
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Weekly Workouts (Well, longer than a week!)

This is much longer than a week but my schedule got messed up due to vacation! Here is 11 days of workouts. I promise, I'm going back to the Saturday recaps of just 7 days at a time!

Surprisingly, my body held up really well during and after the race! I took several days off running after just to play it safe. That's what this old ass 35 year old does...

However, about a week after we got home from vacation, I got into a funk and didn't feel like working out at all. Part of it was lack of sleep (our roof was getting replaced and they would start working really early) but I think part of it was just my mood.

Tuesday- Lifting chest @ home. I hadn't lifted in over a week so it was TIME. I honestly didn't feel like doing anything today, but an hour lifting session wasn't going to kill me... but it did make my triceps REALLY sore. Push ups are brutal!

Wednesday- Lifting back @ home. My triceps were still sore!

Thursday- 45 min arc trainer. This happened at 6:30am because I had to go to school to conduct interviews for a new phys ed teacher. It was rough getting up! But the gym was dead.

Friday- Disc golf/running date @ Willow Mill Park- 6 miles. This was my first run since the race on Saturday. I felt completely recovered from as far as soreness, but my body was just so tired. I think this was unrelated to the race. I was slow, but I got the run done.

Saturday- 6 miler on the Riverfront in Harrisburg. I was cat sitting for a friend downtown, so I parked near Maclay, ran up to the Central PA Pride Festival, walked around Pride, and then finished my run. I did a loop around City Island. It was nice!

Sunday- 6 Millersburg Miles! I ran around my hometown! It was very enjoyable and I reminisced the whole time.

Monday- Lifting upper body @ home. This was just a quick and dirty workout because Paul and I went to NYC for the day to see a taping of the Stephen Colbert Show!

Tuesday- 6 neighborhood miles. I really didn't feel like working out at all. So why did I? I don't know. I was HOT and SLOW, but I did it. This summer I have gotten soooooo much slower. I am running 9 minute miles and it is an EFFORT.

Wednesday- Lifting upper body @ home. Again, I didn't feel like doing anything but I did it. Hmmm... where's my motivation? I had little sleep the night before.

Thursday- 6 mile walk/run... mostly walk. I was SO TIRED from lack of sleep. Freaking roofer!

Friday- Rest! Even though I finally felt well rested, I was so busy today and just had other things to do. Didn't feel like working out! You see a pattern?
What's your pace like now? Normal for you, faster than normal, or slower than normal?

Do you ever fall into a rut where you just don't feel like working out?


  1. I think you had a great week with workouts! My pace since returning to running has been slower. It's OK, though, because I am making myself go slower as I just ease back into it. I kind of never really care too much about my pace (I let go of pace when I started doing intervals a few years ago) and now I am really trying not to care. Most times I don't even look at my watch til the end. Oh, yes, I get into ruts. I can't imagine running every single day like I used to when I was in my 20's. Now I want a new workout every day. But still have times where working out just doesn't even sound fun.

    1. Going slower to ease back in is NOT a bad idea. I don't look at my pace either until I'm done. And while I run, I just chug. I don't actively try to be fast. At least not now, anyway!

  2. Running around City Island sounds fun. How far is the loop you can do down there?

    Hope the Roofers are done and you can get some rest!

    1. The loop is a little less than a mile I think. But if you add going across the bridge and back, it's probably like 1.5. ROOFERS ARE DONE!

  3. My pace fluctuates (when I am running, that is). Sometimes an 8:15 pace feels like nothing, and other times, a 10:00 feels like a death march (with weighted shoes). Although I have never lost my mojo, I have had times where I just did the bare minimum (maybe three runs/week of short distances).

    1. Isn't it crazy how much our pace can fluctuate? Because an 8:15 and a 10 is a huge difference! But some days they just feel like the same effort...

  4. I think the heat and humidity can really suck it out of us!
