
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I used to listen to music!

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know I love podcasts and I never listen to music while I workout. I don't even listen to music while I drive!

Can you believe it? A music teacher who doesn't listen to music!

It's just that I listen to music, play music, or sing music all day long! Sometimes I am not done teaching piano lessons until 7:00. There is only so much music one can take.

But, before I was a music teacher... while I was student teaching... I listened to music during all of my runs! (Because podcasts weren't invented yet maybe!?)

Today I will share some of the music that was on my mp3 player that I would listen to while running. I'm pretty sure I downloaded the music off Limewire. This was circa 2004, mind you.

Goodnight Moon- Shivaree

Take Me Out- Franz Ferdinand

Modest Mouse- Float On

Bang Bang- Nancy Sinatra

Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood- Santa Esmeralda

Cecilia- Simon & Garfunkel

Blister in the Sun- Violent Femmes


I love to sing along and harmonize.

James- Laid

Student teaching was one of the worst times of my life. I was so unhappy. When I used to listen to these songs, they reminded me of that unhappy time and it would depress me. But now I can listen to the songs and just feel relieved that I am well past that point in my life. Hopefully I will never be that unhappy again!

Oh wait, I lied... THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG IN THE WORLD!!!! Paul and I sing the SHIT out of this in the car and harmonize the living crap out of it!

Are there any songs that give you unhappy memories?
Does any of this music surprise you?


  1. I used to listen to music, too! Now it's podcasts just like you! If I hear music that I listened to from about 2002 - 2005 I remember a time when my mom was really sick and I was in the throws of my exercise addiction so I get a little sad, and yet I still love the music.

    1. Ugh that must have been a terrible time. Did your exercise addiction have anything to do with your mom being sick?

    2. Yes, I think so! It was a great way to cope but I took it too far for many years...even after she died. Glad to be done with that though I learned many lessons!

    3. BTW, I completely forgot to comment on your FAVORITE song :) I love this and I can only imagine how well you harmonize the shit out of it. Um, perhaps Paul will agree to appear with you in your next vlog so you guys can belt it out.

    4. Maybe I will be able to get him to do a snap!

  2. Student teaching related dads? I have a student teacher and I was in s scheduling meeting all day so there was a sub watching him teach. Should have shown him your "" vlog.

    1. Oh yeah! SHUT. IT. DOWN. I teach all my student teachers and practicum students that. :)

  3. It probably won't surprise you that I didn't recognize any of those songs. Growing up, my grandma had an under the counter radio in her kitchen and it was on 24/7 ( on her country station). When I got married it just felt natural to have an under the counter radio and have it on all day long we say it is for the sake of the dogs, but I like it too. I just got an updated version of the radio for Christmas, it has a USB!
    Also I use to be so mad at Scott because every time we drove in the car he would have the Sirius radio set to news. I always wanted to listen to music and told him his station made him older than he was. Now I actually like listening to his news and we also listen to the ID channel because who can pass up a good murder mystery while driving?

    1. Oh wow, you can listen to the ID channel on Sirius????

  4. I don't know any of these songs! I'll have to give them a listen when I get home tonight.

    Listening to music from the late 90s and early 2000s always cracks me up because there are so many songs where I can be like, "oh this was my song for X when I had a crush on him" lol!

    1. The music videos from the early 2000s are sooooo cringe worthy. Like, we thought that was cool. :) I'm thinking more like Britney Spears, NSYNC, stuff like that.

    2. I am too! OMG yeah they were so cringe. Like It's Gonna Be Me music video where they are actual marionette toys! I mean I totally get the history behind it and all the shit with lou pearlman but yeah, still cringe. Especially to think of how old some of them were at the time doing that! Buuuuut they did make a lot of $ doing it so I guess in their shoes I might do it too!

      And like the Britney oops video? What was that red playsuit? Where did the Titanic reference come from? I mean so many WTFs

    3. I love the song Oops I did it Again. I sang that for Karaoke like a year ago... I was buzzing when I signed up but by the time it was my turn my buzz was gone and I did the most inhibited version of the song you ever heard.

  5. I love those Modest Mouse and Franz Ferdinand songs! They take me back to my college days and those were good times :).

  6. At first I was super surprised that you don't listen to music but then it makes sense that you don't because you live and breathe music!

  7. Just catching up on your blog - brother's triathlon (Awesome!!!), chicken that looks like duck (LOL!), 100 freaking burpees?? I almost die doing 15 a day. Way to make me look weak. haha!

  8. What made you stop listening to music? When did you star listening to Podcast?

    I have been listening to books for a few years, it helps me stay focused at work, and if the book is really good, I'll listen to it during a run. So, I have cut out a lot of music too, because I couldn't find music that I found interesting.

    1. You know what, I have no clue what made me switch to podcasts! I don't even know what podcast I started with. WAIT I DO KNOW!!! Fresh Air with Terry Gross. I freaking loved that show and I would download it to listen to on my run.
