
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Weekly Workouts... (UGH!!!!!!!!!)

I had this whole wonderful post typed out and then... I accidentally deleted it! Okay, so here I go again. Round two. This whole blogging every day thing is going to get a lot harder if I keep deleting posts and have to write them all over again!

Saturday- 8 miles. It was really windy so I wasn't too excited but it ended up being a good run.

Sunday- 9 miles. It was a gorgeous fall run!

Monday- 6 miler in my hood. I felt good!

Tuesday- Lifting back @ home.

Wednesday- 8 miles before we left for NYC. 

Thursday- 8 miles in Central Park! More about that run in a couple days!

Friday- Lifting chest @ home.

How were your workouts this week?


  1. My workouts were good and I think last Saturday was just a bad fluke run because this week's runs were pretty stellar. It looks like you had some great ones with the Fall foilage and running in NYC. Plus some pretty good mileage in there as well!

    For the record, I use Windows Live Writer to blog and it's great! Haven't really lost posts with it. Not sure if it works with blogspot as I'm on wordpress, though.

    1. I am glad your runs were strong this week! That wind last week WAS the fluke, it wasn't you. Last night I dreamed I was racing in the wind!!! I am excited to get out today. I'm hoping to find a nice fall foliage run again.

      Thanks for that blogging tip! I am getting annoyed with blogspot because sometimes I will write a post and schedule it and then it will be scheduled but it is also saved as a draft... but it's not a draft. So I go and delete it from my drafts. So what I accidentally did was delete the post in drafts when it in fact was a draft... so confusing.

  2. Nice job on all the running! Fall running is the best, isn't it? I took 3 rest days while we were in Vegas (we walked a ton and I really wasn't wanting to push my ankle plus, it is kind of nice to give my body that kind of rest). Back at it Tuesday and so far, 3 runs (going out now), 1 bike ride, 1 swim! Halloween Party tonight which means late night which means REST again tomorrow. I can't wait to hear how it was to run in Central Park!

    1. Fall running is awesome. :) How is your ankle holding up from the runs? ARE YOU BACK????? :)

    2. It's doing good. I would not say I am back in that I am running slower and more cautiously. I still can tell when I have run (no pain but I notice the area) so just taking it one day at a time. I did a nice 5K this morning and then took Macy for her mile walk so feeling good.

  3. My week is Sunday-Sunday, so I still have half my runs to do! So far, so good tho.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Cool!!! I am sure I will see how they go on insta. :)

  4. Nice! I hate it when I accidentally delete a comment; I'd lose my shit if I deleted a whole post. Good for you for re-doing it! So cool that you ran in Central Park! AMAZING!

    1. Yeah when comments get deleted I get enraged as well! Clearly this do over was short and sweet but oh well. Central Park was fun! Cool to see the city.

  5. Wait until you feel good. You put in the work girl. You are READY!!!!

  6. I saw your other post about the Survivor podcast. Can't wait to hear about it! Hmmm, I did some more hill training this week which lead me to the belief that I'm out of shape. Haha!
    Good job on the Words game ;)

    1. It's so funny you said that about hills because today I had a really cruddy run full of hills and I wrote a post about how I am out off shape! Well, hill shape!!
