
Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Interrogation of Paul! (He doesn't read my blog!)

Did you know Paul doesn't  read my blog? Whenever I ask him why, his stock answer is, "I don't read Meg Go Run, I live Meg Go Run." He's so funny, isn't he? 

A couple weeks ago, our power went out, so we ordered pizza and actually sat at the table and talked instead of what we normally do... eat on the couch while watching Colbert!

I took the opportunity to interrogate gently question Paul about why he doesn't read Meg Go Run!

**Note: This is supposed to be funny! ENJOY! Also, I said right in the beginning I wasn't going to post it but I got permission to do so!


M: I'm not gonna post this.

P: Okay.

M: Okay, so what makes you decide, "Oh, I'm gonna go read Megan's blog?

P: Either you tell me to or or I just see it in my bookmarks bar and I think, "Hmmm I haven't read this in two weeks, I should go read her blog real quick." So, I'd say about every three weeks I read it.

M: And do you read every single post or do you just read the one that was posted that day.

P: I usually scroll and see what's interesting and read that, maybe scroll down to another one that's interesting, like maybe if we did something together that weekend.

M: So you want to read ones about you?

P: Yeah, if it was an eventful weekend I do like to go back and see.

M: Are there any that interest you that don't have to do with you? It sounds like you like the Weekend Wrap Ups. Are there any other posts besides ones about our day to day life that you like?

P: Hmmm... I can't think of a particular example.

M: What about my Weekly Workout Recaps? What do you think of those?

P: Not a big fan because you usually tell me about your workouts anyway.

M: I don't tell you what I do! Unless it's really big I tell you.

P: Yeah, but it's just not something I'm extremely interested in.

M: No one is. No one reads those. They're for me, so I can look back and see what I did. Plus it gives me one day of content. Since I post every day, that gives me one day that is free... just write about what I did.

P: Yeah, so like if I had a blog and I wrote about fantasy football two days a week, those are the ones you would skip over.

M: Mmmhmm. But I would skim through those posts just to see if you were happy or sad about fantasy football. Now, did you ever read something on my blog that you didn't know about and you thought, "Aw, I wish I would have tuned in to that and been there for her?"

P: No. I guess I don't read it enough to see-

M: So you don't care?

P: No! It's just I never read anything where I thought, "Oh, I didn't realize that happened."

M: Were you ever mad about something you read?

P: No.

M: Really?

P: Really.

M: I guess you don't read enough.

P: I guess not! I mean, mad at the purpose of your blog or mad about what you wrote?

M: Mad at me.

P: No. I guess I better start reading it if I have to worry about that!

M: Now, some people might think it's weird that my husband doesn't read my blog. What do you have to say about that?

P: I don't read MGR because I live MGR.

M: You don't! I write about shit that is just in my brain. You don't live my brain!

P: And I get to live things your readers don't get to live. It goes both ways. That, and I don't like to read that much.

M: *Laughter*

P: I generally don't read! I don't! I don't read! I can read! But I don't read.

M: *Laughter*

P: Listen, I'm trying to eat my pizza right now.

M: I kind of want to just post this. Would you let me?

P: Yeah.

M: I don't know if we're going to have our gross chewing sounds on this. I might have to transcribe it.

P: We'll listen to it and see.

Does your husband read your blog?


  1. That is so funny! Love the honesty. Paul sounds just as easy going as Rick--which is great for us. It balances out our "intensity", right?

    1. YES you have it exactly right. Paul is soooooo easy going. :)

  2. Haha! Rob doesn't read my blog either. I think once in awhile he will see something pop up on Facebook that catches his attention so he will look. Or if he realized I mentioned him or posted a picture of him in a post then all of a sudden he is interested! Sometimes i write more about whats going on with my running than what I talk about, so when he doesn't know something Im like "umm, you should have read the blog!"

    1. Rob and Paul sound like they are a lot alike. :) Rob LIVES Mile by Mile. ;)

  3. Oh this is so funny! I'm glad Paul agreed to let you post it. My husband doesn't read our blog either. He use to when we first started. He would say "Let's see what Fairytales and Fitness is up to".

    I totally understand those posts that you write for yourself. I have come to realize that there are some posts (like maybe the weekly wrap or about a certain run) that others probably find boring and/or don't bring any educational value, but I am glad that I have the opportunity to write it because lately I've been looking back at old posts and remembering what I did or certain things about a run. I know it's goofy, but I often go back and read old posts from our blog. It's like a digital stroll down memory lane.

    1. It is great to have those events recorded. It's funny, my favorite posts of yours are weekly wraps or a story about a run. I love to hear about a blogger's day to day life. :)

  4. Adam skims my blog about once a week looking for anything about him -- what an ego maniac!!! Just like Paul he says he doesn't need to read the blog because he lives it. He is somewhat interested in writing on my blog this year but he says he's not sure what to write about! I told him he should write about MMA or add on to my weekly training recap with his own recap.

    1. Paul and Adam are so alike! I even got Paul to write a guest blog once. I still can't believe I convinced him to do that. I would love to read posts by Adam!

  5. Sounds just like my husband! He doesn't read my blog either. Sometimes when I think I've been particularly clever, I read it to him!

    1. Omg I do that too!!! Sounds like us bloggers are a lot alike.

  6. LOL! This is SO cute and funny. Matt doesn't read my blog unless I tell him to, either. And sometimes he'll resist, like "You already TOLD me about this, why do I have to read it?" He has political shit to read, so he doesn't want to waste time on the blog. But if I tell him there's an important post, he'll read it.

    1. Okay, so that is good that he will read if you INSIST. Paul will read if I insist... but I have to keep reminding him because he will forget!

  7. My husband does not read my blog either. I like it that way. I'm not sure what he may think is going on on my blog. That's such a funny convo! I guess they do live it!

    1. I'm sure they do... they LIVE it and they LOVE it. ;)

  8. Hilarious!! Sounds a bit like my husband! He'll ask me something and I'll say "well didn't you read about it on my blog? I wrote all about it!".

    1. Yes but I have to give Alan credit because he regularly comments on yours! A comment from Paul is a HUGE surprise!

  9. Haha so he does read yours or only when you ask?

  10. I read this sunday, but forgot to comment. This is adorable! I love that he lives MGR!!

    Roger doesn't read my blog, he has told me before that running blogs are stupid... to which I reply that he is never allowed to read my blog, and the always mature "no, you are stupid!" which I always regret, because I don't like calling loved ones mean names.

    1. Haha! But your blog is so much more than a running blog! I don't like reading blogs that are only about running.
