
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Is this who we are?

America, what did you do? We are better than this. We deserve better than this.

To all Americans who our next president has openly discriminated and attacked- LGBT, people of color, Muslims, immigrants, women, the disabled... I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you. Words cannot express how devastated I am for you and our country right now. This is not us, I promise you.

I fear for our military and our national security. I fear for the millions of Americans that are going to lose their health insurance. I fear for people of faith... because it may be just one religion our future president wants to ban now, but what religion is next?

My heart also breaks for women who have been sexually assaulted. I am sure you are sickened and I am sickened for you.

America, I feel so sorry for us right now. Every single one of us.

I would like to think that the hate this man has spewed and his darkness is not us. But the majority of the people in this country voted for him. America has voted for that hate and darkness. America CHOSE this. 

Is this who we are? It appears that way. It sure as hell appears that way.

I have so many things to say, yet so little to say all at the same time. It's 4:27 and I have only been able to sleep an hour so far tonight. I have felt physically ill all night. I know I'm not the most elegant writer, and this certainly isn't a hopeful post. I don't feel a lot of hope right now. I feel very, very afraid.

And I feel very sorry, America. I feel very sorry for us.


  1. Megan - I have been up all night as well, so sickened too. I cannot believe that America voted for this man. My only solace is that he has children and grandchildren and hopefully he will make a few good choices. Plus, Congress will keep things in line (as much as they can, I have to have some optimism here). I am amazed that he won - how did hate win? We'll be okay. I have to believe that. Kristen

    1. I'm so sorry, Kristen. This sucks. It hasn't even been 24 hours and I am dying to feel normal again. Will we ever feel normal? Hate did win. And fear. It sure did.

  2. I feel sorry for us, too. Watching all the results come in I could feel the momentum he was gaining. I spoke with someone that voted for "Brexit" and once it passed, completely regretted it. I wonder if those that voted for Trump will feel that way as he continues to reveal what an ignorant, hateful man he is. I do pray for our nation.

    1. I think they are brainwashed. Or they only vote on 1 issue- abortion. The funny thing is, he has told us who he is every step of the way... and they still voted for him.

    2. Oh and if I prayed, I would be praying HARD right now.

  3. I cannot believe it. Last night I couldn't sleep, I got up to check the news, and there it was. He won. I cried. I kept asking myself, how will I tell my son? What happened? what will the next 4 years look like?

    I'm scared. I'm really scared.

    1. I'm scared too, Ana. I am so sorry this happened. I know he is so offensive to you. Even moreso than he is to some people.

  4. I haven't slept. I can't eat. I can't believe this. I'm trying to understand how this happened. How difficult the lives of people willing to vote for Trump must be that they feel the need to lash out against their own interests and the human rights of others, but I can't really process it at this time. I'm really pissed off that journalism and media seem to now be the same thing, when really they're not. I'm mostly just worried and sad and horrified for so many reasons. Not just because Hillary won, but because so many people felt the need to vote against her. I'm really trying to understand why.

    1. I wasn't angry but I am getting there... drinking sangria, that helps. There is soooo much blame everywhere. Dems not showing up to vote. The media treating them like equal candidates... the list could go on and on. I really think it is a combination of a lot of things but mostly... white people being afraid of the country becoming less white.

  5. I"m so sad and sickened and fearful. How does he do and say all those horrible things and then talk about unity and moving forward? What happened?

    1. I have no idea. Me? Not moving forward with his hatefulness. If he changes his tone then it can only be good for our nation. But I don't understand a year and a half of hate and fear mongering and then boom we all have to come together just because we are Americans? No. Not sorry about that.

  6. I feel really bad for you guys, but I have no doubt that this will affect us up here as well. The whole world will feel it.

    1. The whole world will feel it and I'm sorry. Please remind your friends that just over half the country knows how absolutely dangerous he is. Over half of Americans did not vote for him. We know. WE KNOW.

  7. I echo all that is said above... have never felt so defeated in my life...

    1. And she won the popular vote. Qualified woman fucking wins the popular vote and orange carnival clown wins the election.

  8. I am heartbroken over this. I can't stop crying and I feel completely helpless. I'm not sure how long this feeling will last, but I do. Up until last night, Hitler was my boogieman. Now... he's the reality. I don't mean to be over dramatic, but I think for anyone who is not a christian, white man, this was a devastating loss with huge consequences. Unfortunately, the people without any skin in the game thought they had nothing to lose, and costed us everything.

    1. You are not being overly dramatic. Trump is our Hitler. I firmly believe that. He has incited violence and bigotry and nationalism and it is so, so, so scary. THIS -----> "Unfortunately, the people without any skin in the game thought they had nothing to lose, and costed us everything."

  9. I could not sleep and when I did wake up, I knew it was inevitable and did not want to check my phone to confirm it. I am scared and sad for America. I supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries and obviously voted Hillary... I could never support Trump. I voted Obama in the last two elections but would have accepted McCain or even Romney- it is just hard to accept Trump.

    1. I didn't want to check my phone either. We were thinking along the same lines. Yes, Trump is different from other Republicans. He is a monster and is a threat to our nation. As much as I disagree with certain policy issues of other repub candidates, I would not fear for the safety of our nation.

  10. Meg, I feel you. These results make my heart ache. I am not feeling very hopeful, either.

    There is, at the very least, a tiny morsel of comfort in the fact that HRC actually won the popular vote. Sadly this can't undo the nightmare we now face but we can at least console ourselves with the fact that the majority of Americans did NOT vote for Trump.

    1. When I found out she won the popular vote, it was like a punch in the gut. She got more votes but she lost. Second time this has happened to dems in 16 years.

  11. I, too, feel horrified and sick. And stunned.

    1. I'm sorry, it's a horrible feeling. It hasn't left me all day.

  12. I hope that this isn't US. Both us and US. I know this isn't who I am.

    1. I agree. It's not me. Very hard to accept that I live in a nation where there are so many people who voted for the darkness and the divisiveness.

  13. No, the winner doesn't change who we are for sure. I am still feeling very very sick about this but I won't wallow in the sickness forever. Because next comes the fight.

  14. I haven't been able to process my thoughts well enough to put them into words. I feel sick and sad and scared and angry and helpless and fired up. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare - I'm in a fog all day and then when it hits me again I'm crying. It's exhausting. How could I be so naive? How could I truly believe our country was beyond sexism enough to elect a female president? That we were beyond racism enough that the backlash against Obama wouldn't hold a candle to progressive ideals? I just feel so blindsided and violated and awful.

    1. I don't feel blindsided in the fact that I never let myself get confident that he would lose. I do feel blindsided that I feel so horrible about it. I knew it would be a bad feeling, I didn't know it would be THIS bad.
