
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Just checking in!

Hey hey hey! It's Wednesday! Just wanted to do a quick pop in today...

Thanks for your kind words and advice on yesterday's post about not getting sleep. THANKFULLY the next night I slept from 9-5:45 without waking up at all. It was wonderful. I felt like THE SHIT after my run!

Due to the advice you gave me, I am going to not eat 3 Airheads right before bed and see what happens...


I intend to have a toast with Paul on November 8th when Americans elect the first woman president!!!

...Unless Americans elect an orange president. In which case, I will use these wineglasses to collect my tears.

Oh, I'll tell you a quick story about the kiddos yesterday! We sang 10 Little Monsters in kindergarten and one of the students asked me, "Are you a monster?"

"I'm a music monster!!!" I said in a scary voice.

"GOD WILL SAVE US!" a little boy cried.

"He won't save a monster," another boy said.

"God is inside you," a little girl added.

"Ew, no he's not!" another kid said.

I love it. Whenever 5 year olds start talking about God, I just let them go. It's fun to listen to!

When I asked how class went the day before when I had a substitute, a little boy said, "It was crazy. Not a lot crazy, but a little crazy."

I am sure he speaks the truth!

Here's what I had for dinner last night...

And here is beautiful Jelly...

And last, I want to tell you how much I love the GOAT Snapchat filter!

Tell me a funny kid story!
What's your favorite Snapchat filter?
Do you like cheese balls, cheese curls, or Cheetos?


  1. I am so glad you slept better! That is great news. I bet you have such funny kid stories to tell. I am not around kids very much so I don't have anything to share. Your dinner looks delish!

    1. Thanks girl! Oh man so many kid stories, most of which I cannot share! But this one was definitely appropriate to share. :)

  2. I love cheetos. Especially the baked cheetos, but I also like the individual bags and bag those (guaranteed portion control). Haven't had cheese balls in awhile though. My favorite cheesy snack is by far cheddar chex mix!

    Glad you are sleeping better again! I will be right there with you watching on election night while you're sipping from your wine glass!

    1. I don't think I've ever had baked cheetos! Cheddar chex mix... that stuff gets me in trouble. When we had a cookout this weekend, one of our friends brought a HUGE plastic barrel of the cheese balls and left them at our place. (Score!!!!) Problem is, there is NO portion control!

      Election night... my heart races just thinking about it and I have to poop! I am so nervous!!!!

  3. Definitely Cheetos! I brought some for lunch today!
    Isn't it funny the stuff kids say?

    1. Yum, enjoy your Cheetos today!!! I eat beans at lunch so I can have cheese balls at dinner hehe.

  4. How was your sleep last night? I saw you ran like a lightning bolt this morning and wondered if it was because you didn't sleep at all...?!

    I haven't been on snapchat in over 24 hours - WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME?! I will definitely get to it today!

    1. I did sleep last night, don't worry!!! :) Yes I miss your snaps, but it is really just proof that you actually have a life when you're not snapping. :) Me on the other hand...

  5. Cheese balls for the win!! I'm going to be controversial today... I can't stand Snapchat filters. Maybe it's because I haven't tried it myself. So, I just scroll really fast past your Snapchat pics :) ha!
    Kids do say such funny things! I helped out at the school as a classroom volunteer, and that was entertaining. I can only imagine what a full day of that would be like!

    1. Oh no I am sorry you don't like the filters! As long as you don't scroll past my cat pictures we're still friends. ;)

    2. Oh yes, to balance it out I appreciate the cat pictures twice as much!

  6. Cheese balls? Nooooooo! They're orange, just like you know who. I won't get to see the debate tonight, since it's my late night at work. It's probably for the best, since my anxiety is at an all time high.

    1. LOL I know, believe me I did not miss the irony of including these little orange balls in my post today!

      I get HUGE amounts of anxiety for the debates! My pulse races!!! I am sure your mind is made up by now (don't you think most people's are???) so there is prob no benefit of you watching the debate if it is going to give you anxiety! I am the same way... but I just HAVE to watch.

  7. I like CHEESIES! Ha ha ha. And yeah, I grew up inundated with Christianity so I heard weird shit all the time. "Jesus is inside of me" is one of my favourites. Jesus gets around.

    1. Mmmm cheesies! :) I thought the God convo was so funny. :)

  8. We will be toasting for sure!! I'm going to plan for drinking!!

    Oh my god! your story on kids! I'm that weird parent that teaches her kid that Monsters are not always mean, they are misunderstood, and sometimes they are more scared of us.

    Ja ja !! The Cheese puff is still running for president! But I secretly love Cheeto Cheese puffs!! the eating kind, not the Presidential candidate kind.

    1. I hope you are right, Ana! I wonder how soon we will know on election night? I'm going to google that...

  9. Ooh we eat tortilla chips with melted cheddar A LOT.

  10. Haha oh man the kids comments kill me! I love what unexpectedly comes from their mouths. Just one of the reasons I'm a nanny!

  11. Cheese Balls! My kids are obsessed with them. I totally forgot the debate was on...I am def not into it at all!

    1. It's totally a kids food! Pretty good debate tonight... but I don't think it's changing anyone's mind!
