
Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday 5!

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today's theme is "Holiday Gifts", but I am cheating and just going random today. If you really want to know what I asked Santa for, it was basically puzzles, alpaca fur socks, and this.

Some important gifts I plan to give include donations to ACLU, Greenpeace, Planned Parenthood, and Hand in Hand for Syria.

Here is some randomness about my week. If you don't want any Survivor Finale spoilers, stop reading NOW!

1. It was quite a busy week! Tuesday was my 4th Grade chorus concert. They performed in the afternoon for the school and then in the evening for all of their parents. If you want to see what's going on in my music room, you can "like" EP Music Kids on Facebook! The students did an awesome job and I know they felt like STARS!

My friend Paula took some yearbook pictures before the show!

2. My classroom has been COLD this week! There were a couple days I didn't even take off my coat! Lucky for me, I was able to rock my zebra coat! (Good Will, $5!!!!!)

3. This week I got some mail from Hillary Clinton! I didn't know what it was, but it turned out to be a little a little thank you for donating to the campaign. Bittersweet.

4. Wednesday was the Survivor Finale! I am very happy that Adam won. Adam and David were my top two choices for winners, but honestly, I liked everyone in the final six! This was a very likable cast and they were players. What's even cooler is that Paul and I got to talk to Adam when we were at Survivor Know-It-Alls a couple weeks ago! I remember walking up the steps to leave and he was right behind me, so I told him I was rooting for him!

5. This is the picture that pops up on Paul's phone when I call him. When he showed me, I said, "I'm a lot of fun!" I was also a cheerleader. Can't you tell?

And now some random pictures from the photo shoot Chrissy and I had over the weekend...

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you have an awesome weekend!
Anything fun happen this week?
What did you think of the Survivor Finale?
Did you go to any school concerts this holiday season?


  1. By building at work has been really cold too! We are in the basement so its always cold in the winter and warm in the summer. I have a space heater that I sometimes use but technically we aren't supposed to use them.. Have a great weekend!

    1. Ooh I wish I could have a contraband space heater! They crackdown on that hwre. Want us to be safe or some bull crap like that... ;)

  2. It's like a sauna in my clinic, believe it or not. We have no windows! I could wear summer clothes to work. In the summer, it's an icebox...

    1. Dang! No windows must be depressing. Stay cool, Wendy!

  3. Our school had their holiday concert last night. I only know this cus they used my room as the "staging" area!

    Isn't it funny which pictures of us our husbands think are cute? Of all the "normal" pictures Scott has of me, I about died when I saw the one he has as his phone background!

    1. Do they ask to use your room or do they just take over? Yes our men def see us in different ways Han we do!

  4. Oh I love kitty photo shoots!! I do that all the time with Elly and the pictures always come out looking like she is annoyed (she probably is). It has been freezing in my house all the time. I end up wearing my coat constantly and I hate it. On Saturday it's gonna me -3 and I am not happy about it.

  5. I really think I should be allowed to wear sweatshirts at work. The building has never been heated properly, but I think a lot of buildings in Dallas are like that. I run cold so I need blankets and heaters.

    1. I keep a blanket here just in case! I needed it last year.

  6. We only have one kid left that does Christmas concerts and I managed to avoid it this year. Mwuahahahaha. Callum was my excuse. I think it's so cool that you can stand there and lift your leg up and grab your foot. I doubt I could even stand on one foot long enough to take a pic before falling over, especially with wine.

  7. oh wow!! that personalized I'm With Her card!! that's great!! so awesome and bitter sweet!

    I haven't been to a Christmas concert in a long time. But I remember my first year in High School here, there was a Christmas Concert and it was amazing!! The chorus in my school was fantastic and I remember loving it so much!

    I'm still waiting for something fun to happen to me.. the weekend is still coming!

    1. You did have a rough week! I know your weekend will be better! Have fun being snowed in tomorrow morning! :)

  8. Obviously, I was absolutely thrilled with the survivor finale. Adam was my character for our Survivor pool, so I now have little extra Christmas cash. ☺ I really enjoyed this season and thought everyone played hard. You are right – it was hard not to like everyone. There were so many shocking moments too, which I love. I’m already excited about next season!

    The best thing that happened this week was 20 inches of snow – on ONE day. It was a record in our town and everything completely shut down. I love snow days!! We are taking Axel to see Santa today for the first time – should be interesting. ☺

    1. Congrats on winning your Survivor pool!!! I am also excited for next season because there are a lot of players I love... but many I can't stand. :( I actually feel very strongly either way about all of them.

      20 inches in ONE DAY??? cRAZY. Have fun taking Axel to Santa. I am sure we will see pics. :)

  9. I did do to a concert last week! My first "Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" - I thought it was lovely! AND loving the cat photo sess!

    1. My blog should really be called "Meg Go Take Cat Pictures" hehe.

  10. I am going to have to research the alpaca fur socks! Those sound cozy

  11. I hope you get the Hilary photo/quote for Christmas. That is very cool. I bet your kids did amazing at their concert(s)--lots of hard work for you, I am sure! We went to a total of 7 holiday concerts over the last 7 years (Kyle did kindergarten 2x so that added a year). And now, guess what? We start all over with Trevor who is in kindergarten. LOL. The concerts are really great and by the time he gets to 5th grade, we will be seeing the whole school perform (now we just leave right after kindergarten performs). I will be sure to ask Rick about the finale for you. I didn't think to ask him because he waits til after I go to bed to watch it :)

    1. Me too! I have a feeling my mom will get it for me. :) My students did great but the most important thing is they felt like THE SHIT and their parents loved it.

      WOW YOU GUYS ARE AUNT AND UNCLE OF THE YEAR!!!! I am impressed, seriously. I will actually be my niece and nephew's music teacher when they are school age since they live in the district I teach in! So I will be their music/chorus teacher... how freaking weird is that?? So maybe I will be aunt of the year too since I will automatically be at all of her concerts. ;)

  12. Thanks. :) HE is my BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh my gosh I bet you have to answer all the parent questions like "What time is the concert? When does my kid have to be there? What do they have to wear?"

  13. I cherish my Clinton campaign bumper sticker. It says "Another woman for Hillary."

    And I donated to PP and ACLU. Made my heart sing when I got a thank you letter from PP for donating in Pence's name. :)

    1. Oh that is an awesome sticker. Is it on your car?

      I donated to PP too but with I had done it under Pence's name! I missed that memo. Next time. :) Because there WILL be a next time.
