
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Day In The Life



The cats woke me up at 4:25. At 4:45, I was wide awake, so I just got up. 

The first thing I did was make sure my Christmas decorations were still in the front yard. There were 33 mph wind gusts all night and I was convinced my little fox and friends would be gone. Luckily, they were still staked into the yard.

This is my, "Whew, my lights are still up!" face.

Good morning, Chrissy!

I made iced coffee and cleaned up the house a little.

Does your house have a cabinet like this where you throw junk?

I was torn as to what workout to do. I lifted heavy the day before and planned to run. But when I went outside to feel it out... omg it was so windy and cold!

I don't know how to do screen shots so I just take a picture of my computer...

I decided to do a *light* weight workout at home with core and hip/glute stuff. I'm not sure how effective it was.

Breakfast was dippy eggs and toast. 

Even though I got up an hour before I normally do, I still managed to be 3 minutes late for work. It didn't help that I got behind a really slow truck.

This is my "DRIVE FASTER you a$$hole!!!!" face.

Work, sweet work.

The first thing I did when I got to work was make a coffee and tackle my to do list.

It was a busy day. Second grade sang autumn songs and fourth grade got their recorders.

You can always tell how busy I am by how big my pit stains are by lunch time.

Lunch was the last little bit of my homemade chicken noodle soup with a couple random carrots thrown in. That wasn't enough so I had peanut butter pretzels too.

The end of the day was crazy. Kindergarten was a mess, first grade was wearing their pajamas (reward day!?) and third grade was late due to some sort of Thanksgiving activity. They all smelled like sugar, so I scrapped my lesson plan and threw in a Stomp DVD. That just sometimes happens on the day before Thanksgiving break!

Mondays are a great day because I don't have piano lessons after work! But before I headed home, I stopped by the mall to get my eyebrows and lip waxed. Then of course I had to putz around for awhile. I only spent $4.90 on a little gold necklace to replace one of mine that broke.

 Paul had all the Christmas lights on when I came home!
Santa and Cecil the Fox were sort of falling over...

I had to dye my hair, but Paul and I had a game date at 5pm. So I quickly dyed my hair and then let it simmer while we played games.

Jelly loves his daddy...

Code Names is our newest game...

I am easier to beat when I drink cab sav.

Jelly almost ruined Sequence...

 All up in our business!

Me, gloating because I won.

 Dinner was a protein bowl while we watched Family Feud.

Jam coffee cake for dessert!

I fell asleep reading around 9pm.

It was a great day! I'm glad I won't have grey hairs, a unibrow, and a mustache when I see my family on Thanksgiving!
Do you wax your eyebrows or your lip?
What's your favorite card game to play?


  1. Sounds like a very productive day! I always feel like I end up being late on days I wake up earlier. I guess its because I think I have more time so I don't get things done as quickly?

  2. Those recorders are so colorful! When my class did recorders all we got were plain beige ones! Oh to be a kid in the 2000s. They don't know how good they have it!

    I had homemade veggie noodle soup for lunch yesterday :) We don't get many "cold" days so I have to take advantage of it. I'm sure our weather was nothing like yours though. Windy and cold sounds like an annoying combination!

    Cecil the Fox was probably laying down for a nap. This may surprise you, but Cecil the Cat takes a lot of naps.

    1. They DON'T know how good they have it! It is a NIGHTMARE trying to get every kids the color they want. It would be so much easier just to do cream- the color I had as a kid too. But, I want to make it fun for them, and if having a colorful recorder makes them like it more, I will do it.

      Yum what do you put in your veggie soup? Making soup is so homey, isn't it?

    2. Carrots, celery and like a whole onion because i love onions. I use this incredible vegetarian broth though that just makes the soup like ... amazing. I can't remember the brand name right now.

      Look at Chrissy standing there. Why are cats extra cute when they're standing up on all four legs?!

    3. OMG JELLY. I am sorry I said Chrissy. I went temporarily blind.

    4. It's all good! Your soup sounds great. :)

  3. Hey, do you ever do Go Noodle with your kids? We use it at the elementary level for brain breaks and since they are a lot of song and dance I always think of you and your class and how you might like them.

    1. I don't do Go Noodle much because I usually have movement activities that go with my lesson already built in. But the classroom teachers at my school use it for brain breaks or indoor recess. A couple years ago, a 2nd grade class showed me a Go Noodle song called "Cat Party" and they learned it with their teacher and did it for me. It is so WEIRD and hilarious, but I thought it was cute they wanted to show it to me because I love cats so much. :) I feel like those Go Noodle songs just HAD to be written by someone who was HIGH!

    2. OMG, they are so off the wall aren't they?

  4. Wow it looks like you had an extremely busy day. I always find when I get up early before I should I am always late for everything that day. I am not to sure why that is.

    OMG it was so windy here in Northern nj.

    1. Yeah it's so weird! I suppose maybe we just get to comfortable with the extra time.

  5. It was so awful windy here on Monday!

    You are all ready for Thanksgiving!! How awesome! Hair done, eyebrows done! I'm currently ignoring my eyebrows.

    What do you put in a protein bowl?

    1. Also, I think you have a Samsung phone... try to press the home button and the lock button at the same time to screen shot. it used to work with my Dad's phone. Good luck!

    2. I do have a Samsung phone and I will try that, thank you!

      In that protein bowl I put cous cous, ground turkey, salsa, black beans, and CHEESE.

  6. Have you ever played Canasta? We like that one here. My son and dtr have an epic game of Axis and Allies going all over the dining room table. I have been assured that it will be cleared in time to set up for Thanksgiving dinner. Chess is always a favorite here too...One more day until I can put up Christmas decorations!

    1. I have not played Canasta, I will have to look that up. Thanks for the tip! I am not a chess player but Paul, my dad, and my brothers are. For some reason I just don't get into that. WOOHOO have fun decorating!!!

  7. I'm telling you, it is very very very rare that I actually laugh out loud when I read blogs, but that last sentence you wrote caused me to snort snot out my nose.

  8. Sadly, I have to pencil my eyebrows in because there isn't much there :( I had to laugh at the kids smelling like sugar! haha!! Also about the cats getting on your Sequence game - we have to put our cats "away" because there is just no playing board games with them around wanting to knock the pieces all over the place!

    1. Well you do have at least 3x as many cats as I do, so I can understand needing to put them away. :)

  9. Great day...thank you for taking us along! What's in a protein bowl? It looks yummy (but most food always looks yummy to me). I am super glad you took care of the gray, the unibrow and mustache for the holidays! Rick always says he is going to do Movember and grow his facial hair for the month, and I always say back to him "fine, then I will too". He laughs but girl ain't kidding -- I'm Italian, what can I say?!?

    1. In my protein bowl, I put cous cous, ground turkey, black beans, cheese, and normally tomatoes but I was saving them for thanksgiving so I just put in salsa instead. :)

      AHAHAHA I don't think Rick will ever do Movember with that threat on the table! I hate when Paul has a beard, and like two years ago, he was growing it out because of pure laziness and believe me, I let him know how pissed I was about it pretty much every day.

  10. I know he is such a little piggy. :) You know what I did break out a tiny bit from the lip waxing! They were just kind of small bumps.

  11. Dippy eggs and toast are my FAVORITE!!!

    Is your shirt in the pit stain picture gray with silver tinsel? I have one like that from Old Navy that I wear to school under my collared shirts when it's cold out!
