
Saturday, December 3, 2016

MGR's Weekly Workouts

It's that time when I share my workouts for the week!
I try to make these interesting... I know they aren't.
But I do like to have the data to look back on!

Saturday- 8 miles in my hood. This run felt great!


Sunday- 9(ish) miles around Pinchot Park. I met up with Ana @ Mother, Hike, Run, Repeat for this run. We had a great time chatting!

Monday- 6 neighborhood miles. I wanted to lift, but when I looked at the weather for Tuesday morning, it said it was going to rain. So I figured I'd run today and lift tomorrow. This was another wonderful fall run! I wore my compression socks more for warmth than anything and they made my legs feel so weird. I felt... unstable. I almost took them off after a mile but didn't feel like stopping. Eventually my legs felt normal.

Tuesday- Lifting chest @ home.

Chest Press- 5x10x30lb
Push Ups- 10x10
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Tricep Dips- 5x15
Hip/Glut/Core Stuff

Wednesday- Lifting back @ home. I was going to sleep in and go to the gym after work with Paul, but I just couldn't do it. I woke up at 4:55 and all I could think about how nice it would be to get my workout done first thing in the morning.

The band I use at home for pull ups does not give much assistance at all. It is all I can do to get through six pull ups without puking.

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Row- 5x10x25lb
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb
Planks- 3x1 min
Hip/Glute/Core Exercises

Thursday- 8 morning miles. My ITB bothered me during this run for some reason. But I had it in my head I was running 8 miles, so that's what I did. My ITB was super sore the rest of the day! It was weird. Normally when my ITB hurts, it's down by my knee. Today it didn't hurt at my knee at all. It was more like midway down my leg.

Friday- Chest @ home. I almost didn't do anything because I had such a bad sore throat and felt really lethargic. But as the day went on, I felt a little better. I opted for lifting due to the ITB pain the day before.
How were your workouts this week?
Do your legs ever feel weird or unstable running in compression socks?


  1. I don't run in compression socks but wear them for recovery (when I'm training, you know). Sucks about your ITB flairing up, I ran 5 miles yesterday and mine is not letting me forget it today, ugh. My workouts this week... well, I did one workout and it went okay. Mostly a bunch of cross training on my end, but alas. Glad you got a good mix of runs and lifting in!

    1. I'm sorry your's is still bothering you. :( I am wondering if I should run today or take one more day off. I'm leaning toward one more day off!

  2. You had a great week! Hope the ITB calms down for your run today because it sounds amazing. I managed 4 runs and 2 swims (outdoor cycling not happening and I haven't gotten myself to get on my indoor trainer because I would rather swim than cycle indoors). I almost always wear calf compression sleeves because my calves are known to give me issues. I like the added layer for winter running--it was a balmy 11 degrees out there today!!

    1. Eek that is cold! That is actually the reason I had mine on- for warmth! I didn't want to put pants on so I wore compreshies and shorts hahaha!

  3. I've never worn compression anything. I'm too cheap and old school. I'm definitely curious though!

    1. I researched compression socks about two years ago and from what I read was that it seemed like there was only solid evidence that wearing compression for recovery can help, but there is no evidence that wearing it during activity helps. Now that could have changed since I looked up the info! I mainly wore them for warmth. I didn't feel like putting pants on.

  4. This post reminded me that it's Saturday and I haven't even started my weekly post. Oops. Better get on that!

    Glad you had a good week! I don't feel weird in compression and wear them fairly often...I wonder if yours were TOO tight?

    1. They might be! I bought the time that are for after activity so that may have been the problem too. :) I should have worn my pink ones that are not as tight. My black ones are tight as shit!

  5. Oh no! I hope the ITB does not become an issue for you.
    I just started to get back into the groove of things now that December rolled around. We'll see how long that

    1. I hope it doesn't either! I ran today and it was all good. I hope it was a fluke but who knows???

      Glad you are back in the groove. Keep going! Soon we will be running in snow...
