
Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Trump Presidency Is Worse Than I Imagined It Would Be

The Trump presidency weighs on my mind every single day. Last night I was watching CNN and I realized... Trump's presidency is worse than I imagined it would be. And I imagined that it would be pretty bad.

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The reasons it's worse than I thought...

#1: He lies all the time. About little things and big things. He did this during the campaign and he hasn't stopped. In fact, I think it has gotten worse. What's going to happen when there is a crisis and we all look to the president for information. Are we going to be able to believe what he says?

#2: He pits Americans against each other so that we are all fighting. If we're arguing, we're doing exactly what he wants us to do. I refuse to argue with anyone. Disagreements and discussions with willing participants are fine- they can be productive. But calling each other names doesn't help anything.

#3: He is incompetent to the point that he is dangerous. I thought this all along, but hoped that he would surround himself with smart people of whom he would actually listen to. I still hold out hope that could happen, but I'm not optimistic. Of course, I truly hope I'm wrong.

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The reasons I listed don't even have anything to do with his policies. Sure, I hate his policies. They concern me a lot. But the three things I mentioned are the big picture ideas that really weigh on me.

Those are my thoughts for today. I'm sure most of you come here as an escape from what is going on, however, I feel like I am not being authentic if I don't talk about the things that are very important to me.


  1. Megan - I completely agree - it's devastating what is happening. I still have hope that #45 will resign or be ousted. It's gives me hope too that there are a few Republicans that seem to be waking up to what is happening, let's hope more will follow. Kristen

  2. 45 is a big orange spoiled baby!

    he is a very dangerous man, who keeps on promoting his horrible hatred of any human of color! he is disgusting!

    his new policy against legal immigration is a joke, just like he is! he hires immigrants to run his hotels, because he is not going to pay them as much as he would have to pay an American citizen! and I be that if we added up the points for his ancestors, they would not be allowed to come to the USA under his new policy!

  3. I thought of you when I was at the Buffalo Bill days parade. Someone was handing out bumper stickers that said "Trump is a clear and present danger." I couldn't get her attention though.

  4. I thought the lies would stop too, but it's what got him elected and he probably thinks (and maybe rightfully so) that it's what will get him re-elected. I truly believe if he's not impeached he will be re-elected... unless something happens. Like I heard in an interview on NPR yesterday that because he's threatening to stop insurance company subsidies they may have to hike their rates by 18% in 2018. They already submitted their 2018 rates with little to no changes, but the person from Blue Cross said if the subsidies stop, even though people have already renewed or will have renewed their plans under the assumption that rates aren't changing, they will have to increase rates by 18%. He said he obviously wants to avoid that because people will get mad at the insurance companies (as if they shouldn't already be) so they are lobbying hard (ugh) but with Trump you never know what could happen.

    If rates go up by 18% that's going to be something that his voters feel in their wallets. Maybe that will help them understand he never had their best interests at heart. Then again maybe he'll find a way to spin it.

    Either way, and this is sort of getting off track, but why the hell did the democratic party drop single payer as part of their platform? We are seriously going backwards as a country but also as a party. I feel like the democrats think voters want someone more centrist, but I think what they really want is CHANGE. So many people have experienced serious economic downturn in their cities and in their personal lives. We need to address that and not go more status quo. We need to move way to the left not to the center. That won't help us win the elections next year or the next presidential election. My two cents anyway.

    1. To Kristina's last point that we have to move way left (and I agree!): the conservative party of Germany is to the LEFT of the Democratic party here... let that just sink in for a minute.

  5. Ugh, you speak right from my heart, girl... when I even see his face, I get violent tendencies and I am the LEAST violent person you could ever imagine. He's so dumb, and then smug about it. I don't even know what he stands for besides money and himself.
    Blergh. I am so over this.

  6. I'm hoping so much that this comes to an end sooner than later. I never even imagined that he would ever bet re-elected but then again I never imagined he'd ever get elected in the first place. What a nightmare.

  7. I completely agree with you, Megan! It's not about disagreeing with his policies. I could "handle" (you know what I mean) a Republican in office. What I cannot handle is a totally spoiled, arrogant, ignorant ass. I'm done with it!
