
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

I love Mondays!

For some reason, I woke up on Monday morning feeling like I had a new lease on life.

Maybe it was because it was the first day of May.

Maybe it was because I only had 26 days of work left in the school year.

Maybe it was because I had just a normal, non-crazy work week ahead of me.

Maybe it was because I got a really good night’s sleep.

Maybe it was because I set my alarm for a half hour earlier so I wouldn’t feel rushed in the morning.

Whatever it was that put me in a good mood, I was thankful for it. On my run, I said hello to a bunny rabbit I saw in a yard. “Hi Busty!!!” I said to him. (We call Christmas “Busty” and it has just turned into a pet name for all animals.) Then later on in my run I saw a black cat and said hi to it too. I’m not superstitious, so I was happy to see the kitty.

At work I tried very hard to be productive. I had on my new skirt, a new pair of underwear and no bra. I basically felt like I could conquer the world!

Nothing particularly bad or good happened at work, it was just a normal day. I LOVE NORMAL DAYS. I also love Mondays. On Mondays, I don’t have any piano lessons after work and can just go home and do whatever I want.

Do you like Mondays?
When was the last time you were in a great mood for no reason?
Do you talk to animals on your run?


  1. I can't say I love Mondays but since I really like my job, I don't dread them either. I was in a good mood yesterday because it was our anniversary :) When I run in the summer I see cows and horses out in the pasture and I do say hello to them....with the rabbits running around I usually don't have time to say anything I am just praying they don't dodge out in front of my bike and get hit (I already did that with my car a few times..)

    1. I didn't know it was your anniversary! Congrats! How many years?

    2. 18 years married but we dated for 5 years before that so 23 together--longer than 1/2 my life!!

  2. Mondays are my favorite day of the week! I always wake up refreshed from the weekend, and I have very specific things I do at work on Mondays that I mostly enjoy. I also buy a french hazelnut coffee on Mondays and Fridays on my way into work which is a nice treat for starting and ending the week on a high note :)

    1. Ooh yes a special coffee is always nice. What is it that you enjoy on Mondays at work?

    2. I think just that I have a routine for thwould day --- setting the foundation for the rest of the week. I rarely stray from my routine on Mondays whereas other days I have a to do list (that I set on Monday) but I KNOW I'm going to also get pulled in 20 different, unexpected directions!

  3. I always wave to dogs or say "hi buddy" as I run by!

    We saw 2 black rabbits this weekend and we thought that was odd to see wild rabbits that are black. Have you ever seen them before?

    Glad you were in a good mood! With only 26 days left it's hard not to be!

    1. I have not seen black rabbits, how interesting!

      I KNOW, the second week of June cannot come soon enough. Behavior is going down the toilet over here...

  4. Mondays are great as it's a new, fresh start to the week! :) Glad you had a great day yesterday!!

    1. Thanks girl! It's always nice to have a fresh start, I agree.

  5. I felt similar yesterday... first day of the week and month, plus 6 weeks since my peroneal tendon injury. I felt like I needed to start training for something (haha, not in May in SC). Hooray for you only having 26 more days of work because I know how much you value your summers- and your stress level going down now that the musical is over.

    1. Did you decide to start training for something or did you just feel like you should? Yes I value summer so much! May brings it's own stress, mostly behavior related. The kids just think the rules don't apply anymore! I feel like I am so mean this time of year.

  6. I talk to animals (mostly cats) all the time! And ALWAYS in my cat voice, all high and squeaky with words like "kitty witty" and I ALWAYS meow at them.

    1. Yah! High pitched is the way to go with cats. I can't meow at mine though or they may bite me!

  7. I talk to geese when I'm running. It sounds strange, but since they hiss and charge sometimes, I want them to know I'm not a threat. Especially in spring when they could be sitting on eggs.

    1. I saw some ducks on my run this am. And thrn a geese in the middle of the rd on the way to work. I hope he didn't get hit!

  8. I do actually wake up in great moods on most days, especially if I can get a workout in before everyone else wakes up. And then my family irks me and the kids bicker. Some days it's impossible to avoid!

    1. Lol I have the same problem once I get to worked! But Paul never irksme.. well, hardly ever.

  9. Mondays definitely bring a refreshing feeling. Can't say I love them but my least favorite day is most definitely Tuesday. If we could get rid of Tuesday, all would be well.

  10. I'm just going to reiterate how jealous I am that you can go to work without a bra and I literally can't even be vertical without strapping my boobs into place.

    Also, I talk to all the animals I see, too!

    1. I used to want big boobs... or any boobs! How are your fur babies?

    2. Haha...

      Freyja is getting so big and she she loves Atlas more than us..haha

      What kind of babies are my honeybees? Chickens are feather babies...bees are stingybabies? Honeybabies?

    3. When they are behaving, they are Honeybabies. When they are on your nerves, Stingybabies!

  11. I like Mondays way more Than Tuesdays! It feels like too many things are crammed on Tuesdays.

    I am 100% more likely to talk to a dog than to a human...

    Your comment above^^ Why did you want to do with bigger boobs? They are heavy during running, or any moving activity.... cute tops are not made for cup Cs!!

    1. Oh like when I was in HS or college, I thought if I had bigger boobs I would fit in better. I am REALLY flat chested. Like, zero.

  12. This week I felt really good at work. I had a bunch of good days in a row. Then last night I had a terrible nightmare about bus duty, which is actually the easiest part of my day in real life. It was so weird to have an anxiety dream about work when the week was going so well!

    1. Do you ever have that dream where you are trying to teach the class but none of them stop talking and you just don't know what to do?
