
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Taking the kitties to the vet.

Hey all! Thanks for your sound advice yesterday. I did NOT run! Woot! The pain is non existent now, even if I try really hard to flex my muscle and make it hurt. I may run today, or I may hold off another day. I don't know! But thanks for all your thoughts and kind words of advice!!!


On Friday afternoon, we took Christmas and Jelly to the vet. They were due for their annual checkup as well as a couple vaccinations. Ideally we like to take them one at a time, but because you get a bit of a discount for doing both on the same visit, we do that.

Paul and I don't fight a lot, but there are certain situations that always cause us to argue. One such situation is when we try to get the cats in their carriers to take them to the vet. But this time, I was smart. It only took us 8+ years of marriage, but I finally realized that I should sit in the car and leave all the kitty rounding up to Paul. So that's what I did. He successfully got them in their carrying cases and off we went to the vet's office without an argument.

Our kitties cry in the car. You'd think they would be up for adventure- especially Christmas. But that is not the case. Luckily, it takes less than ten minutes to get to the vet's office, so they aren't stuck in the car for long.

Once we got in the exam room, they did not want to get out of their carriers. Jelly went first, and we literally had to pour him out of his case. He was a really good boy and did not growl or hiss at the vet. He took the thermometer up his butt like a man. Jelly got a clean bill of health, except for the tarter on his teeth. Jelly won't let me brush his teeth so I don't think there is much I can do about that except keep feeding him his dental treats.

When Jelly was done, he got into Chrissy's carrying case with him. Christmas hissed. Uh oh. I was scared they were going to fight.

Can you picture Jelly squeezed in there with Chrissy?

Chrissy is normally horrible at the vet. He even has notes in his chart that he can be aggressive. But today, he was absolutely fine! He didn't like the vet messing with his lower half, but our vet was really good and allowed Chrissy to calm down before venturing to his nether regions. All in all, Chrissy was a good boy and I am proud of him. I can't imagine how scary it is for them to be outside their comfort zone!

The vet kept gushing about how big and beautiful our cats are. He said their coat was so thick and healthy. He marveled at Chrissy's clean teeth. (He got them cleaned about two years ago.) We were beaming parents!

I love my kitties so much. I know you all know this, but I thought I'd tell you again!

How do you fur babies react to the vet?
Or how do your actual children react to the doctor?


  1. Glad the boys got a clean bill of health! You know Cecil hates the vet too. He also has a note in his file that he is a "large, aggressive male." This is confusing to me as I see him as a tiny happy little baby. He's a kitten.

    1. I know, all the videos and pics I see of Cecil do not line up with him being characterized as aggressive!

  2. I am so glad you got a clean bill of health and no fights! I am learning those marriage lessons, too. Rick and I get into "arguments" sometimes when we try to cook together. We just have such different ways of approaching it and now I know simply removing myself from the situation is best. Cooking together is totally over-rated right?!? YAY--great news about your leg! Rest is exactly what you needed and now you can go kick ass with your running again.

    1. I always envisioned you two cooking together! We have a galley kitchen and can barely warm up leftovers at the same time let alone cook!

    2. When we go and have dinner w/ my dad, I just let Rick do all the cooking. At home, we do cook together but we "divide and conquer" so we aren't working on the exact same thing. Much, much better and enjoyable!

  3. I'm glad the kitties are all healthy! those are news always welcome!

    My doggy Cordy used to be so good at the vet! She loved any and all attention!

    My kid is the same, he loves the extra attention at the doctors. he tells them all about school, and whatever sport he is playing, or what book he is reading.

    1. That is good your Don doesn't mind the doctor! I think as adults we don't like the attention but kids do!

    2. That is good your Don doesn't mind the doctor! I think as adults we don't like the attention but kids do!

  4. Allie poops in her carrier after a certain distance, so I need a vet that's practically right next to where I live. She's fine once she's out of the carrier, but she hates the carrier itself. It doesn't matter how comfortable I make it for her.

    1. Allie! LOL poor girl. Our Basic would do that- pee and POOP!

  5. Your cats are extraordinary! I don't blame you for loving them so much. And good job coming up with a new plan of waiting in the car for Paul to round up the kitties.

  6. That's a good idea about letting Paul get them in the carrier. Crying babies can cause a lot of stress between couples too when it's time to strap them in a car seat! I only take my cats in for issues, so they don't go much at all. They don't know to run yet when they hear the carrier coming out of storage!! That's a great picture of Chrissy on the table. They could use that for advertising!!!

    1. It did make me laugh because one of the main times we get testy is with our "kids" haha.

  7. I love that you waited in the car while Paul rounded up the kitties. That's smart! I'm glad they had a good check up and didn't get too aggressive or upset by all the prodding haha!
