
Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Hey! What's doing on with you?
Here's what's going on with me...

Current Book:  Sadly, I am not reading any books right now. Ever since I got my Smartphone, I stopped reading books before bed and instead read this blog:

Current Podcast: Pantsuit Politics Show is one of the new to me podcasts I have been listening to. The hosts are two smart women- one republican and one democrat.

Current Guilty Pleasure: I put up my outdoor Christmas lights about a week ago. Talk about a guilty pleasure! I needed some happiness.

Thanksgiving food I'm most excited to eat: Stuffing and Auntie Eileen's cranberry sauce!

Current Need: An appetite. I haven't felt like eating ANYTHING lately. Okay, I can convince myself to eat junk but we don't have a lot of junk in the house.

Current Triumph: Today I plan to complete all of my December lessons plans! It's going to happen, so I'm already calling it a triumph!

Current Wish List: To know exactly what my family wants for Christmas so I can get shopping!

Current Bane of My Existence: The fact that I have only bought 5% of my Christmas presents so far!

Current Most Annoying Celebrity: Jedediah Bila is pretty annoying.

Current Indulgence: Reading lots of political junk. Must stay informed.

Current TV Show: We love Samantha Bee! She is so smart and funny.

Current Food: I have not been into food lately. Most days I don't have much of an appetite and just eat because I know I should.

Current Drink: I have officially switch to cab sav.

Current Thing I Am Thankful For: 6 whole days off for Thanksgiving! I know that is a gift and I am truly thankful for it.

Current Excitement: Thanksgiving Break starts today at 3:40pm!!!!
Tell me something "current" about you!


  1. Oh I'm so jealous that you start break today. I still have a full day today and probably an almost full day tomorrow. Since I took last Friday off my to-do list is endless and I almost wish we worked a full week this week! :/

    A couple of years ago we stopped doing gifts in our family. We were mostly just giving each other gift cards and nick nacks that no one ever really wants so we stopped. That sounds so ba humbug but it's really not. We still do dinner and every one still spends the day together!

    Plus of course Adam and I still get Cecil a stocking and stuff it full of things for him :) And Santa Paws visits to bring him extra treats too!

    Christmas is always the time of year that I wish our family had some children in it because I'm sure that makes gift giving/opening fun!

    1. Ugh I am sorry your break isn't sooner and that you are super busy. Do you have Black Friday off? I hope so!

      It is fun to buy for kids and see them opening presents! I'm glad we have nieces and nephews- SIX HOLY MOLY!!! to do that with.

  2. I havent done any shopping yet but I really hope to start this week! We are planning to decorate for Christmas this weekend. I have a full day today and tomorrow and then 4 days off..can't wait!

  3. I took the entire week off and I am loving it. Currently we will be seeing movie number 3 in 2 days :) I wasn't mad that Rick was up for 2 movies in one day, yesterday! My current food has been burgers that Rick grilled for me the other day. My current triumph is a very wet, rainy, windy run that I completed this morning. I really hate wind but I faced it and even ran a negative split which always makes me smile. I hope 3:40 PM comes quickly for you today!

    1. You are in your element, Susan! :) Way to get that run done! That's just horrible weather to run in. 4 hours and 4 piano lessons and then I am DONE!

  4. I don't get off until tomorrow, but my boss usually lets us go at noon. I've started doing more Christmas shopping, but will do the rest in December.

    1. That is nice your boss let's you go early. Good for morale!

  5. You guys have such a long break for Thanksgiving! That's awesome. My kids have Thursday and Friday off for parent teacher meetings. GAHHHHHH.

    1. Yesterday and today are our conferences too. Luckily I don't have conferences! Woohoo!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! Six days off sounds fabulous. I am currently finishing revisions to my doctoral dissertation, and that is sucking every ounce of my energy. I haven't really been thinking about Thanksgiving. I think I've lived out of the U.S. for so long, each year it just seems to fade a little bit more. However! My kids did make a turkey door hanger decoration, and we will eat turkey for Christmas (poor bird).

    1. I can imagine how time consuming that is and mentally exhausting! Hang in there, I hope it's done soon??

    2. It is an incredibly detailed process. Running helps. I submit the revisions next week and then I am FINISHED (aside from paperwork). I successfully defended in July and was given minor revisions. A very good outcome, all things considered :-). Happy Thanksgiving again Megan!

  7. I am currently making a list in my head of the things I have to do today and tomorrow. But first slowly sipping my coffee!

    Samathan Bee is the glue of my mental stability. She holds me together with her intellect.

    1. Oh I know she is so smart and funny.

      I know you have lots of grocery shopping to do! Don't you do it Wed night??

  8. Woohoo for holiday week and no work!! Except my kids are already bickering and driving me slightly crazy. Sigh. Not how I envisioned my week off :) Hope your days off are relaxing!

    1. I am sure you guys will all have fun and do something cool! It's the teachers turn to not have kids bickering in their ears. ;)

  9. I am like that about appetites sometimes, too. Like, I just will randomly not want any food and nothing sounds good. It's so weird.

    1. Well the good news is, I think my appetite is back, full force! I already know what pants are not going to fit anymore... They're my pants that only fit when I'm sick or a facist wins the presidency. My "facist wins the presidency" pants!

  10. I am looking forward to break as well! I was gonna run a Turkey trot on Thursday bbut now think I just want to sleep in a bit!

  11. Oh well you deserve some extra sleep. :)

    You don't like podcasts??? We are still friends. :)
