
Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday 5!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, my theme for Friday 5 is...


The season premiere of Big Brother was on last night. Big Brother is one of our favorite shows. Here are 5 Things we love about watching Big Brother!

1. It's on ALL THE TIME. This is actually one reason people don't like to get invested in Big Brother. But for me? It's a plus! In the summer, I have all the time in the world! I watch the three 1 hour episodes that are on CBS during the week. I DVR Big Brother After Dark which is on every night for about three hours. (I don't watch all three hours, I just fast forward until something good happens. It's nice to watch while stretching and foam rolling.) Then, there's all the PODCASTS I can listen to that talk about the episodes. It's ALL Big Brother ALL THE TIME.

2. The LOVING and the HATING. To me, a "good" season of Big Brother includes characters I LOVE and characters I HATE. Ideally, someone I LOVE wins the game. Or at least someone I HATE doesn't win. Last year, someone I HATED won, so this year I hope karma comes back around and someone I LOVE will be the winner.

Stupid ass shitty Nicole.


3. Julie Chen's outfits. I love to see what Julie is wearing on the Thursday night eviction episodes. She never quite gets the outfit right. She either has on the wrong shoes, her necklace is too chunky, or her dress is lovely but the color is all wrong. The point is, it's interesting and I like to see what she wears. Julie is a beautiful woman, so honestly, a misstep in her style is still 20,000 times more fashionable than anything I wear!

 Those shoe!? That neckline!?

4. It's a show Paul and I can watch together. We laugh, we scream, I cry... Big Brother is a show we bond over. And we normally like/hate the same people and think the same types of things are funny, so we are just the most perfect two people to watch Big Brother together. Awwwww!

5. It's FUNNY. The editors do a good job and embrace the show for what it is... NONSENSE!!! But they do little things with the camera cuts, music, and sound effects that make the show hilarious. Julie Chen gets in on the action too, and always embraces the cheesy catch phrases that have burned themselves into Big Brother history on eviction nights. "But first..."

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever watched Big Brother?
What's your favorite show to watch with your partner?


  1. I started watching it yesterday and knew you'd be happy when Paul went back into the house! I missed the first night but caught it OnDemand yesterday afternoon to catch up (it started really early this year seems like). I like BB for the same reasons you do, I don't have any favorites yet but it's always exciting to see how the seasons play out. I like that it's on 3 nights a week but you can follow more (or less) depending on how invested you are.

    1. In just two episodes, I already have some strong feelings about the cast! Let me know when you get some love/hate feelings toward them and we can compare notes!

  2. Ive actually never watched Big Brother! Im not really a TV person so these types of shows have never appealed to me. It does sound entertaining though!

    1. It is just NONSENSE but it is really good. Nothing deep or thought provoking. But I can understand if you don't really like reality TV.

  3. I've never watched Big Brother. For some reason it doesn't interest me.

    1. The premise sounds so dumb, I don't even know why I started watching it!

    2. Haha. I can see why people find it interesting. I've been known to watch a TV for no show and then wonder why I watched it.

  4. I read that as 5 reasons I love MY Big Brother, but then the meme didn't make sense.

    I have never watched Big Brother, I get everything I know about it from you.

    We just finished watching The Handmaid's Tale and we are currently watching Orange Is The New Black, both are excellent shows.

    1. LOL! I should write a post about how I love my big brother. :) We used to watch OITNB but I think we got sick of it during Season 3 and stopped watching. They must have like 6 seasons by now. I always liked Pennsyltucky.

    2. Oh my god! Pennsyltucky stresses me out! I love Tastee, she is my favorite. We just watched the episode where she got released, and I cried.

  5. I don't watch big brother but I do enjoy when Scott and I enjoy the same shows. We usually watch dateline together. Sometimes we watch the Bachelor together but it's mostly just to see the train wreck that is
    My parents love big brother. I should download some podcasts for them to listen to while the ride their bikes!

    1. You have a great man who watches the Bachelor with you!

      Rob Has A Podcast has the BEST Big Brother podcasts. :)

    2. He says he won't admit to watching it He actually watched about 40 minutes of the SATC movie with me last night! He can get sucked into to just about anything on TV,,haha

    3. He says he won't admit to watching it He actually watched about 40 minutes of the SATC movie with me last night! He can get sucked into to just about anything on TV,,haha

  6. I don't watch too much reality TV but I know this show is super popular!!

  7. Haven't watched Big Brother. The shows we watch together are all sports and Anthony Bourdain. And the news. And Seinfeld re-runs. LOL.

    1. Whenever I see an Anthony Bourdain commercial I think of you!

  8. I'm not into reality tv & have never watched Big Brother.

    We do watch a lot of shows together though, and it's a mixed bag. I have a few I watch on my own, too.

  9. I'm not much of a reality tv person, though I did watch one season of survivor, season 3 I think. A couple friends were in to it, so I watched it to join the conversations.

    1. That's a fun show to talk about with friends. Man, season 3 was a long time ago! Good season, though.
