
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

I'm trying to decide whether I should run tomorrow!

So... I'm typing this post on Tuesday night... and I really want to run tomorrow. I haven't run since I tried 3 miles on Saturday and I had to stop due to pain in my adductor. It's up near my groin by not my groin.

Image result for adductor pain

On Saturday, I was all gung ho to not run for a whole week to get this dumb pain to go away. In fact, I even had a blog post scheduled for yesterday titled, "I'm not running for a week!" but then I switched it to my draft folder because I was afraid I'd post something that I wouldn't follow through with! Telling the world I wasn't running for a week... that made it REAL.

And I don't know if I can go a whole week. I really freaking miss running! I will admit, I haven't been loving running lately... but there's nothing like the feeling of not being able to run to make you love running!

I feel bloated. I haven't had a good old fashioned poop in days. (I've pooped, but not a GOOD poop. You know what I mean.) I'm depressed! And I know I'm partly depressed by what's going on in the world, but I'm also depressed because I haven't been able to get my running endorphins. And I am only on Day 3!!!

Don't worry, I have been doing a lot of lifting. But lifting endorphins aren't the same as running endorphins...

Okay, so here's the post I wrote the other day when I was super committed to taking seven days off running...

"I decided to take week off running. It sounds quite drastic, doesn’t it? Here’s what’s going on…

I have a pain in one of my adductor muscles and it has been there off and on for a week. I ran on Tuesday and it felt really jacked up. So I didn’t run on Wednesday or Thursday. On Friday I ran and things were pretty good. But then on Saturday I only got through 3 miles before I figured I should stop. It hurt pretty bad the whole rest of the day! I took off Sunday and and Monday. It feels okay except when I purposefully try to make it hurt by squeezing my legs together.

I’m not messing around anymore. I’m two days into my seven day no running goal. Believe me, I reeeeeeeally want to run! But I also want the pain to go away and not get worse.

You know me, when I think something is up, I shut it down.

My running is shut down until further notice."

I sound so committed, don't I!?

Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow. I really want to run... When I try to make the muscle hurt, I can feel it a little bit. It's better than yesterday. Hmmm.

I just want some fresh air and wind at my face!

Any tips on how to stay sane without running?
Do you think I will cave before the week is over?
Ya all know what I'm talking about right!?


  1. Oh no! If there is still pain when you try to make it hurt then it's not healed and you know what you need to do. BUT never fear! You can still get fresh air and wind in your face! Maybe you can walk? But even if you don't think walking will be good, you can go for a drive on the highway with all the windows down in your car! Or you can have someone else drive around your neighborhood while you stick your head out of one window! Does knoebels have a good roller coaster? You could also try that! :D

    1. LOL I love your suggestions! Actually, thank you because this was the first thing I read when I woke up and I had already decided to lift BUT I was waffling... thanks for being there for me! I'm so glad you get up at the ass crack of dawn now! :)

  2. I can totally relate to this! And its even worse when something feels better for like 5 minutes and I convince myself that I totally can run. Then a few days later when it still hurts I always wish I had started taking time off sooner. But there is also this doubt in my mind that time off won't help so I might as well run.
    I like Kristina's ideas! But really, walking could be a great way to get outside and get fresh air without aggravating it.

    1. Yes there are certain things that plague me where time off just doesn't help. Like my ITB. There is no rhyme or reason when that bothers me. So I have just learned to deal with it.

  3. I would continue to rest it. I agree with Kristina--try walking. Just getting outside helps me!

    1. I may go for a walk with Paul after school today. Thank you, Cheryl!

  4. Ugh...I knew you were going to try to take a week off but I can totally understand how hard that can be. I wish you had cross training options besides weights. Is there a pool you can get to? I know it's not your favorite but I know for me if running is not in the mix, I still have my cycling, swimming, walking + weights & yoga. Hang in there. In the grand scheme of things, a few days is not a big deal but I get that it feels like a big deal.

    1. I could join a gym and swim but I'm not sure I would stick with it. It would prob give me endorphins though. There's no tired like POOL tired. :) You are right, in the grand scheme, a few days is NOTHING.

    2. ..hang in there. A few days is nothing but feels like everything! I get it.

  5. If you aren't training for anything, what will it hurt to take a few days off? The fact that you've mentioned this pain a few times now tells me that it IS INDEED a big deal and something that has been bothering you and you should listen to your body.

    I know you probably want to get outside and get those endorphins but can you do that with a brisk walk? Do you have a fitness tracker to count steps? When I wasn't running as much I would challenge myself by trying to get "x" amount of steps in each day. Walking outdoors listening to the radio or a good podcast can be just as enjoyable as running!

    Hope this clears up soon so you can get back to what you love.

    1. It won't hurt anything to take a few days off, that's why I'm try to rally myself to do that. Today is Day 4. Woot! I am glad I didn't run today because it doesn't hurt at all even when I try to make it hurt. The road will be there tomorrow... or Friday... or Saturday... we'll see!

  6. Ouch! I hope that pain goes away and I hope you poop soon....

    1. Thanks! I want a good poop almost as much as I want to run.

  7. I can totally relate to this. Taking days off running because I'm not training for anything, but who wants to do that?? And feeling bloated due to BM... yep! That was me a few weeks ago! Hope you can get back on track soon. A week is a long time to be off! I would give in after 4 days :)

    1. Well today is Day #4 so we'll see if I can go a little longer. I want to poop!

  8. When in doubt, sit it out. I've heard 3 days off can really clear up any niggles and after that, if it's giving you trouble it may be time to see a doc.

    And yeah, the not pooping thing is serious, I went through that when I was injured. Yoga can help a LOT with that...

    1. I never knew yoga helped with poop!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Certain poses do, especially the twisting postures as well as some of the forward folds. I'll let you do the googling as I'm at work :)

  9. Dang. Lifting is great and everything but there's something about the cardio sweat that is just cathartic. Bike?

    1. I know, I enjoy lifting 2-3 times per week but the other days I need CARDIO! We have a spin bike but it normally bothers my ITB. I haven't tried it in awhile though.

  10. Wow! that is a very conflicting dilemma! I can understand needing the fresh air, but wanting the pain to stop. What else are you doing to heal your pain?

    Have you tried Yoga? yoga is a whole new sort of endorphins... I think of them as sleepy endorphins, they make me feel great, but also very sleepy.

    I hope you feel better soon!

    1. I am just resting for the pain because it doesn't feel like the kind of thing that should be stretched. The good news is I think the rest has helped. It hurt a tiny bit yesterday if I *made* it hurt. Today I am trying to make it hurt and I can't. So maybe I will run tomorrow orrrrr take another day. We'll see.

      Yoga is not my thing at ALL. I'm not going to say I'll NEVER try it again, but it just isn't something I enjoy.

  11. Have you tried drinking hot lemon water for the poop issue... I drink a glass of it first thing in the morning (with apple cider vinegar in it too) and before I even get through with my coffee I am in the bathroom!

    1. Maybe I will try that, I think I have lemon! Normally I don't need any help and go at least twice in the morning before my run!

  12. I've been having hot tea every afternoon and it is REALLY helping my BMs. I'm super regular usually but if not, then I know hot tea will help.

    I'm sorry you're having pain. I think taking a week off is SO hard but sometimes it's really what you need. Can you still go on walks etc? Would that give you the outside time you need without exacerbating your pain?

    1. Yes I am sure I could still walk. I need to do that more regardless of when I can run again.
