Native American Pow Wow. We listened to some music, then headed over to the Riverfront.

Unfortunately, I wasn't hungry at all, even though it was nearly 2pm and I hadn't eaten yet. It didn't make sense. I ran 6 miles that morning, yet no hunger. My stomach just hasn't been right since the pizza on Thursday night.

Paul got food and then we watched two 16 year old girls set a World Record for walking in 4 inch stilettos on a tight rope that was 70 feet long! It was so cool to see!

The girls staying warm before their attempt!

The heels! 

Here she goes... It started raining toward the end of her attempt!

Here goes the second girl... by now it was POURING!

They did it!!!!!

Then we walked around the festival, checking out the food and the crafters. Our cat sitter, Amy, was there with her beautiful afghans and doilies.

Even though it was 56 degrees, my fingers started turning white. What the heck!? 

This has never happened before. I asked Facebook, and apparently I have Raynauds Syndrome. So why can I run in 12 degree weather with two pairs of Dollar Tree gloves on and not have my fingers go white, but I can't walk around Harrisburg in 56 degrees???

We went home and put on dry clothes. Then we headed over to Mid State Distillery on Cameron Street. They make their own rum and vodka, so they serve cocktails as well as local beers and wines.

I'm super pissed to have to put on warm clothes! Just two days ago it was AUGUST!

We did the tasting, which was free. Whoooooo boy! Vodka on a stomach that hasn't eaten anything in 20 hours... not very good! I had to tear right into my Popeyes.

Yes, you can bring food to the distillery and yes, we got probably the worst fast food there is- POPEYES CHICKEN!!! 

I got the 3 piece with a biscuit and coleslaw. It was divine. Paul got the $5 Box. The cashier told us it is a limited time thing and very popular. "It's only around for about a month and then it just stops and won't come back for a year. People get really pissed when it's not available anymore." Paul and I were rolling. This cashier kept it REAL!

So anyway, we tasted the vodkas and rums. I'm not sure I like just sipping vodka! I often say I like my alcohol to taste like alcohol but this was a little much... Paul ordered a Troegs and I got a mojito. The mojito was terrible! They either don't put very much sugar in it or they forgot to put sugar in it, because it wasn't sweet at all. Bummer.

Needless to say, the vodka and Popeyes did NOT make my stomach feel better.
I drank lots of water the rest of the night.

We ate, drank, played cards, and then hit the road. Paul bought a bottle of vodka to go since he liked it a lot.

Before heading home, we checked in on Bitty Bot. We were cat sitting this weekend. She was frisky and ready to play soccer with Paul!

Randy and Michael pay me in puzzles for cat sitting!
Do you like preseason football?

What types of outfits can you see me wearing these shoes with?

Locals: Have you been to Mid State Distillery?

Do you like Popeyes?

Ever hear of Raynauds???


  1. I like all football but hate when sports are shown over other shows. Seems like they could just move the show to a different channel? Like how when a game goes over, the next game starts playing on ESPNews or something. Sorry you had to miss the live eviction but honestly, BB is really crappy this season so I don't know if I'd care as much.

    I hate when my stomach is off or a food makes me feel weird. That happens to me a LOT too and I feel bad until like, the next day. But, hooray for cheap wine and tastings.

    I'm jealous of the clothes you have on because it never gets cold enough here to wear all that!

    1. I know, it is ridiculous to care so much about a show that is sooooooo terrible. Is there a particular kind of food that makes your stomach feel weird?

      I do like that PA has different seasons and we can wear different styles of clothes. :)

  2. I am mixed about preseason football. On the one hand, I am totally ready to start watching games but the games are lame so they always disappoint. Looks like such a fun weekend for you guys. Sorry your stomach has been off. Mine was off last night after our mini vacation to Winter Park. Rick's brother and SIL eat so much junk so we both indulged in food our systems are not used to eating (in that volume). Feels good to get back on track. I have Raynaud's. I hate it. My hands and feet are ALWAYS cold.

    1. Are the lame because the teams don't try as hard since it technically doesn't count and they don't want to hurt their boddies before the real season?

      My feet went numb in Zumba today. I wonder if that is Raynauds related, or they just went numb like the sometimes do on the arc trainer? Not that I arc train anymore...

      I hope your stomach is feeling better now that you are back on track with your eating! I feel a lot better now.

  3. I don't mind preseason football because there seems to be an "excitement" in the air!
    So, whatever happen with those mismatched shoes? I am assuming you returned them to kohl's but did they compensate you in any way?
    I have heard of Raynauds, I believe my sister has it.
    I am so thankful for this super long weekend! I still can't get rid of this cold, so it was nice to have the extra days to rest. Enjoy the rest of your time off!

    1. Ugh the mismatched shoes. So I called the story and talked to someone, they went to find my size, then someone else picked up the phone, I explained the story, they went searching... first person got back on the phone, said they didn't have my size and I'd have to come in and return them. UGH.

      I left a mad review of my experience and I basically got an email back just saying "Sorry". No coupons or anything!

      So after work one day, I returned the shoes. The one woman at the return place said it should have never happened because there is a prompt on the computer saying to check the shoes before bagging them. So someone clearly dropped the ball. "Indeed" I said. Still... no compensation.

      So then the other girl at the returns called a store across the river and they had my size, so they reserved them for in store pick up for me. But then when I got home, I realized my 30% off coupon wasn't good anymore, so even though I orginally bought the shoes 30% off, I would not be able to use that coupon now! FREAKING STUPID!!!!

      So for some reason, the next day, I decided to go online and I saw the shoes were now marked down again. Instead of $39.99, they were $29.99. I had $10 Kohls cash and a special $10 labor day coupon. SO I bought them online for cheaper than I would've gotten them in the store. AND I would have had to drive across the river... ugh.


    2. O wow, what a hassle. I would have demanded (haha, don't know how well that would have worked though) that I continued to get the shoes for the 30 percent off since it was their fault! Good thing you got them for even cheaper. Seems like customer service is a lost art these days.

  4. You could write a post alone on how long your quest for those shoes has been !! I hope they find their way to your feet soon!

    That Popeyes is close to my office, and there are days that they don't have chicken! It's infuriating ! I love their chicken tenders and their mash potatoes... yums !!

    1. I know I could totally write a post about the quest for the shoes!

      How does a PopEyes run out of chicken!? I think Paul got the tenders. :)

  5. I don't like Popeyes but that's one of Adam's favorite places to go when he's in the mood for fast food - that and Taco Bell! Our closest Popeyes isn't in the best part of town. The one and only time I went with Adam we legit saw a big white van with no windows pull up -- and a very large dude escort in two prostitutes. I'm sure they were prostitutes because the big man tried to set up a transaction with a guy in the parking lot (we overheard them). The whole situation was really very sad and upsetting. I haven't been since. Sorry for the depressing story!

    I love that your friends pay you in puzzles for cat sitting. That's so thoughtful! You have good friends!

    1. You know what's funny, our closest PopEyes isn't in a great part of town either. I mean, go two blocks in one direction and yikes! That is a very sad story about the prostitutes. :( What a dangerous job! Did you ever read that book by Suzy Favor Hamilton? She was an olympic runner and then ended up getting into escorting and prostituting in Vegas. Very interesting story.

      I do have good friends! I'm sure they know I wouldn't accept money but I will accept puzzles!!! :)

  6. I don't watch football anymore, and I hated preseason football, even as a fan. They're meaningless games, making money for the NFL, and players get season-ending injuries. I always hate when my shows are bumped, no matter the sport.
