
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Weekly Workouts!

I had a great week! I'm just doing my thang, whatever feels good!

Did you notice I have been running sub 8s lately? My legs feel fresh. I feel GOOD!

Saturday- 8 miler in my hood. I didn't feel like running and quite frankly, felt heavy and creaky when I first hit the street. But after about a mile, I warmed up and I felt great!

Sunday- Another 8 miler! I pushed the pace a bit with this run but never felt too uncomfortable. I was sort of on autopilot and just got 'er done.

Monday-  5 miler. I got less than 5 hours sleep,which means I had an awesome run! No seriously, for some reason I run really well if I have a random night of no sleep.

Tuesday- Lifting @ home. Too much running so far this week and not enough lifting! Plus, I wasn't feeling well and took the day off to relax and stave off whatever was creeping up on me. I started to feel a little warm and fevery during this workout, so I was nervous I pushed myself too hard. But the feeling went away once I cooled off with a shower.

Chest Press- 5x10x25lb
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Push Ups- 5x10
Band Asst. Pull Ups- 5x6
Dumbbell Row- 5x10x25lb
Tricep Dips- 5x15
Bicycles- 5x40
Stab. Ball Sit Ups- 5x15x10lb
Stab. Ball Knee Tuck- 5x15
Stretching/Glute and Hip Exercises

Wednesday- 6 miles. I planned on 5 but I just felt so good! Thumbs down due to the fact that I had to wear a long sleeved shirt!

Pissed about long sleeves but happy for Karen!!!!

Thursday- 8 miles. Oh my gosh the cats woke me up at 2:45 and I could not fall back asleep! More on this run tomorrow...

Friday- 5 cold miles. Don't worry! I am lifting on Saturday! I am not going to make running 6 days a week a habit! 5 days is my normal happy place but this week... dang, I just felt like RUNNING!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Nice job! You had some awesome running this week! Can't wait to hear why your kitties decided to wake you up at 2:45 am--wow, that's early. My workouts were wonderful but would have been even better if I was back to running again. First 5K walk without my brace yesterday and everything feels great so far...just a few more days til I can get back to running! I did end up swimming 2.6 miles this week which is a lot for me...and my back lets me know what a good workout I gave it. Happy Saturday, friend.

    1. You are a swimming machine! Do you always do freestyle?

    2. yes, almost always freestyle--the day I did 1 1/2 miles I threw in maybe 6 lengths of breaststroke but that was at the very end.

  2. Its good weather for some speedier running! When I am in my normal running shape I naturally feel so much faster around this time of year. Now...well, running doesnt feel as hard but my paces are still much slower than usual, but thats the least of my concerns!

    1. That's right, I know you have bigger focuses! And I guess I have to concede that even though I want warm, sunny weather, the cool weather does help with the pace!

  3. Woohoo! Great week of workouts- glad your legs are feeling better too! My workouts have been crazy due to the stress of illness/hurricane/work but things are getting a little better now thankfully.

    1. I'm glad life is getting less stressful and your workouts are getting better. :) Thank you, I am so glad I felt really good all week. This has not happened in a longggg time.

  4. I love your long sleeve shirt!!! that is super cool!

    1. Thanks! It was from the Philly Marathon like 7 or 8 years ago! Still rockin' it!

  5. I feel bad for you about your sleep issues but DAMN you're fast when you're tired! lol!

    1. Haha! I know. My sleep is all screwed up right now.

  6. I love that you're feeling so good! Your pace is so consistent day after day - it's crazy to me that your body loves that pace. It's so FAST!

    I missed my Thursday run because that was the night that my mom dropped off Georgie and she wanted to get dinner. I don't regret spending the night with her since she's going on vacation for two weeks, but having to highlight that missed workout in red in my training log was sad! :'( hah!

    1. It loves that pace right now! I hope it continues. :) That is awesome you got to hang out with your mom Thursday night. I would not have regretted the choice to skip a run to hang out with my momma either! Has she seen your new place yet?

  7. Thanks Karen! I hope you have cooler temps for your MARATHON too! Hey you will get back to lifting when you are not focused on marathon training.

  8. Awesome run on your runs!! Sorry you have to dig out the long sleeves! do you warm up after you start running, or still too cold? oh, wait... we are getting a few days of warm temps! so good bye long sleeves for a few days?

    1. It was pretty cold! I was shivering the whole time. Short sleeves this morning. We're having a heat waaaave. ;)
