
Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday 5!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today I'm going to share 5 things about this week...

1. First of all, it's been a really weird week because due to some adductor pain, I didn't run until Thursday! Luckily I did 3 miles with ZERO PAIN and ZERO PAIN later. (Knock on wood.) I'm not superstitious except when it comes to running... I'm glad I stopped after 3 miles because I would I would hate to do too much and then have the pain come back. But yeah, it was a really WEIRD week due to a change in my workouts!

2. On Monday, I forgot my phone at home! This was the first time since getting a smartphone that I didn't have it with me at work. When I realized on my commute that I didn't have my phone, I panicked. How would I survive? Well, it turns out that I made it through the day without my phone and it actually wasn't too bad.

This is a bad pic of me kissing my phone...

3. I got some new jewelry. I know I'm not supposed to buy "stuff", but since these were all bought from small businesses, at least I am supporting them!

4. On Tuesday, we had a 2 hour delay! There was some snow, so to make sure everyone made it to school safely, we got an extra two hours. I slept the entire time, which was awesome! A 7:30 alarm is way better than a 5:30 alarm!

5. Due to not running a whole lot, my pooping has really suffered. Luckily, I found a solution!

Does your school ever delay for weather? 
Could you survive a day at work without your phone?
What do brussel sprouts do to YOU?


  1. YEAH!! So glad that you are feeling better!!

    I have forgotten my phone at home several times. If I'm only a couple of blocks away I'll turn around and get it, but if I'm already on the highway I have to just deal with it. I always panick when I leave my phone because I don't have anyone's number memorized (not even Adam's). I always think "what if I get in a car accident or something?" and I tell myself to memorize Adam's number, but then once I'm reunited with my phone I forget :/. Maybe I'll try to memorize it today! I have his old phone number memorized ...

  2. I am so glad the pain is GONE! Good for you for being patient and for not running for 4 days to let the injury heal. I don't think I would survive a work day without my phone because that is what I use to dial into all my meetings but I have forgotten it at home when we go out on the weekends and initially it causes panic and then it's just kind of nice to not always be looking at it. P.S. love the new jewelry--so awesome!

    1. Thanks about the jewelry! :) My fav is the necklace.

      It can be freeing to not have a phone. Even though I love the camera, sometimes it's nice to live in the moment and not worry about taking pictures.

  3. I actually forgot my phone this week too. I had to call my mom from my classroom to tell her because she usually texts me during the day about Baylee (she comes over to give her her afternoon pills). I felt so disconnected..haha.

    I was hoping for a delay or an early dismissal on Tuesday, but neither happened! Have a good weekend!

    1. Aw that is nice that your mom takes care of your baby. :)

  4. We haven't had any delays or snow days this year...I would love at least one! So glad to hear you were able to get in a pain free run yesterday!

  5. Knock wood, we've never had a delay. It takes a LOT to have a snow day here, which is just as well. I'd rather not have days tacked on in June. Your jewelry is cute!

    1. I bet it takes a lot! We get pretty bad weather, so you'd think we'd be used to it by now. But our school is just sooooo cautious. I'm glad they are because I hate driving when it's slippy.

  6. I have no idea what brussels sprouts would do for me since I don't eat them!

  7. We usually have lots of delays but this year only once. It's been a snow free year so far. I eat lots of brussels but don't think they effect me in any way

    1. I feel like most of our snow here in PA comes in Feb and March. Snow days are fun but then ya have to make them up- ugh.

  8. I'm happy to hear that your pain did not last long and that you were still able to run!

    I'm not sure I could survive without my smart phone. I depend on it WAY too much!

    1. It is amazing how useful it is. I got mine in Sept. and at this point it would stink to live without it. I could certainly live without it but it wouldn't be fun.

  9. I haven't run this week either, but it's not injury. After hearing all the work I've done since March paid off and my lateral strength is "good" I needed a break. I'd been strength training non-stop.

  10. Oh yeah! I was going to ask about your poop and if the sprouts worked! EXCELLENT NEWS. I have to poop just reading about poop. I've already pooped this morning and now I have to go again.

    1. I normally have to poop reading about too! Or looking up races to run. THAT makes me want to poop.

  11. I'm glad the injury seems to be healing! Maybe a few days off was all you needed. And hooray for finding a resolution to the pooping deal :).

    No snow (err, cold) delays here yet this year, but it was 76 in Charleston yesterday so yeah. We have had one or two cold days this winter though. One time in December it was so cold I had to run in pants. It was below freezing that day.

    My phone went kaput in January and I had to wait 2 days for them to send me a new one. It really wasn't so bad except I was scared to drive around much without my phone just in case something happened on the roads. That was my biggest concern more than being disconnected. Honestly, it was kind of freeing not to be tied to a device for 2 days... but downloading everything again was a pain!

    1. Do you like having some real cold days once in awhile or would you prefer mild weather all year? As much as it sucks when it is in the teens or single digits, there is a certain wintery smell in the air and I can enjoy it for a couple runs.

      I remember when your phone went kaput! I think I would be a wimp and make Paul set my phone up for me if that happened. He set it up initially so I could use the excuse that he already knows how to do it hehe.

  12. I could not work without my phone, and would be very sad if I wasn't going to work. My company pays for my phone, so technically it's a tool I need to have. For the first time ever, I got a small crack in my phone screen! I was pretty sad to see that. I drop it a lot, and have made it through years without incident. Hopefully the crack won't spread and it will survive until I get a new one!
    Honestly - I have never eaten a brussel sprout! I have a feeling I would not like the taste of them. I also have never eaten okra, most squash varieties, and don't eat avocados or kale. I live a simple life :)

    1. Oh I hope the crack doesn't get bigger! Do you have a screen protector? I have one of those and have a crack in that but I can only see it at certain angles. It really isn't that big of a deal.

      You should try brussel sprouts! Toss them in oil. We got avocados at Aldi today because they were only 59 cents! WOOOOOT!!!!

  13. I don't think I've ever tried brussel sprouts (???) The much as I don't think I'm addicted to it, I would be a full-blown panic attack without it.

  14. I love your jewelry!!!

    Forgetting a phone is like forgetting a watch. I feel so naked without it!

    1. Thanks Rachel! Yeah, when I forgot earrings I reel naked!

  15. I love all your feminist jewelry!!!! I love jewelry that makes a statement and is super pretty. I have an equal-sign pin that I used to wear on my school lanyard but I don't wear my lanyard anymore. I need to figure out a way to start wearing it again.

    1. Yes you do need to find a reason to wear your pin! I got a choker today with the female symbol on it today and I have a Nasty Woman t-shirt coming too. :) But I'm done now, I swear!
