
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I quit a workout!

On Saturday afternoon, I decided to do a deck of cards workout. This is what I came up with:

I dusted off my jump rope and took all my equipment outside.

I flipped over the first card. 4 of clubs. Okay, push ups, that's fine. I flipped another card. 10 of clubs. 10 more push ups. The next card was a 7 of clubs. What the heck!? It was getting kind of hard to do the push ups. Next, the queen of clubs. OMG!!! MAKE THE MADNESS STOP!!!!

Then it was 6 of hearts. Burpees. No problem. I felt wobbly on the burpees.

Then, an Ace. Yay, jump rope! I have missed the jump rope. I chose the ambitious number of 200 jump rope rotations. I figured that would be doable. That's probably like 90 seconds of jumping rope, right? No problem.

Except it was a problem! Almost right away, jumping made my ankles hurt! I got in 30 rotations, then took a little break to stretch my ankles. I did 20 more rotations and gave up. My ankles hurt too bad.

I only got through 5 cards and my ass was kicked. This was BULLSHIT,

I put all my equipment away and went for a 5 mile run.

I don't often quit workouts. In fact, I can't think of the last time I quit a workout. It made me feel weak. Even my run started off crappy. I was tired. But around mile 3, I got a little pep in my step and kicked it up a notch.

Have you ever quit a workout?
Do you jump rope?
What's your favorite type of circuit?


  1. You didn't really just cut it short and changed course and went running! Still a great workout for the day. I don't jump rope. I am not really a jumping type person which is why I never do T-25 (even though I say I am going to try it). So, I would not jump rope because I think I would be miserable.

    1. I don't ever remember my ankles hurting when jumping. Maybe I am getting old!? How often does Rick do T-25?

    2. Probably 3 x per week. When he first started he followed the plan exactly for 8 weeks (I think) and saw amazing results. Now he's just on maintenance....

  2. I think it's normal to have days where something you can normally do feels hard. I mean just with basic things like getting up in the morning... some days I pop out of bed, and some days I can barely drag myself out of bed. Like Susan said, you didn't even really quit you just changed course to do something better suited for that day!

    I was supposed to do 200 jump rope rotations yesterday but I only did about 30 because my right knee was hurting on impact every few jumps. I have no idea why because my knees have not been bothering me, but I moved on to the other exercises. Our bodies are mysterious! And I don't care about jump roping. I am sure the mountain climbers helped me warm up even better!

    1. Mountain climbers are great! They are easy on my knees for some reason. You are right, our bodies are weird. Sometimes I will feel a SHARP pain somewhere and I'm like, oh man something is WRONG. Then it is gone before I even remember it happening.

  3. I have never quit a workout but I'd definitely quit THAT one! Ha ha ha!

  4. I haven't jumped rope since elementary school. I don't know if I could do it now with so much time since then.

    1. I jumped a lot a couple years ago but apparently I am not good at it anymore!

  5. That's the great thing about running, even if you quite in the middle, you still have to find a way to get home ( or back to your car) so you can't quite. Unless of course you walk back but that's still cardio, right?

    1. Yup! Still cardio. And sometimes it is good to quit if something hurts! I've definitely cut runs short before.

  6. That looks like a very intense work out!!

    I have quit a couple of workouts, because I was hungry.
