
Monday, July 3, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up! (Part 1)

Happy Monday!

I have to break this wrap up into more than one post because it's 10:21pm on Sunday night and I am SO FREAKING EXAUSTED! 

This weekend was sooooooo busy!

So today, you only get Friday of my wrap up. I'm sorry.
Tomorrow I will do Sat & Sun, and then Wed I will do Mon & Tues.

Let's make it a 5 day wrap up, shall we!?


What a day! I went from 7am-8pm STRAIGHT! Finally at 8, I poured myself a glass of moscato and sat down at my computer to recap this day for you...

First, I hit the gym for some LIFTING and some ARC TRAINING. Writing those activities in all caps makes them sound more BAD ASS, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, I could SMELL MYSELF at the gym.
Disgusting! I think I need new workout shirts!

Then I came home and had a hearty breakfast of dippy eggs, toast, and bacon. My friend Sarah came over to weed wack for me (long story), so while she did that, I tidied up the house, folded wash, and put a second coat of paint on our side door and side stoop.

**I wrote the word "tidied" but I wanted to say I "red up the house". Unless you are from PA, you probably never heard that phrase before! "red up" means "tidied up". Have you ever heard that phrase!?**

Then I cleaned out our WHOLE SHED!!!! We had so much junk in there. And there was a lot of poop in there... I'm guessing rodent poop? I wish I could show you a picture of the finished product, but unfortunately we have quite a few things to put out with the trash, so they are taking up room in the shed right now. (When I say we have quite a few things, I mean we have: 2 bikes, a dresser, a wheel barrow, a storm door, and a tub of junk.)

After working in the yard for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT, I wanted to go putz around some stores to find some doodads for the garden. I went to: Home Goods, Ross, Marshall's, Joann Fabrics, Pier 1, K-Mart, and Tuesday Morning. This is what I ended up getting:

Awww look at that little owl and birdie!
$6.99 and $3.99

 These little rock towers are called Cairns. We saw them on our hike up Onoko Falls in Jim Thorpe!
$7.99 each

Paul was with me when we bought this little guy at Tuesday Morning.
We named him Diego!

(Oh, I had a scare in the Ross parking lot. I couldn't find my wallet! I called Paul, it wasn't at home. Finally, I found it in my glove compartment. I put it there while I was in the gym. WHEW!!!!)

While I was in Pier 1, I saw some BEAUTIFUL wreaths I would love to hang on my door, but they are way too expensive. The first one was $50 and the second was $70. Holy smokes, why are wreaths so expensive!?

Both of these wreaths had a VIBRANT green color that do not translate well in the picture.

My friend Emily gave me some good advice on making a wreath, but I know that is too hard for me to do. I am just not artistic in that way.

Oh, look what else I found at Pier 1...

I didn't buy it because it was too expensive and I didn't need it!

Then I picked up Paul and we headed to Lowe's to get a storm door and shutters. We REALLY felt like adults... until I had to call my mom and dad to see if they would pick it up for us in their van and help us install it! We will make them a yummy dinner to show our appreciation!

Pissed and indignant. He can embody those two emotions so well.

Well, that was our Friday! More coming at you in the next two days. I hope you are having a safe and fun holiday weekend!
Have you ever heard the phrase "red up"?

What's the last thing you did that really made you feel like an adult?


  1. Holy crap, I love that phrase! I had never heard of it before I went to college in Reading and one of my good friends was from the area and she used that phrase all the time! and I still say say it - people look at me strangely when I do.

    When I take my kids to the doctor or dentist, I always feel a little more "adult". Or when I pay my mortgage! Enjoy the 4th!!

    1. Ugh, mortgage! Ours comes out automatically so I never really feel like I am actively paying it. But I do remember when we used to write out checks for it. How old school is that?

      Yay RED UP!!! I figured you would know!

  2. I've never heard the phrase red up the house! I love your new yard decorations though.

    1. Thank ya! Do you think if I used the phrase instead of tidy up you would have known what I meant?

  3. I feel like I knew what you meant by "red up" but i've actually never heard anybody say it before. Maybe in a movie? IDK.
    I agree that wreaths are SO expensive. I've been looking for some summer ones for my back patio and have had no luck, (Michaels have them too but like you said, they are like $75, too much). I love your little outdoor doodads. I have a similar bird one. Funny story, birds in real life just creep me out, but I like bird decorations. Go figure!

    1. Well bird figurines can't attack you so I get it! I didn't hit up Ollies yet but I think I will do that today if I find the time. I should be able to! I wonder if they have wreaths.

  4. That cat yogi is everything!!!!!! I LOVE IT!

  5. YES I always wonder why wreaths are so expensive too! Even at Home Goods and Target they are expensive. I want to get a nice Christmas one but I refuse to pay $$$ for something I will display for one month!

    I love all of your new lawn ornaments. That cat doing yoga is funny but I wouldn't have spent a boat load on it either. I have seen cat lawn ornaments at Home Goods before ... but not doing yoga :).

    I know what you mean about feeling like adults. Adam and I feel like adults because we own a house but Adam's dad has to help us with everything!

    1. Get your Christmas one AFTER the holidays. I know that doesn't help you now, but that's when I got mine- 75% off.

      I thought of you when I saw the cat yogi. :)

      Buying a home will really make you feel like an adult! When we bought our's 9 years ago, we didn't feel like adults though. We felt like frauds pretending to be adults. I think if we bought one now we would feel more confident and "adult".

  6. Oh I grew up with a Pa Dutch mom from Schuylkill County, so I'm very familiar with "red up!" Dopik-clumsy,goofy-is a family favorite!

    1. Oh wow I never heard THAT! What does it mean???

  7. Busy weekend for you!! lots of shopping too!

    I love perusing around Pier 1, but hardly ever buy anything. It's so expensive!

    I feel like an adult every other Friday, when my paycheck comes in, I pay all the bills and I feel that I can enjoy being a grown up again...

    1. I think the only time Pier 1 is worth it is when Christmas stuff is 75% off. Otherwise, it's too expensive!

  8. I definitely felt like an adult when I bought my sleeper sofa a couple years ago. I actually excited about it too, but I did offset things and got a happy meal for lunch that day.

    The other time was when I moved into my current place and got my stuff out of storage. I was so happy to have my full-size washer and dryer again.

  9. Such cute yard & garden decorations! I have never heard "red up". It is supposed to be short for something?

    1. NOpe, I don't think so! This is what I found: A: The verbal phrase “redd up” (also seen as “red up,” “ret up,” and even “rid up”) has its roots in a Middle English verb redden, which meant to rescue or free from, or to clear. Today, “redd up” means to clear an area or make it tidy.Dec 13, 2007

      Growing up, my mom would tell us to red up the house or red up our rooms.

  10. "red up the house"? That's a new one to me. That hasn't caught on yet here in Ohio, so maybe I can start a trend! :) And my Google tells me it's actually a variation of old English (who knew!?)...The verbal phrase “redd up” (also seen as “red up,” “ret up,” and even “rid up”) has its roots in a Middle English verb redden, which meant to rescue or free from, or to clear. Today, “redd up” means to clear an area or make it tidy.

    1. LOL I just copy pasted that for Susan before I read your comment hahaha!!!! My Grandma is PA dutch and she said it.

  11. I don't say yens and youens (who knows how to spell that!?) but it's definitely a Western PA thing. "Red up" is more PA dutch I think, which makes sense as there's a lot of dutch around here including my dad's mom.
