
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Just shooting the breeze...

Maybe I should have spent more time writing this past weekend because I still have zero blogs planned for this week, except for Friday! So here I am, writing on the fly. It was kind of nice just shooting the breeze with you yesterday, so I'll try it again today.

Right now it's 5:28pm on Tuesday. I got home from work and taught two piano lessons from 4-5pm. Now I have a break until 6pm when I have one more lesson. It's quiet. Paul is in the basement with Jelly. I'm at the kitchen counter with my laptop and Chrissy is falling asleep at his spot by the sink.

I'm trying hard to chillax. Work was crazy. Sometimes it's hard for me to calm down after a crazy day, especially if I have a couple piano lessons after school.

I think if I have a crazy work day, it really hinders my ability to decompress when I get home. Yesterday, I got home from work at 4pm and I didn't hang out with Paul until 6pm. I needed to be alone.

Okay, my piano student is coming in 12 minutes so I better get out of my pajama pants and into sweatpants (hahaha!). Working from home is nice, especially if your clients don't care that you teach their children in sweatpants! I guess if you have 13 years of teaching piano lessons under your belt, they don't care what you wear!? Maybe I should keep my pajama pants on. They're orange with little bunnies all over them. 

No? Okay...
How long does it take you to decompress after work?
Would you care if your child's piano teacher wore sweatpants? What about pajama pants?
Where's the weirdest place your puppy or kitty sleeps?


  1. I think you need to wear your green music leggings from Lularo! ..haha.

    I have some time at the end of the day where I don't have students so that's a nice time to decompress. I'm usually in a good mood by the time I get in my car to leave for the afternoon!

    1. That is nice you have some time at the end of the day! I technically have 25 min but a lot of times I have students come down to my room or I am tracking students down...

  2. I feel like I dont have time to decompress after work these days. I used to have an hour after I got home before Rob got home, but now I work later plus have a longer commute so we usually get home together, and alot of days its not until 530 or 6. By the time I make dinner and blog its pretty much time for bed!

    1. It must have been nice when you had an hour to yourself!

  3. My drive home from work helps me decompress. Usually. I put on some tunes and just let it go. The farther away I get from the office, the better I feel.

    1. How long does it take you to get home from work? My drive is about 15 minutes, not too bad.

  4. I think I might insist that the sweatpants can only be the velour kind with Juicy across the butt :) You would totally rock those! LOL!!
    When I work at my help desk job, I have days when I want to just punch people in the face, so yeah, some days it takes a bit to decompress. Especially when I go home to a crazy house with kids needing help with homework (algebra, ugh!!).

    1. Oh man those PJs sound very "Real Housewives" hahaha! I can't imagine working at a help desk. I always feel bad calling a help desk. In fact, today I had to contact a help desk but opted to email instead. They got back to me within like 10 minutes, it was awesome!

    2. My company hires retired people, so picture seniors using computers. Enough said. They are located all around the country to it's me talking them through stuff over the phone. Like clicking on icons. Click. Click click. No, not right click, left click. And fixing printers that won't print. So STRESSFUL some days. But I keep it simple and friendly. I know it's not their fault. It's my job to help them, not make them feel bad because they don't know how to use computers! (and then I complain and roll my eyes after I get off the phone!!)

  5. I would only oppose to what an instructor wears if it's offensive... say a Trump Tshirt, or any pro nazy stuff. My son has done a bunch of sports and most of the time, I only find myself judging the level of fitness of the coaches, more than what they are wearing... but I'm awful that way. but I hate when a coach tells my kid to run faster, when they themselves can't run to the base if his life depended on it.

    1. I did wonder if I should have my Clinton/Kaine yard sign in front of my house due to the fact that I have piano students coming. But then I realized, no, I have to show my support! I was proud to support Hillary and honestly I would be very concerned if my child's teacher had a Trump sign...

    2. See, I want to know right up front who supports Donald Trump, because I need to know if I need to cut ties with them. I know it's very dramatic, but I don't have time for BS in my life. He has made Mexico his punching bag, and there is no point on pretending he doesn't offend me. I unfriended 3 people who supported him during the election, and considering 1 more right now. Nobody can defend his words to me and then tell me "oh, but not you, you are not like the other Mexicans" because I will cut them off. Right now, i'm giving up on Under Armour, and I loved UA stuff, but the CEO supports him, so obviously he doesn't want my money.

      Sorry... long rant back...

  6. I didn't write yesterday because work started right from the get-go and I didn't have much of a break. I posted today to make up for it, but I only wrote it this morning. I try not to look at my comp too much when I get home, unless I'm inspired to write.

    1. That makes sense, especially since you work at a computer all day, am I right?

  7. I always finish out my work day in my home office so it doesn't take too long for me to wind down. Sometimes I sneak in a quick yoga session and then I always take a shower or a bath before dinner (while Rick cooks) which helps a ton (especially a bath which I probably do 3x per week). I would not care if you taught my (pretend) child in sweatpants or PJ pants. Whatever...

    1. I always shower after work too. I'm usually sweaty (even in the winter) and I am afraid of GERMS.

  8. Okay, truth be told, I love your on-the-fly posts. I want more. More more more. I totally understand the need to be alone. I feel like this every day! I'm very much an introvert. I grew up alone (my two sisters are way older than me, my mom was depressed and my dad was drunk) and I really value my alone time now. It's why I run. I don't mind being with Andrew during my alone time, but I have to tell him not to talk to me. We sit side by side on the couch and I put earbuds in and type on my laptop while he watches TV. It's not the time to share a bowl of chips. I don't want anyone accidentally touching me. Ha ha ha! He gets it though, because he's the same way. Like, even last night, I got up at 1am and didn't go back to sleep until 3, and even though I'm going to be tired today, it's totally worth it to just be alone in the quiet house for that long! Can you tell there hasn't been school for two days?

    1. I am glad you like the fly by ones! Maybe I will do them more often. They tend to be shorter, which I am sure some can appreciate. I don't blame you for valuing your alone time, especially because you are a MOM 24/7. I mean really, how do you even get alone time??? I can relate to being in the same room with Paul but doing two different things. I am glad school is scheduled for you tomorrow. We are supposed to get SNOW so we probably won't have school!

  9. I really wouldn't care what my kid's piano teacher wore as long as they were a good teacher. Plus it's at home! As long as your pajamas are G-rated, we're good :).

    1. Hahaha! They are definitely all G-Rated... POOR PAUL!!!
