
Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday 5!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today I'm going to share 5 random things.

1. I bought my first cane! My mom and I are going to the Women's March on Washington next weekend, and we figured there would be a lot of standing. So for just $19.99, we bought ourselves cane seats! They're very light, and while they're not the most comfortable seats, I think it will help my back and feet to not hurt so much if I can go back and forth between standing and sitting. I am both excited and nervous for this march.

2. Despite the frigid winter temperatures, Paul still braves the cold to make me chicken for the week. I am so thankful he does that for me!

3. Jelly has a HUGE ASS BUTT KNOT. He's had it for several weeks and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. I think he wants it there! Normally we cut out butt knots but this is sort of underneath and hard to get to. Also, Jelly somehow has spidey senses when it comes to scissors! He knows when we get them out and then runs away.

A couple years ago, Jelly had a truly epic butt knot. When we finally cut it out, we put it on the fridge.

4. Paul has hooked me up! At my race on Saturday, my headphones stopped working. It was so cold that the wires froze, which would have been fine, but I bent the wires and they broke. So Paul got me some awesome pink headphones! These are the kind I like... they wrap around my ear and never fall off. Earbuds always fall out of my ear and make me want to kill someone.

He also got me a huge pink water bottle! It holds 40oz. I should be able to drink two of these a day. My 1st graders really liked the water bottle. As I was drinking out of it, one little girl started chanting, "Chug, chug, chug, chug!" Another little girl looked at her with disdain and said, "Don't tell her to chug." I was dying!!!

5. We got our kitties a new water fountain! They love to drink water so much. They're our little Main Coon boys, and of course Main Coons love water. It keeps their fur nice and soft! (But apparently not butt knot free.)

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me something random!
Do you grill in the winter?
What kind of headphones do you wear?
Do your kitties get butt knots?


  1. I am impressed that your cats know how to use the water fountain - smart boys! I bought Cecil one a few years ago and he just sat there staring at it. He never once used it so I went back to a bowl.

    I've never seen or heard of a cane chair but that's so cool. I bet everyone will be jealous!

    1. I hope they allow us to have them. Chairs are not allowed but mobility devices are. I feel like this is a mobility advice... we will see.

      I am surprised Cecil was not into the fountain. Maybe Paul should have shown him how to set it. Chrissy can be a dick around water in that he will lap it out of the dish or fountain with his paw and then there's a huge puddle on he floor. But I love him and I'm glad he has fun playing!

  2. Chug? Where is this little girl hanging out? LOL!

    I didn't know that those cane seats were a thing.

    1. Who knows!? Yeah I got the idea for it from an article about what to expect to experience at a march.

  3. I would totally need a cane/seat. I think alternating between standing and sitting will help so much! We grill all year long. Sometimes I just use the counter-top grill in the workshop/garage--thus turning Rick's manly area into my kitchen :) But this way it doesn't stink up my house and what guy doesn't love the smell of meat in his work area, right?

    1. You are basically doing him a favor!

    2. ...well, you know me. I always think of his needs before my needs! Sigh...good thing he's a saint.

  4. Love the pink headphones so cute! How sweet of your hubs to go out and cook for you in the snow :)

  5. As long as it's "unseasonably warm", I'm all about grilling in the summer.

    I love the cane chairs that you purchased - What a great idea!

    1. Thanks! I got the idea from an article that gave tips for marches such as these.

  6. Ha it surprises me that you have pink head phones and a pink water bottle! I guess because you weren't crazy about the pink mizunos I just figured you didn't like pink!

    I always have trouble with my earbuds too. Oh and guess what (since you asked for something random) my strap on my Garmin as about to break too. I thought of you when I discovered that. I wonder if it has something to do with it getting wet? Did you ever contact Garmin about yours? Whatever became of that situation?

    1. Whatever came of that situation... I looked for a replacement strap about 4 months ago and found one for 18 dollars.. buthe I didn't buy it and now I can't find one lol. I literally hold my Garmin while I run! I have held it in two races so far also hahaha. This is procrastination at its finest.

      It's funny because I do like pink! Just not certain shades. And I don't wear pink like ever!! Except my shoes I have no pink shirts or anything. I have one that is magenta and what do ya know I wear it like once a yr.

  7. We've never had butt knots, but a previous cat's long "feathers" on her back legs would sometimes pick up her poop. Ew! Thankfully Allie is a short-haired cat, and very fastidious with her grooming.

    1. Good for Alli for practicing self care! We've had poop on Butts before...

  8. The only earbuds I use are the iPhone ones with a mic, because I love the sound quality, and I often have to make phone calls or voice text while I'm running. I love the butt fur on the fridge! Maine Coons are the best cats!

    1. I don't know how to do that stuff on my phone! Sounds like it would save a lot of time though.

  9. Happy Friday! Clay would be grilling in the cold and snow too if we got it here. Randomness: A few years ago Clay got a Big Green Egg and he was going to smoke something on it and the lid fell and hit his head. I had to take him to urgent care for stitches but when we got home later that day he still smoked that meat!

    I use headphones from the Dollar Tree. $1 and they stay in my ears and get the job done, so why spend more?

    1. Omg!! That Clay story. What a champ. That is so funny you get your earphones at the dollar tree. That is where I get my gloves... the gloves I wear when it is single digits! I just double up two pairs... so technically it costs 2 dollars hehe.

  10. There's no grilling here because we have no grill. And the Caveman works AT a grill company. Riddle me that!
    I think all pets must have the scissor spidey senses. Our dog disappears when I so much as open the scissor drawer.

    1. OK now that is funny! Maybe he's just had enough of grills by the end of the day? I don't listen to music at home because I hear it all day at school.

  11. Butt knot. Omg! I've never heard that before and all I can think of is your cat running for his life when he sees the scissors! Ha!

    1. Lol I am glad I could describe it so well for you!

  12. Are those headphones Phillips? If so, I have the same ones! (but they stoped working with my phone...)
    Rob has also been grilling chicken for lunches even in the cold!

  13. Ha kitties with butt knots in my house (extreme feline allergies), but our dog get "floppy ear knots." And, the thing is...I don't notice them until they are so huge the only solution is to cut them out ;-( My groomer has to wonder what we're doing....

    1. I never heard of floppy ear knots, but it makes sense because it's pretty much the same premise! I'm sure your groomer understands. Floppy eat knots must affect a lot of pups. :)

  14. Thankfully Giz is a short hair -- in fact, in the many cats I've had in my life, none were ever long haired -- and he doesn't get knots. Lola, OTOH . . . so yeah, I know about that running away when I get the scissors thing -- except dogs tolerate that stuff better for the most part.

    I would get another fountain (we used to have one many years ago) but Lola has a weird water fetish and you have to stop her from drinking too much -- plus there really isn't anywhere for it in our small kitchen -- even the water dish is constantly getting kicked around!

    My husband will grill in the winter if it's mild out, but it's been a long time since he's done that, even though we have had some mild weather this winter.

    The last steak we grilled was inside . . . next weekend is supposed to be warm, though.

    1. Wow I never heard of a dog who drinks TOO much! Our fountain is in our bedroom. It is actually a soothing sound. :)

  15. OMG I can't imagine living somewhere that gets so cold your wires can snap!!!

    I'm so jealous you'll be at the March in DC. I'm going to a local solidarity march!

    1. GOOD!!!! I hope the solidarity march is a good experience for you!
