
Monday, November 7, 2016

PSA: Don't forget to VOTE tomorrow!

We interrupt this regularly scheduled Weekend Wrap Up for an important PSA reminder to VOTE tomorrow!

Warning: This is a COMPLETELY partisan post!

Many of you have probably already voted! Pennsylvania does not have early voting, so I will be at my polling place at 7:00am SHARP tomorrow.

I cannot WAIT to vote! I cannot WAIT for this election to be over. I was okay for awhile... but about two weeks ago, I started to get extreme anxiety. I eventually stopped watching the news and limited my Facebook scrolls.

It's sort of sad, I spend all my time worrying about the end result of the election that I haven't let myself fully enjoy the EXCITEMENT of casting my vote for the first woman to ever be on the ballot for president in a general election. It's a really big deal. What makes it even more exciting is that I think Hillary has the potential to be and excellent president who will build on the progress Obama has initiated. 

My vote for Clinton is not a vote AGAINST her opponent. It is a PRO Clinton vote.

You may have seen this already, but it brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it. 

If you're in the mood for something less inspiring but extremely funny, this song is for you!

All I REALLY wanted to do was remind you that TUESDAY is the day, and no matter how sick of all the election crap, it is super important you go out and make your voice heard!

Obviously, our ballots include more than just our choice for president. I found this handy site: Ballot Ready which let's you view your ballot and explains every candidate and referendum you will see. I suggest checking it out!



  1. I'm done and I'm glad. I can't wait for the ads to go away. But I'm scared about the outcome.

    1. Glad you got it out of the way! I wonder how late the ads will air tomorrow? I teach until 7pm and then I will probably watch coverage... I'm going to have so much anxiety, though!

  2. I love to vote! Go vote, people. We have earned this privilege and it's our right and our duty!

  3. I voted early! While she was not my first choice (I was originally a Bernie fan and voted for him in the primary), she is now the only choice for me. I'm not voting for her simply to vote against her opponent although I would pick anyone over him, I do like Hilary and certainly hope she wins. Trump just scares me so much...

    1. I liked Bernie too! I think I am one of the rare birds who liked both Bernie and Hillary. I ended up voting for Hillary in the primaries.

  4. I voted the first day of Texas early voting.

  5. This was my first time voting in person (I've always voted absentee) but I wanted to vote in person for Hillary. Plus I wanted to finally get an I Voted sticker, haha! While I was there a couple of middle aged women said they were voting for the first time. I didn't ask them who they were voting for because I didn't want to intimidate them near the polls (although I don't think I'm intimidating haha), but I like to think I know who got them out there for the first time!

    1. I'm glad you got your sticker! I bet I know who got them motivated to vote too. :)

  6. I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow! <3

  7. I will not be able to sleep tomorrow! I'm wondering if I should call off work now?

    My brothers have been texting us non stop to remind the entire family to vote.

    1. I am so nervous too. I am sure your family has their plan and his ready to vote!

  8. I LOVE President Obama and will miss him. That video also brought tears to my eyes. BUT - I am excited to vote for Hillary tomorrow! I am optimistic that things will go the right way. Our country has come too far...

    1. I love him too. :) Have fun voting tomorrow! I need some of your optimism. :)
