
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Breaking News: We are doing Trick or Treat this year!

Paul and I have never participated in Trick or Treat. Last year, we dipped our toe in the water by setting out a bowl of candy...

But this year, we're going all in! During a trip to Dollar General this past weekend, we decided on a whim to buy a bunch of candy and actually answer the door during Trick or Treat. Heck, maybe we will even dress up!

I just had to buy something called BODY PARTS candy!

And in case they are kids who can't eat candy or have way too much... stickers, tattoos, pencils, and spider rings!

The reason I never did trick or treat before was simple. I'm with kids all day long, then two nights a week I come home and teach piano lessons. Most years I taught until 7 or 7:30pm, depending on the day. My alone time was crucial! And by alone time, I mean pj + puzzle time!

But this fall I have lost a couple piano students and have plenty of time to recharge during the week. So now the thought of doing Trick or Treat sounds like fun, not a chore!

Do you do Trick or Treat?
What are you dressing up as this year?


  1. We sat outside and gave out candy last year for the first time, but didn't dress up. It was fun to see all the kids dressed up and excited! When we lived in the city we didnt get many trick or treaters but there are tons of kids around here now.

  2. We used to always stay home and hand out candy! Macy (although not dressed up) was the big hit for the kids (and she loved it). For the past 5 years, we have been invited to a Halloween Party. This year, I am doing "the day of the dead" along with my friends at work. HPE makes a super huge deal out of the day and employees can bring in their kids to trick or treat to our cubicles from 3 - 5 PM. If you and Paul dress up....I know we will be seeing a post and/or snapchat about it (please!)

    1. WOW HPE really does get into it! I suppose you aren't very productive from 3-5 on that day! :) Of course I will post and snap chat about it. :) Day of the Dead... like ZOMBIES?

    2. Day of the Dead like the Mexican Holiday:

      I will send you a picture of me and the gals (and maybe some guys) all dolled up!

  3. I love this! I put out non-candy items, too. You should print our a blue pumpkin and put it down near the sidewalk so kids with allergies etc know there are non-food items at your house!


    2. Yeah I totally have to do that blue pumpkin! I just saw that on FB the other day.

  4. Awww being able to do trick or treat is definitely an advantage of having a house. We've always lived in a condo or apartment building and no one ever trick or treats. This year we'll be in the townhouse but it's gated and there are only 10 other townhouses in the community so I don't think we'll be getting any trick or treaters. I'll buy special treats for Cecil though!

    1. Aww I am sure Cecil will be deserving of your treats. :) I was wondering if you'd do trick or treat since you have a town home.

  5. I would love to dress up (and dress Baylee up too) to give out candy but unfortunately our neighborhood kids never came out for trick or treat!

  6. I have always loved Trick or Treat, so I'm wondering why you didn't do it before? We dress up at work too.

    1. Well like I said normally I not only work with kids all day but then go home and teach piano lessons until late. I am kind of "kidded out" by then!

  7. Good for you guys! That's fun. Although I'd think you'd be sick of kids at the end of a school day. Halloween is on a Monday this year, no?

    1. Yes and they are actually DOING trick or treat on Halloween. Normally the towns around here do it on a Thursday. This year is the first time it's actually on Halloween. I wish it was on a Friday. Why a school night!?

  8. We did trick or treat but probably won't do it this year. Most likely Clay will go to MMA/BJJ and I will run somewhere or go out to eat with friends. Our neighborhood got a ton of kids the years we did it. This neighborhood doesn't do much for families without children (yes, Clay and I are child free and we are still a family), so I don't do much for the kids, haha.

    1. I definitely don't blame you for just doing your own thing! Hey, that's what we normally do!

  9. Those are exciting news! I hope you dress up!

    I love that you have things for kids who can't have candy! don't forget to put out your teal pumpkin!

    I did trick or treat one year, but kids interrupting my dinner got to be tiring. So I put out a bowl, closed the blinds and hid in my room until it was over. My family in chester county make it a huge production! My Dad buys a lot of candy and my sister dresses up. They both take turns handing out candy, my dad LOVES trick or treat night!

    1. I just heard about the teal pumpkin! I will have to do that. I guess you will be taking your little nugget out this year?

    2. I don't know yet. His father is being difficult. We have split it out for the last 5 years, and all of the sudden, he is "Not sure how he is going to manage the time".

      If I don't, I will be buried under blankets in my room, watching Glee.

    3. Oh man I am so sorry you have to deal with that. I hope you get to trick or treat with him!!

  10. Our neighborhood is huge for Trick or Treating. I try to recruit my parents to pass out candy at our house because we both like to go out with the kids. When my parents don't come over, we put a bowl of candy out and put a security camera on it! Mostly to see if we need to run home to refill the bowl, but it's pretty hilarious seeing the kids take the candy too. Especially when they look around, and then take more than they are supposed to!! :) busted!

    1. OOH A SECURITY CAMERA YOU GUYS ARE HARDCORE!!! You need to post that footage on Facebook!

  11. Oh I am totally gonna drink some brew!

  12. I did Trick or Treat the first year in my apartment, but not after that. All apartments I've lived in have been near neighborhoods, so all the kids in the complex would go over there.

  13. As a huge fan of Halloween, I was SO happy to see you will be passing out candy this year. Are you going to decorate at all or just take baby steps and start with the candy part?

    Warning...having candy in the house weeks before Halloween is a risk. We bought a bag from Costco a couple weeks ago and I'm pretty sure there is only half a bag left. Candy does not last long around this sweet tooth.

    1. Yeah! I know you love Halloween and go all out! I'm not a never say never person but I will say *probably* never going to decorate for Halloween, which is funny because our neighborhood really puts up a lot of decorations! The reason I don't see myself getting into Halloween decorations is because I LOVE CHRISTMAS and I decorate every inch of our house for that. So that's sort of my focus. Last year our Halloween candy got half eaten before trick or treat! This year we haven't touched it. It helps to have our *own* candy to eat!
