
Friday, October 28, 2016

I'm back!

I'm back!

You didn't even know I was gone, did you? Well, I don't like to broadcast that we are away from home. I would prefer to let you know I was gone rather than I am gone.

On Wednesday, Paul and I traveled to NYC to see a live taping of our favorite Survivor Podcast- Survivor Know It Alls!

I'll have a recap of that coming soon... and a recap of my Central Park Run! Woot!

But the short story is... I GOT TO MEET ROB CESTERNINO!!!!

And I had an awesome 8 mile run in Central Park on Thursday morning!

There's so much more to say, so stay tuned! I just need some time to get my thoughts down on paper and my pictures edited!

Even though we were only gone 26 hours, we missed our kitties! There is really no place like home.

You'll never guess what happened two days before we left. I discovered my wallet was missing! I finally tracked it down at the grocery store. I left it at the register and didn't even discover it was missing until the next day. It was so scary because obviously I need my drivers license and credit card to travel! But I found it and it's safe. Whew.

I was considering running a 5 miler tomorrow but I'm just not feeling it. I may wake up raring to go, but I'll more than likely just sleep in!

Oh, one last thing! Last night Paul and I were minding out own business... I was blogging, he was playing Guitar Hero. At precisely 6:01pm the doorbell rang. It was this big kid in like a burlap sack with a pointy hood kind of like the KKK. It was freaky! I didn't answer the door. Then I looked across the street and saw a bunch of girls walking toward our house dressed like cats. It was Trick or Treat night! I thought it was Monday but it was last night!

So we grabbed our bowl of candy (luckily it has been ready for weeks and no I hadn't eaten any of it) and got to work. We sat in our carport with our bowls of candy and played spooky music.

I was surprised because kids were taking HANDFULS of candy. One kid took like 5 pencils! I DON'T HAVE AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PENCILS! After we started running out of goodies, I told kids to only take one. "Just one!?" they asked. I was surprised. I feel like the polite thing to do is just follow the directions of the person handing out the candy! Although maybe that's the teacher in me...

Around 7:30 things really died down so we set the bowl out on our front stoop and went inside. There was probably like 20 pieces of candy left in the bowl. 5 minutes later, it was all gone. Someone must have taken all of it! What the heck!?

I guess we are too trusting. Is that what it is? One thing's for sure, Paul and I need to learn the Trick or Treat etiquette for next year!

That's it for today! I hope you have a great weekend planned!
What did I miss while I was gone?
Tell me what you do for Trick or Treat and what we did wrong!
Do you have any fun plans this weekend?


  1. Welcome back !! I hope you had a good time in NYC!

    I blame the parents kids, they needed to be given some guidelines on how much candy to take. They don't need 5 pencils! Or handfuls of candy, that's just rude!

    Soccer games this weekend and then hopefully some enchiladas at my moms. I'm very excited for enchiladas.

    1. Yum, enchiladas!!! :) Hopefully the weather is nice for the games. :)

  2. I was taught to only take one piece of candy. All this stuff makes me roll my eyes at today's kids. Maybe I'm getting cynical.

    1. I was very surprised because at school in general the students are very polite. Maybe it's just the mindset. School = follow rules, trick or treat = go crazy have fun!

  3. I don't understand how your neighborhood can just change Halloween night to a different night?!?! Who decides that? I have never heard of that in my life, ever! Is that an American thing? I AM SO CONFUSED. I also don't know who Rob Casternino is or however you spell his name. I feel like a total loser right now!

    1. Well for one, don't feel like a loser because you would only know who Rob Cesternino is if you were into Survivor, and even then, only if you listen to podcasts OR you have been a fan since season 6 or so. :)

      Second, I am not sure if it's an American thing or if it's a Pennsylvania thing... hell, even a CENTRAL Pennsylvania thing, but for my whole life, Trick or Treat was rarely ever on Halloween. It was normally on the last Thursday in October or something like that. I believe each township decides on their own. Because some kids in the past have bragged about trick or treating more than one night because they go to different townships. So we were under the impression it was on Monday because the township where I work (which is only 15 min from my house!) actually has it ON HALLOWEEN this year. So I just assumed all the surrounding areas did that too. NOPE. My township was last night.

  4. I've never heard of Halloween being celebrated on a different night than Halloween - that's so crazy. I sort of like the idea though because I bet Halloween costumes can get expensive and this gives parents/kids the opportunity to get multiple uses out of a costume if they trick or treat on multiple nights.

    I haven't dressed up in YEARS (I think my junior year of high school was the last time I went to a Halloween party dressed up) but this year I am going for it! Chipotle gives out $3 booritos if you dress up so I'm getting myself a $3 boorito this year :D

    1. What are you going to dress up as so you get a boorito!?

    2. A black cat! Cecil's biological mother is a black cat so I hope it's not too confusing for him :P

  5. Welcome back! I saw your post about running in central park and figured you were there but I agree with you, I don't like to post a bunch of information online or social media if I am going out of town. When we evacuated for the hurricane, we did not post on Facebook that we were. When people asked me publicly, I would message them... not answer on the comments. You never can be too careful and you never know who is watching or reading.

    Glad you had fun in NYC! Plus it sounds like Halloween was fun and I'm glad you guys were ready. Our trick or treat is Monday night but I still need to find something (else) to do!

    1. I am sure you will find something fun! Maybe a late night run?

      Yeah I don't mind telling my friends on FB if I am away but not on my blog. Because I know who my FB friends are but I have no clue who all reads my blog!

  6. I know she was snapping me while she was hiding from trick or treaters! It was so funny. :)

    Awww where are ya going???

  7. What a fun trip! I am super excited for you because I know how much you LOVE Survivor and everything about it. Good for you guys for getting away. And a run in Central Park...well, that is bucket list item for sure. So, why does PA have trick or treating on a different nite than Halloween? That is crazy!

    1. I have no clue!! Some places have it on Halloween and some do not. Very weird. MAKE SURE RICK READS MY SURVIVOR BLOG ON SUNDAY! Or at least have him look at the pics. :)

  8. I don't understand. What's trick or treat night? And what happens on Halloween? I haven't even bought my candy yet!

    1. In PA, or at least in Central PA, Trick or Treat night is not always on Halloween. I know, silly/stupid/whatever. Different townships even have it on different nights! So ON Halloween, NOTHING will happen here in my hood!

  9. SO glad you found your wallet, that is a scary thing to have happen! I remembered you were going to NYC, I just didn't know when.

    Back in my day....(haha), when we went trick or treating it was up to the adult who was handing out the candy to place the candy in out trick or treat bag. That way they could control how many were given out. I never remember a time where it was a free for all and we just "took" it.

    1. In hindsight we definitely should have placed the candy in the bags!
