
Sunday, September 25, 2016

10 miler!

Wow, it is exactly 10:00 pm on Saturday night and I am just starting my blog post for tomorrow! (Well, today. You are reading it.) This hardly ever happens. Normally, I have at least a week's worth of blog posts set to publish. But a couple times of year I either slack, or I have writer's block, and I frantically write day to day.

I knew I was going to run 10 miles on Saturday and I figured I'd write about it for today's post. Then I didn't get home from my parent's house until late on Saturday night, hence not starting this post until the very last minute!

My weekend has been awesome so far, so check for my Weekend Wrap Up tomorrow for all that fun. Today I am going to stick to talking about Saturday's run.

I drove up to Millersburg on Saturday morning because I was going to spend the day with my family. I felt good and wanted to run long, I thought it would be more fun to run somewhere DIFFERENT than just my boring old neighborhood loop de doop.

Since I wanted to try to do 10 miles, I wore my hydration pack. I even wore my waist pack so I could take some pictures or you! Millersburg is very beautiful, as you can see!

Amish farm 

 Swinging Bridge

I felt okay during the run. I'll admit, I was a bit nervous since it has been awhile since I logged double digits. For the first 5-6 miles, I just ran what felt good. But then when I looked at my Garmin and saw I was doing so well, I tried to push the pace a bit.

Splits: 8:29, 8:35, 8:13, 9:03, 8:17, 8:16, 8:04, 7:56, 7:45, 7:28

My route was also pretty hilly! It was a good change from what I am used to, though.

This was my longest run since July! I loved running in my hometown. I was just in my own little world. Maybe I need to venture up to Millersburg more often. It may give me more inspiration/incentive to log some miles!

I was pretty tired for the rest of the day, but I refueled with some chicken tenders and a vanilla milkshake at the great Gratz Fair! More on that tomorrow!

I hope your weekend has been going well so far! Talk to ya tomorrow!
Bloggers, do you normally write a bunch of posts ahead of time or do it on the fly?

Where are your most beautiful running routes?


  1. Great run, congrats on getting back to double digits! I usually draft my posts over the weekend and then finalize them the night before. If I don't have time over the weekend then I may only get 1 post up during the week.

    1. Thanks girl! I like to finalize the night before too. I think I need to do a lot of writing today!

  2. Saturday was a Beautiful day for running! I would have to chalk it up as the best day so far this year! Glad you felt good during your 10 miles! Is the route you run on a trail of some sort or is it just a back road?

    1. I saw you had a long run too! Very great day. I just did back roads.

  3. What a fabulous place to run! Looks so beautiful and a perfect fall day. I don't really get the full effect of how pretty Colorado is because it's always dark when I run! Congrats on a 10 miler--that is wonderful, Megan!

    1. What a shame to not run in daylight in CO! It was a beautiful fall day- a little warm but nothing compared to the heat this summer.

    2. I know. But I get to see the beautiful sunrise each morning. Today it looked like orange cotton candy. It was amazing!

  4. Gorgeous pics - did you take them with your phone? They are so clear and beautiful!

    I never write my blog posts in advance! I write them around 10pm each night... which is why I usually miss Tuesdays. Since Monday is my rest day I tend to not have a lot to talk about unless I want to write about some random thing. I also miss Fridays sometimes because by Thursday night I am worn out! Maybe I should try writing a few in advance for Tuesdays and Fridays!

    1. I did take them with my phone! The cameras on phones are better than just straight up digital cameras.

      One of the things I like about reading blogs that are written the night before or the day of is I feel more connected to the blogger, like I know what is going on in their lives RIGHT NOW. If I have too many scheduled posts sometimes I feel disconnected from my readers, if that makes sense.

  5. Woo! Great run and beautiful scenery - thanks for all the pictures and hooray double digits. You are running so strong! Keep it up!

    1. Thanks Lindsay! Now I have a smartphone so I can take pics on a run! Actually this is the first time I ever took my phone on a run. I am too afraid of dropping it or getting it sweaty.

  6. Yes, hills are so much easier when it is cooler! And when there is pretty scenery. :) I have some drafts of weird thoughts. Sometimes they make the blog, sometimes they get deleted!

  7. Interesting -I usually think about blog posts for days, then finally get the chance to write my thoughts - and then it takes a few days more before I can finally add the pictures, and finally get to post it!! So nope, very rare that I have multiple posts ready to go. I need to challenge myself to get something written in 15 mins so then I could post more than once a week like I've been doing lately!!! Lofty goals, right? :)

    1. Yeah! I would love more TechChick blog posts. :)

  8. Woot! Nice job on the run! Long runs are a little nerve-wracking when you're out of the habit. I love all the pretty pictures!!

    1. It IS nerve wracking! And you know I am very out of practice.
