
Saturday, December 17, 2016

MGR's Weekly Workouts

Happy Weekend! Here are my workouts...

Saturday- 6 miles in the BITTER COLD. I really had to center myself for this run.

Sunday- 8 miles in my hood. It felt great! 8:04 pace. But actually it was more like a progression run that just evened out to that.

Monday- Lifting upper body at home. Nothing big to report on this one other than instead of adding MORE assisted pull ups like I wanted to, I decided to always do my first set UNASSISTED and just do as many as I can. Today I was able to do four. Thanks for everyone's advice on that one!

Tuesday- 6 morning miles. I ventured over to part of the neighborhood I hadn't been to in awhile and was pleased to see a lot of fun Christmas lights! There are some people who don't have their's on all night, so Paul and I plan to take an evening walk this week and check them all out.

Wednesday- 6 morning miles. Boy was I tired from our chorus concerts the day before. But I had a good podcast so it was all good.

When I stretch after my run, Jelly always comes over for cuddles. First he rubs up against me while I do pigeon pose, then he just sprawls out in front of me, which is a huge invitation for me to pet him.

Thursday- 6 miles in -3 real feel. Now I feel silly for describing Sunday's run as "bitter cold". Sunday was a heat wave compared to this run. I had no idea how cold it was until I got out there. THE WIND! But by the that point, there wasn't enough time to change and get all my weights out and have time to lift before work. Had I known it was going to be so horrible, I would have just planned to lift.

It wasn't too bad when the wind was at my back, but when I was running into the wind, it was a whole new level of horrible-ness. The wind was so strong that I had to lean forward to get through it. Never again!

Friday- Lifting at home. Real feel was 0 and I was due to lift anyway. Hopefully this weekend's runs will be warmer! Seriously, I'd be fine with a real feel of 20!

I did one set of 4 unassisted pull ups. Then instead of doing four more sets with six reps, I made myself do seven reps! PROGESS. I just had to make myself do it.
How were your workouts this week?


  1. I complained about it being cold on Saturday until Thursday and Friday came! Thursday was so windy and Friday was just really cold! And today we have sleet and I won't be running in that! Good job with the pull ups!

    1. My whole hood is icy right now! I am trying to figure out what to do today... I lifted yesterday so that is out.

  2. Way to go on the pullups! That is awesome. Ugh, running in cold wind--not my favorite but good for you to get it done! I watch the weather obsessively and plan my workouts around when we will get snow and when it will be bitter cold. I was able to get 4 runs in by Friday and today I will venture into the pool for my 2nd swim of the week. We got snow and it's only 0 degrees. I am hoping I get the pool to myself because for some reason, swimming seems like the last thing people here chose to do when it's snowy and cold!

    1. I normally take a look at when it will be coldest during the week and plan my lifting accordingly, BUT it doesn't normally get that cold until Jan or Feb, so I just wasn't ready for it!

    2. Girl...I am never ready for it--- UGH :( but I did have a fabulous swim (pool to myself), sauna and hot tub session. Nice and toasty warm!

  3. Those cold temps sound brutal. I'm about to head to a race later, doesn't start till 9:30 though. Should be 55 degrees. We did have about 24 hours of winter yesterday though, but the high tomorrow is almost 80. Charleston is weird and we will all be sick from these temps.

    Glad you got some workouts in despite the weather and smart choice to lift on some of those days! My workouts this week have been good so far, but the 5K today and long run attept tomorrow are looming...

    1. Wow that is quite a variety of temperatures you guys get in such a short amount of time.

      I hope your 5k went well today! It is icy here so if I run I prob can't do it until later. Tomorrow I def want to do something "longish" like 8 or 10.

  4. Wow, 4 unassisted pull ups! I'm super impressed. I can still only do 1/3 of a pull up unassisted lol.

    I'm jealous of your week since I had to rest all week :( And I'll probably be resting next week too.

    1. Oh man I need to check in with you. I hope you're not still sick.

  5. JELLY FLUFFY I love that cat.

    I can't believe the real feel is so cold by you. It's been so freakin hot here, in the mid 80s every day. It's hard to believe we live in the same country and not even really all that far apart! I don't think I would be able to run in cold like that at all. I think the coldest I've ever run in is low 50s and that felt way too cold!

    1. It normally does not get this cold until Jan, Feb, and March!

  6. It's our little routine. I love him. :)
